Monday, November 17, 2014

Zoo Survey - What San Francisco Zoo Employees Should be held Responsible for Gorilla Death?

So, with News at pretty much a standstill, meaning focus seems to be exclusively on the faulty doors, rather than any negligence on the part of the Keeper or lack of a "buddy system" protocol, are we to assume that the blame will exclusively bottom line with faulty doors?

I am all for uncovering truths, the documentation of past injuries and negligence on the part of Management is of paramount concern.  But in my opinion all the factors of that one night need to still be accounted for.  

Was there a "buddy system" in place?  
Was protocol followed?
Were eyes on the door at all times?
Was hand on the button at all times?

I hate to single out the one Keeper, as maybe they were following procedure as dictated, but maybe they weren't?  IN no way do I not think they are suffering because of this, that isn't in question, the question is, who is responsible for that single event?  Someone has to be.

The ignoring safety and other concerns of Animal Staff has to stop.  The communication gap between the Director and her Staff has to end.  Staff should not fear their jobs if they speak up, especially on safety issues, when lives are at stake,  Both Animal and Human. 

That said, who on the Staff should be held responsible?   Director Peterson?  VP of Operation Robert Icard?  VP of Animal Care David Bocian?  Primate Curator Corinne MacDonald?  Expert Terry Maples?   Who else ignored Safety Faults?

Should the responsible parties lose their jobs?

I know I'm not the only one who is asking these questions.  I've read many posts on News forums saying that so and so should be fired.  I'd like to see a collective tally, now that people are fired up. 

Please follow this link and take a Multiple Choice Survey of 10 Questions

What San Francisco Zoo Employees Should be held Resonsible for Gorilla Death?


  1. Excellent survey and i hope the zookeepers comment.

  2. First all YES, this keeper should be held responcible for the untimely death of Kabibe!!! I mean like if the button and door worked correctly as investigators stated: why didnt the keeper press it when Kabibe walked back? It should have been pressed! Animal safety first, where was the Keeper when it happened so the door wasn't pressed IF the controlpanel worked! Telling stories AFTERWARDS doesn't do the trick for me, that is easy. The Intelligent way would be telling stories BEFORE tragedy happens like: Those keepers should have made secret films, of all the mismanagement at the Zoo recarding animalsafety (as now is stated if I read correctly on the Internet by Investigators) and go to press anomious happens in Europe all the time. Have no idea if your name needs to be printed in USA but before going to Court you can do this secretly. And publish video evidence on various websites. A leak well it happend to the US gov. but it can't be done in a SF Zoo, c'mon? If you as a Zookeeper truly care and worry about the safety you should do something make it your lifegoal to expose the danger animals are in. If you don't do anything well... you eighter ignorant or non caring about the issue to me. In Europe with video evidence it aint necessary to have your name printed in news papers or the news. In Europe many animal abuse secret video's turn up on the news and on animal pages ... So why can't it be done in a SF Zoo? And why wasn't the button pressed?


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*If you have a problem commenting, don't see your comment (within 24 hours), or want to contact me for any other reason, please use the link on the sidebar.
*You can be a Voice for the SFZoo Animals by Contacting the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson at
*Thank You for taking the time to read about things that matter to me.