Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Good Grief, City Workers Can't Find The Can - What A Joke!

It's 5a and I just woke up.  I'm seriously about to lose my mind.  One of the things that really irks me is incompetence.  If someone can't do something, I guess we can chalk it up to just being human, but if you can't do the something you're getting paid to do, that's the irk!

If you read my previous post, you know that I contacted DPW (Dept of Public Works) via SF311 on Twitter, in regard to a broken down trash can outside the Zoo entrance.  Huge ground mess and eyesore.  The mess is not the first time, so once again, I requested it be removed, as it adds to the downtrodden appearance of Our Zoo.  I was told it was under twenty day review.  After two weeks, I complained that trash is still being picked up, and that it was lazy to not at least clean the ground mess.  Reply was, should be cleaned in three days.  No change as of last Wednesday, the twenty-second day.  

After documenting this in a post Sunday, I had planned to monitor it out of disgust, but not waste time or energy posting about it.  Then, yesterday as I was on my way home, northbound Great Highway from Skyline, the state of traffic barrier barrels that are placed between the lanes and the split that leads to the Zoo's parking lot, pissed me off.  I've been shaking my head at these barrels for at least a year, but they've probably been broken down for years, I just never monitored the time frame.  Now, with the trash can negligence,  I've added this to my list of projects.  

Again people are probably like, this old gal needs a life lol!  You know, complaining about these things are not how I want to spend the time in my life, but after monitoring all the Zoo bullshit for going on seventeen years, I'm just really tired of No One Caring about Our Zoo, inside and out.

These small issues on the outside of the Zoo may not have much weight against the big issues inside the Zoo, but they are related.  They also add another page in the book of Mismanagement of Our Zoo by Director Tanya Peterson, and the Zoological Society.  The Perimeter Fence, the Trash Can, these Barrier Barrels, none of these things should have been neglected.  At first sight of damage, they should have been attended to, not after long-term deterioration.  Appearance not only matters, but it shows care, and if care from the outside is not shown, what does that say about management care inside?  Alot obviously.

I started documenting the perimeter fence in 2020, but it had been broken down for many, many years, and still is.  Director Peterson and Society Members (on occasion), have driven past that fence and/or those barrels, to get into the lot, and no one has cared to do anything about the sight of them.  Peterson has refused to remove that fence, and I'm sure she has never contacted The City about those barrels and certainly not the trash can.  

In fact, it was only after my post on Sunday that the ground mess around the trash can was actually cleaned-up.  

I drove by and saw it yesterday, so I have to assume that someone at the Zoo read my post, and had it taken care of, because I know it wasn't DPW.  And with that, Why did I have to blog about it?  Couldn't someone just sweep it up to begin with?  Like a month ago?  Considering, the Zoo left this graffiti out there over a week, until I blogged about it, I guess I need to work quicker calling attention to stuff.  Tsk!

Last night I sent SF311 a message, with my previous blog post, asking them to forward it to DPW.   I also asked if they can access notations by SR #'s (Service Request)

Good effin' Grief!   DPW closed the case because they couldn't find the trash can!  This is just lame.  I can't even with this.  It's literally in front of the Zoo.  I can't comprehend this, so I have to believe they never even went out there. ... I just sent them a map. Advice: Don't invite DPW workers on a scavenger hunt.

I also sent them a separate message about the barrels.


Well, well, the barrels are in part the responsibility of the RecPark!  Another entity who has proven to be negligent in their job, certainly in regard to the Zoo. The whole nest of slacker bullshit that surrounds the Zoo is apparently never-ending. 

Previous Post:

Why Do City Departments Give Our Zoo The Middle Finger?



Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Why Do City Departments Give Our Zoo The Middle Finger?

Much like my years ago requests, regarding Our Zoo's perimeter fence replacement (SFRecPark) and graffiti abatement (SFPublicWorks), City Departments seem to hear Zoo, and cover their ears, while extending their middle finger.

