Saturday, October 12, 2024

Animal Welfare Commission Report Piece On ABC News Last Night

I finished last night's post, feeling like it literally wrote like a breeze.  There were no pre-thoughts and organizing, I just wrote what I felt, as I was feeling it.  It was freeing and easy, and didn't hype me up like the writing of most posts do.  That said, after publishing, I had a link to ABC/KGO News waiting for me.  Someone had messaged me with it.  I was writing and the News was talking about it at the same time.

While writing the post didn't hype me up, after watching the TV News piece, my ears were pulsating so bad, I needed to wait before expressing myself any further.  It's 6:30am.  I just woke up, and attacking it now.  ... And yes, I'm proof-reading this at 10a.  Ugh, three+ hours on this.

After publishing last night's post, I realized I left out a thoughts that were running through my mind, through all my reactions.  No way to add them, as views had already started.  So, I watched the ABC piece.  Seeing that woman, Jane Tobin from the Animal Control and Welfare Commission, speaking was upsetting.  Reading her words were enough, they angered me, but speaking, confirmed that I needed to do a follow-up post that included my left out thought.  In my opinion,  Tobin's words are damaging.  For one, the Zoo is not "dilapidated", in the way she is portraying.  She is painting a picture of the Zoo being akin to a war zone.  Her words are irresponsible and dangerous.  They could have an impact on attendance (aka bringing in funds), further digging a hole the Zoo can not climb out of.

There is no doubt there is alot that needs to be done, but a walk-thru of the Zoo does not outwardly show those Needs.  Despite the failed additions Director Peterson and her project manager have created, Our Zoo is still a beautiful place.  You want to fix Our Zoo up, get rid of Peterson, and allow people with a vision to create spaces that work, instead of eyesores that litter the landscape of the layout.  

The comments about the WPA enclosures, I think are off base.  Utilizing the older enclosures is necessary, and they have been revamped decently.  The Bear Grotto that was turned into Wolves, is just one example.  When things like this are attacked, I know I'm listening to delusional people, who have dreams of grandeur that are never going to materialize, because there is no funding.  This woman's words make it sound like the whole Zoo needs to be redone and made state of the art.  What is her plan to fund this venture?   

Again, I'm waiting to read this report.  Because so far, it sounds like a bunch if critiques with no solutions.  I've been critical of alot over the years, but at least I have come at everything with ideas to fix them.  I also keep in mind, there are no funds.  That said, I also know if we could be rid of Director Peterson, there's alot of ways to raise funds for the smaller scale fixes.  Peterson has held the Zoo back by her lack of fundraising, and use of funds we do have, for projects that are not Animal related.  Most recently the damn train situation.

Let me rant for a bit about the train.  This unnecessary project that obscenely over a million dollars is being spent on, has destroyed a natural area.  The extension around the lake where the Pelicans live is an eyesore that has turned a pretty area into an amusement for humans.  I also have concerns that it encloses the lake on three sides, providing the Pelicans almost no refuge, and certainly no peace.  This week I saw this bullshit that extends over the water onto the Island where the Pelicans rest.  What the serious F?!  I feel like crying when I think about what has been done there.

Whoever's idea this was needs to be fired.  The continued use of funds, creating these asinine projects, is making it harder to get the Zoo back to what it was and should be.  If only we could go back to 2018.  And Peterson was gone.  We would still have the Primate Center intact, and possibly a logical plan for that area, not the Donor vanity project of MADagascar, that has no Madagascar Animals in the specific location of the teardown, that became a six year pit, that resulted in a literal pit, as the only structure built looks like a big BBQ pit.  We wouldn't have that damn metal bridge fiasco in Triple Grotto, because we wouldn't have Orangutans yet.  Things were looking up, as the Chimpanzees were moving to their new home.  Logical plans for Triple Grotto could have been made, and our Orangutans would have a beautiful, appropriate home, and would not have suffered the mental, and physical trauma of being stuck in caged tubes has caused them.  Tanya Peterson caused those poor Beings irreversible damage, with her selfish, uncaring attitude towards Animal care.  Moving on, that horribly designed Snow Leopard enclosure would not be there, and again, a decent enclosure and design for that area could have been thought out.  We would still have four Cat Grotto's, which is necessary.  Cats don't use the double-wide space.  At best, one double-wide to rotate through would have been enough.  Leaving three yards, which would have been the logical way to go, but we don't have someone in charge with logic, or care.  I could go on, but all this is nothing new.  Unfortunately, much of this can't be reversed, so the Zoo is left with some permanent scars, including that damn new train track. The only thing that can be saved is Triple Grotto.

