Sunday, July 21, 2024

No Animal Enrichment Fun Allowed On Social Media?

Laying here watching Animal videos on Instagram, when I should be working on a blog post in draft.  When I saw this delightful post and started sharing to my Facebook, the text got longer and longer, becoming this post.

The screencap doesn't do the fun justice, view the video!

This is too much cuteness!  I Miss Our Precious Polar Girls.  I was telling a friend who I went to the Zoo with last week, where I think Pandas should go, (south of Grizzly Gulch) and that came with the want of a new Polar Bear enclosure, with underwater viewing ❤ next to it.  All of course after, the Orangutans get the home they desperately Need and deserve.

Additionally, I'll note that I love Jolly Egg toys for these Friends!  And that everyone loves seeing Animals having fun enjoying all kinds of Enrichment, whether it's random daily toys, or fun celebrations, especially Birthdays!  

Why am I noting the above?  I've heard this rumor from many the last couple months,... Staff was told to tone down Birthday fun, and then Enrichment fun, and it's allegedly no longer allowed to be posted on social media?

Evidently truth to it.  I haven't seen any recent Birthdays, most recently Black Rhino Balozi's Birthday last Wednesday.  I'm sure his Keepers gave him special treats, but unless you're there, you probably won't be seeing it. 

The Zoo made an odd post to Twitter two days after his Birthday, noting he was 16, but not recognizing his Birthday.  Ugh.

Here's a link to one of my videos from Balozi's 14th Birthday celebration, July 17, 2022.

Good grief Director Peterson, can you alienate endearing the public to the Zoo and it's Animals any more?  When are you retiring?


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"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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