I wrote this in a previous post in regard to the issues mentioned above. ... 

> "Again, very poor of the City of San Francisco to not try and help a Zoo that they own, that is on City property, and that carries their name.  Once again, because the Zoo is so far from the geographical area that concerns them, apparently no one seems to care." <

This week, it will be a month since I saw the City's trash receptacle outside the Zoo, was a broken down mess.  It looked like it had been bludgeoned from the top, and burnt out, with chunks and bits of concrete crumbled onto the ground.

I sent a clean-up, and/or complete removal request and photo for the Public Works Dept? to SF311.  The later, I had requested long ago when another trash can issue was a blight on the front of the Zoo.  Ignored, this receptacle location has remained, and is always a mess.

The reply was review on replacement or removal status would happen "within twenty days".

Two weeks later, the mess was still there.  I sent an updated photo, and expressed that I felt, the least they could do in the meantime, was clean the ground debris.  Response was, clean-up within three days. 

The mess was still there on my next visit, which would have been the fourth day. ... My initial reaction was to immediately call bullshit on the situation, but with the twentieth day approaching soon, I decided to wait.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a bitch about this, but they come by and take the trash, it's friggin' lazy to not sweep the debris, or any other mess left as a result of their receptacle in this location.  Likewise, it's shameful negligence seeing the damaged unit (weeks, maybe months ago), while on the job, and not ordering a new one on their own.  Why does a member of the public need to call attention to this?  

Some might think, Why do I care about such things?  If you are one to wonder, re-read that sentence.  The operative word is Care.

My visit last Wednesday marked day twenty-two.  The mess and the broken down receptacle is still there.  

I will now follow-up with SF311, and include the link to this post for them to forward to Public Works.  Noting, "Day 22, Mess still there.  I give up.  No One cares that the front of Our Zoo looks like shit.  Thanks for trying." 

Additionally, there is a City trash receptacle directly across the street.  So, this one is unnecessary and just invites extra trash that creates a mess in front of Our Zoo.

Considering this does have to do with the appearance of Our Zoo, Staff could and should have swept the destruction debris to the gutter, but it really is not their job.  Though coupled with the state of that damn broken down perimeter fence, the front of our Zoo looks war torn, and someone needs to have pride in Our Zoo, even if it doesn't come from the top.

I see this all as just another middle finger on the part of a City Department in regard to caring about Our Zoo. ... The first being the Zoo's own head Department, SF RecPark, who refused to include them in their New Fence Project in 2020.  

The following is one of many posts I've written documenting the "perimeter fence" (searchable keyword).  ... Like my previous post subject "bison",  the fence issue is tiresome.

The Continuing Saga Of The Disgraceful Perimeter Fence 



Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Two Months After Storm, RecPark Still Hasn't Repaired Bison Fence

Last Wednesday I did my weekly walk-around the Bison Paddock to check on fence progress.  Disgracefully, there is none.  

For those not following along, I will give a short synopsis, and also link a related post at the bottom for those who want more details.

On December 16, while in the midst of a brutal storm, the west side of The City, and down the coast, got a Tsunami Warning.  Immediately worried about the Bison, and asked a friend who was going to be out the next day, to check on them.  She reported fallen trees and downed fences, but the Bison were safe and contained in the back enclosure.

The next day, I did a full walk around the perimeter.  Trees fell and damaged the Bison fence on three sides.  Trees were still on toppled and wide-open fence panels on the East and West sides, and fallen branches had mangled the front fence along JFK (South).  Those branches were removed and that portion had been Zip Tied together and was propped up.  The devastation to our poor Park was awful.  It seemed like that one stretch had a tornado sweep through.  We lost a massive beloved tree directly across from the Bison, that up until a few years ago, hosted a nesting pair of Great Horned Owls for over four decades.