So much wasted money.  It makes me sad.  I fantasize I win the biggest lotto, because other than personal security, and helping rescues, the only thing I'd want to do, is fix Our Zoo.  I want to erase all the stuff above.  I want to drive the bulldozer that takes down that fucking bridge at Orangutans.

So, what do we need now?  So much and it's not Pandas.  The Jaguar has been brought into this "report".  As far as I know, this is moot.  I've been told the Jaguar is not moving into that yard.  And while I think the Jaguar could use more space, I have been told by Keepers that the size is enough for him.  As well, it is reportedly larger than his previous enclosure at Sacramento Zoo was.  That all said, my redesign of the area would expand the enclosure he's in.  So back to the unnetted Yard (B) that has been brought up.  That yard will never be netted.  It is too large a space, the cost would be outrageous, and it would look odd next to (A) which would remain unnetted.  That yard could still house a Tiger.  That said, Chinese Officials have already been there multiple times, reviewing it for temporary Panda housing.  I have a better idea, but that's for another time.  I think this location was chosen as when Pandas were here in the 80s they were housed in the then reduced Yard A.  

Well that turned into a long-wind I didn't plan.  Actually none of this is planned.  I'm again just going with the literal flow.  So, back to what we need.  First, put an end to Gardens and Art Installations.  That nonsense needs to stop.  Funds at this point, should only be allowed for Animal related projects.  That goes for Donor locked funds as well.  Back-burner them.  Doing Wants before Needs, is not only self-entitled to demand, but sends a bad message that Animal Care is not the priority.  And that specifically relates to the mindset of Director Peterson and the Society Board, not the care the Animals receive from Keeper Staff.

Foremost, we NEED the area of Triple Grotto to finally be redone for the Orangutans.  It Needs, a netted enclosure, a dayroom, new night quarters, and two aviary enclosures to house Siamangs and Gibbons.  That are the Needs to bring the Great Ape Passage as it was called, to fruition.  It's an Animal Welfare Need, and a visual Need.  That area is a focal point of the Zoo.  Start there.  We need Primate Species.  Losing almost all our Monkeys was a huge fail.  Monkey's are the first Zoo Animal kids learn about and come to see.  While being Apes, Siamangs and Gibbons, are still Primates in the Monkey sense of it, and would be a valuable addition. ... Then demolish the Langur cages and adjacent area towards Mandrills as previously described.  Rebuild area with two aviary enclosures and night quarters for Monkeys. ... Staying in that same are, the old Patas enclosure needs to be inhabited.  I've heard it can no longer house that Monkey species.  It's a decent enclosure that seemingly doesn't need much work, make it happen. ... We need more Roos.  The WalkAbout has felt like a ghost town since the tragedy.  Add some life in there!  And build a better fence!  That temporary, tarped fence has been there for what, ten years?  ... I'm going to stop here on the fence note.  Scroll through this blog, I've written at nauseam about what should be done. 

Again, this TV piece, much like the Chronicle article, was designed as a tabloid punch.  Where is the report?  That's the real story.  ... So, since there is no report, who knows what all their targets are.  And I would bet, it comes with no solutions.  

That said, I was surprised by this...

Is someone other than me talking about the Perimeter Fence?  Would they even have noriced the Perimeter Fence if they hadn't read my blog?  And I say they, as I know the Activist has.  Regardless, I am curious how many times Jane Tobin has been to the Zoo and just like every Zoological Board Member who's come to the Zoo even once a year for their annual pat themselves on the back cocktail party, driven past that Perimeter Fence with tunnel vision straight to the bar.  That Fence has been literally crumbling for at least two decades.  It's not Animal related, but it not only is the first impression of the Zoo, but more importantly, represents how management cares about the Zoo. 

Get rid of Peterson and put a stop to her wasting money on nonAnimal, nonsensical, and scattered approach to projects.  Restructure the Society and management of the Zoo, which includes not just the Society, but the roles of the RecPark (who can't even fulfill their responsibility to keeping the Bison meadow watered), and Joint Zoo Committee Panelists.  Each person who has been tasked in the last sixteen years with responsibility to the Zoo, has failed it.  You think there are problems at the Zoo?  Each one of you are at fault for it.  Your negligence has allowed it.  You should all be ashamed of yourselves.  The Zoo is an Animal Care Facility, your neglect of duty has been to Living Beings.  Every one of your positions needs to be filled with people who care about the Zoo, and actually want to work to see it reach it's potential and thrive into the future.

The Zoo is in jeopardy of not having a future, with it's current mismanagement structure, and words like those of Tobin's and the Activist, which in my opinion can get the doors closed.  

Related Post:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,  #AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas

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