Sunday, September 22, 2024

Zoo Spends Over $1 Million On New Train & Tracks, While Orangutans Wait For New Enclosure.

Despite delusional claims made by Officials in the recent Chronicle article, I guess the San Francisco Zoological Society Board not only supports Zoo Director Tanya Peterson, but also how funds are constantly being used for Non-Animal Wants, instead of Animal Needs.  It sickens me that no one seems to comprehend, or maybe it's just sadly that no one cares, that the Zoo is an Animal Care Facility.  The Animals Needs, should be the priority, not Gardens, Art Installations and Train Tracks.  

I've been making notes for my expanded post on the Board's support of Peterson.  Unfortunately, it's been days and I've gotten no where in forming a post, as there is too much to put forth, in regards to the outrageous position the Board has taken.  I suspect I will be making several posts, instead of one.  

Despite an endless list of mismanagement fails during Peterson's sixteen years at the helm of Our Zoo, the Board refuses to request her resignation and choose a Competent and Qualified replacement (which there already is on Staff), two elements that Peterson lacks.

The obvious next installment in this series would be to tackle one of the topics of failure I noted in my last post.  In addition to the ones I did mention (Animal Welfare Offenses, Society Member Locked Donations, and Grounds/Maintenance Needs), there is also Animal Enclosure Upgrades, and Lack Of Fundraising.  While I work on the bullet points under those topics, I'm going to interrupt that flow and get right into the obscenity of the Train situation that's going on right now.

There is a long list of Needs at the Zoo, and my continuing to put the Orangutans at the top of the list, is not meant to slight any others.  It's just I will never forget the faces of our Ollie and Amoi, as they stared, day after day, down from their caged tube home, into the Chimpanzee yard, while having no enclosure of their own.  The Cruelty they experienced because of Zoo Director Tanya Peterson's lack of care, compassion and empathy, is so disturbing.  It makes my blood boil.  

Peterson, chased Orangutans til she got them.  Had no enclosure for them.  Hoarded them in caged tubes for eight months straight, with no other place for them.  Cried poor at every turn to renovate even one of the Triple Grotto's for them.  Two years and finally, something was done, but not FOR them.  Sure they got access to the enclosure, but not one thing was done for them.  Instead of filling in the moat and netting the Grotto, giving them more space, and climbing enrichment, money was spent to add so much bullshit to the enclosure, just to avoid netting, which she claimed cost too much. ... And now, she's spending over a million dollars on the Train!!!  Out-fucking-rageous!!!   

The million, plus all the money spent on Gardens and Art bullshit, the last six years, could have been spent to build the Orangutans the home they deserve.  Instead they languish on two tiny islands that they hate.  Peterson and the Board make me sick, and should be ashamed of themselves.  Sadly, they seem to have no shame.

So, the Train.  Over a year ago, a former high-paid minion of Peterson's, somehow finagled the purchase of a new Train Engine.  The Green Train, was dubbed "Cobby", in tribute to Our Beloved male Chimpanzee who had passed away.  Last month, I saw the Cobby Train out on the tracks by the Tropical Building.  There were also non-Zoo workers unloading tracks along that portion of the route.  

Not long after that, someone messaged me and told me it cost $300,000!   I was shocked, and of course, my first thought was, what 300k could do for the Orangutans.  Cobby was very special to me, so it makes me uncomfortable to hate on the Green Train, but there is just something not right with spending that kind of money on something the Zoo doesn't need, when there are so many things it does need, that get vetoed by Peterson, who's broken record titled No Money continues to play.

A couple of weeks ago, the grass around Eagle Lake was ripped up, and as I walked towards Bears, it was obvious they were scoring out a new addition to the route for the train (seen in pink).  

As I walked the old route, all the track was up, so that meant it was being replaced.  Further investigation revealed the reason for all this.  When they bought the Green Train, allegedly no one bothered to find out if it fit the current track.  It does not.  So there needs to be a completely new track laid that will accommodate both Engines.  Allegedly, the old tracks were the original laid and at some point would need replacing.  In my opinion, that didn't need to be now.  Even if the old tracks became an issue, running the Train should not take priority over Animal Needs.  

This project should never have been green lit.  The Green Train should have never been bought.  The excessive Gardens, around the Orangutans, on the Carousel path, and the VIP entrance, should have never been built.  The new Art Installation across from Orangutans should have never been commissioned.  All the money spent on this non-Animal bullshit, could have built a new enclosure for the Orangutans, Animals who's Welfare should be Director Peterson's and the Society Board's primary concern.  

The San Francisco Zoological Society Board and Zoo Director Tanya Peterson, do not care about the Zoo or the Animals that call it home.

Related Post:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco ,  #SanFranciscoZoo #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #Zoos,#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence

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