It was clear that clearing this area, as well so much of the Park was going to be a huge task, but my concern was the fence that enclosed the Bison home.  I understand that I am possibly hyper-sensitive to this being a priority, because of the RecPark's years-long neglect of their responsibility to maintaining the sprinkler system in the Bison Paddock.  That said, it is an area that is home to living Beings and I don't think it's unreasonable to expect it to have some level of priority.

As I write this, I realize today is exactly two months since that event and it's still a shit-show. 

I have asked RecPark more than once, starting the week after, If at the very least, new fence panels have been ordered? That question has never been answered.  

I find it outrageous that new panels were obviously not ordered either immediately after the event, or possibly not at all.  If they had, at least the JFK side of the fence could have been replaced long ago. Instead it is still held together with Zip Ties.

JFK ... 2.12.25

Two weeks ago, the trees that were still on downed fences, were finally cleared. 

The West side remains wide-open. 

West ... 2.12.25

And the East was obviously still open, until the day I was out there, because when I walked up, I spied these two trying to Zip Tie the East fence.  Wish I had video on, as one tried to walk-away thinking he had it secured and it fell.  I laughed, as tweedle one went over to help tweedle two start over.  I mean seriously, those panels are all twisted and shit.  This is ridiculous. 

East ... 2.12.25

If the Park had ordered new fence panels immediately after the storm, this would all be fixed. When I first approached, I asked one of these two, "Will this ever be fixed?"  I think his response was, "At some point!"  😮 I wish I can say for certain those were his exact words, but seriously, my mind hurts from this effing situation.  

Related Post:

Bison Fence Storm Damage Update & Responce From RecPark (Jan 6)



Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

New From The Zoo This Valentine's Day - Pandas Coming Soon?

Someone contacted me Friday morning after they saw this on the Zoo's Instagram...

They wanted to know if Pandas had been confirmed.  They ended their inquiry with this perfect expression... 

"My heart is sinking on this Valentine’s Day…"

Everyone who cares about the Zoo, knows bringing Pandas to Our Zoo, especially at this time, is wrong on so many levels.  It is irresponsible, and would be disastrous not only to the Zoo's future, but specifically to it's present state.

My answer to that inquiry was, I had not heard anything.  Adding that, in my opinion, Director Tanya Peterson has been suspiciously quiet, so who knows what the status is.  

Considering the Board of Supervisors initiated an Audit (start time unknown), that reportedly could take from nine months to a year, there should have been a stipulation that the Panda Plan be put on hold until the Audit was completed.  Supervisor Connie Chan reportedly suggested it at the audit hearing on Dec 10.  Chan said, "... if the Zoo needs to pause its Panda project to address financial and safety issues, “so be it.” ... Even though it is noted by the BOS that these Audits are routine, the financial weight of bringing Pandas to Our Zoo is one of the things that prompted the Audit. So, there should have been a pause stipulated.

It is worth noting for those who haven't followed along, the Zoo has reportedly not had an Audit since 1999.  I note this as I see it as another fail on The City to provide necessary oversight of the Zoo.  The Zoo is in the position it is, because of mismanagement by Director Tanya Peterson, and the Zoological Society.  In addition, oversight neglect by the Society, SF Recreation and Park Commissioners, and the SF Board of Supervisors.  All entities have shown zero care for the Zoo, at the every least since 2008, the now seventeen years since I have been monitoring it.  It's Shameful.

Let's do a short recap on Why the whole Panda Plan remains pure Insanity.

Aside from the projected cost of $40 Million (over a ten-year lease), which is an outrageous commitment,  there are the initial costs that just don't add-up logically. 

The most recent report is, to save (this is surely a joke) money, instead of the original plan to spend $25 million on two Panda enclosures ($20 mil for permanent + $5 mil for temporary), the new price tag is $8 mil for one enclosure.  That enclosure is slated to not only be in the Lion House/Yards, but to take over to the extent that the Lions will be displaced from the Lion House, by Pandas.  I know, again, insanity.  But wait, there's more.  

