Thursday, May 2, 2024

Halle-FUCKING-lujah! The Bison Sprinklers Are Finally Working!

Yesterday was a good day out!   Checked several things off my to-do list before even leaving the house.  On my way out and about, taking my usual route through the Park, I was stopped in my tracks by a beautiful sight.  That's right, ear to ear smile, giddy in my Being, four, maybe five, sprinkler streams in full force in the Bison Meadow!!

For people who have been following my ranting for years about the sprinklers in the Bison being broken, I guess I hit it at the right time this morning and was treated to seeing this fantasticness!

I was driving along, running through my lists of stops for the day, and was taken by complete surprise and shock, to actually see water in the Bison Meadow!  I literally gasped and yelled out, Sprinklers are on!!! as I quickly veered to the curb to jump out for a photo and video!

This has to be a new development, as a worker was near them, I assume checking them out?  As well, the Bison have been in the back enclosure, so maybe they were working on it.  GOOD!  because rainy season is almost over and Mother Nature ain't going to be doing the Rec and Parks job for much longer!

People, I am so happy for the Bison, I tried to help them with this for many years.  I contacted Rec and Park so many times, and they just didn't care.  I should have gotten media involved.  Listen up San Francisco Recreation and Park Dept.  If I ever see dried brown bullshit in the Bison again, I'm contacting media about your neglect to provide grazing Animals, with greenery to graze on.  

Those sprinklers better be fixed and if they break again, you need to be on it asap, not years later!  And the back enclosure needs to be tended to and consistently green as well.  Not taking care of the enclosure per the lease agreement is an Animal Welfare issue and a disgrace.  Shame on you.

For those new to this issue, search this blog in the upper left corner for "bison".

In other awesome day animal news...

The male and female Lions, Jasiri and Lulu, have made progress in their introductions, and were sharing Yard A/B yesterday!  When I got there Jasiri had already retreated to the cave, so even after circling back, neither's position had changed.

The Spectacled Owls, male Quetzal and his new lady Athena, have also made progress, as I spied them for the first time sitting side by side in a shelter box!

The Tapir has been spending more and more time up front, and yesterday was the first time I've seen him in the pond!

Video shows, Tapir, Owls, and Condor.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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