In addition to the $8 million to repurpose the Lion House/Yard for Pandas, an additional $1.? mil, will be used to build the Lions a new enclosure.  So, in reality over $10 mil will most likely be spent to displace Lions and accommodate Pandas, an Animal that is not a current resident of Our Zoo.

You can not tell me that $10 million can't build a new enclosure for Pandas?  

I was against the $20 million for a new enclosure, because the Orangutans have gotten nothing, but if we are destined to get Pandas against all controversy, building a new enclosure east of Grizzly Bears would be the most logical thing to do, both financially and logistically.   

The reality of Our Zoo having Pandas is that we most likely will not be able to afford them to fulfil the ten year lease.  Also, with the current President, China could repossess them at any time, even reneging on agreement before they even get here and after money has been spent displacing the Lions and ruining the Lion House/Yard.  It's a waste on a whim of hypothetical grandeur.

I've posted this before, but for those not following, the reality of the ruin to the Lion House/Yard is real.  One of the key components of that yard repurposing, will be to fill in the moat.  Once that is done, that enclosure can never hold Big Cats again.  There is no dialing it back at a later date.  ...  At least building new at east end, that enclosure can be used to house the Black Bears in the future.

The current Panda Plan will be disastrous for Our Zoo.  It is another selfish Want from Director Tanya Peterson, with the support of the Zoological Society, and the naive and delusional City Entities, and Donors.

Anyway, I support planting Bamboo, rumor has it, they need it for Red Pandas.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows.  

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed , 


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Friday, February 14, 2025

Think About The Things You Love This Valentine's Day

I honestly don't think there is any member of the public who Loves Our Zoo more than I do.

There was something at, or rather not at, the Zoo this week that irked me, but I wasn't sure I was going to post about it. Last night, it came up again and on the Eve of Valentine's Day, I realized it has ties to love.  

Late last Friday afternoon, the day after Our Gorilla Oscar Jonesy passed away, the Zoo posted this to their Twitter...

When I visited the Gorillas on Wednesday morning, there was No Memorial sign, No container for Flowers, No designated area for Cards or Drawings.  Not only do I not understand, I wondered, How many people have gone to the Zoo in the past six days with expressions of their Love for Jonesy and were confused by this?

I understand if no Memorial sign text could be immediately formulated, but there was a sign in a standing frame (like those used for other Memorial signs) that asked for visitors to be respectful of the Gorillas during this time of mourning.  A container could have been placed below that.  As well, a space on one of the walls for cards, drawings or other memories that wanted to be shared.  This was done on the barrier fencing at Bears when Our Ulu (Polar Bear) passed away.

I'm sorry to be judgemental in this time and about this, but this should never have happened.  It lends directly to mismanagement.  There is a general lack of communication across departments, and there certainly had to be in this situation, or someone just dropped the ball.  This can not happen with situations relating to Animal passings and Tributes to them, especially when the Zoo announces an invitation to visit and pay your respects with items in their memory.  

I don't know how this happened, but I do know, or rather I strongly believe, If Our Zoo had a Caring Management Administration, this would not have happened.

That said, I noted in a previous post that I had thoughts about the future dynamic of our troop.  While I don't like to talk about anything remotely in reference to "replacing" a beloved member of our Zoo Family, especially so soon after, I know I'm not the only one who wonders what happens next, because it's something I've been asked.  In my opinion, I think after a period of mourning, the best option for the future of our troop, would be three things. 

Before I note those things, I want to share this photo I took Wednesday.  

It was sad to see Kimani still seemingly not part of the "family".  She watched on as Monifa chose to sit with Bawang.  All obviously still adjusting to the sad new norm, but at the same time, without Jonesy, Kimani may have no one.

In my previous post I wrote about the history of the three Ladies and Jonesy. 

> In 2019, a female Gorilla named Kimani was moved to the Zoo, as a recommended breeding partner for Jonesy.  Jonesy had previous sired two offspring, one with Monifa, who also still has a breeding recommendation with him.  From monitoring the Gorilla history and other information, as I understand the situation, Kimani had previously been around breeding females and has witnessed births.  Monifa had not, so she had either no instinct and/or no interest in being a Mother.  It was thought that Kimani, would be a successful Mother and Monifa would learn from that.  It's been over five years and from what I last heard, they were allegedly still not actively breeding either female.  The reason I heard repeatedly, was that allegedly Zoo Director Tanya Peterson, didn't want to breed them or anyone, because she was unwilling to pay Keeper overtime if a birth resulted in a Mother rejection, requiring round-the-clock care.  Now, we have missed the opportunity for Jonesy to have been a Father again. <

The related take-aways are,...

*Kimani had a breeding recommendation with Jonesy.  

*Monifa didn't have instinct or interest in being a mother, so it is unknown if that would happen again.

*Kimani seemingly has no friendly connection with the other ladies.

What I think is a logical and doable plan, would be to first put Monifa on birth control in preparation for bringing in a new male.  I think recalling Monifa's son Hasani to rejoin the troop, would satisfy the genetic compatibility with Kimani's breeding recommendation.  Since Hasani is still young, before physically bringing him back, I think another female, breeding or non-breeding, of similar age to Hasani (16) and Kimani (20) to hopefully bond with Kimani, so she has a friend in the troop.  It has been sad observing her seemingly be shunned for the last five years.  

Those are my thoughts for today.  Thoughts because I care.  Thoughts of love for these Friends.  

I hope the Zoo gets it together by next week and provides a place for those who want to, can bring those items of tribute and/or remembrance, and have a place to put them.  


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows.  

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed , 


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Another Sad Day In Zoo Friend Land

Friday February 7, 2025

I came back to my cozy with a bowl of Chili, and I was ready to start a movie, when I glanced at my tablet and saw the preview of a message from my Mother.  "Oscar the Gorilla passed away".

It's still fresh, so as I type this, tears are flowing. I'm thankful for so many wonderful memories.  Jonesy was a Good Gorilla. From my experience, he seemed like a sensitive guy.  He didn't like direct eye contact, but allowed a quick glance and greeting from those he knew.  He was the master of the side-eye, always keeping a watch on the peoples, and often with a smile.

The perfect capture! 
Courtesy of GRPhotos
Thank you!

He was easily irritated by misbehaving visitors, but showed interest in the ones who he felt were respectful.  I often thought his displays when reacting to Zoo Shitheads (as I call them), were misunderstood.  Like me, he just wanted peace.  Maybe it's the Leo in us 😊.  He seemed to have that with his Gorilla Family.  

screencap from my video


With Oscar Jonesy's passing, that makes three Zoo Friend losses in recent times, who I felt a connection with.  A couple weeks ago, I learned of two other long-time Residents who I also knew very well and who knew me, had passed away, Angelo the Anteater and Pablo the Donkey. Lando the Fox, sadly also left us recently.  He was an elusive little Friend, I was always happy when I got to see him up and moving about.  There's been lots of tears lately. 

Many years ago, I used to write about most of the passings.  In more recent years, that became sporadic, which I still feel guilty about.  All the losses deserve to be recognized.  I often got behind, or at certain times just decided to stick with mismanagement documentation and keep my personal tributes to myself.  There have also been times that I've written a post that I didn't publish, again just deciding to stay on the documenting course.  That's what happened with the one I wrote about Angelo and Pablo.  It has made me sad, as some Friends lives don't get recognized, and it's important to me that they do.  Each one, deserves that.  I want to be the one who does that for them.  Unfortunately, times have changed since I was able to be that person, because Zoo bullshit has taken over.  I hope in better times, I will have the energy to get back to that.  

Last May when we lost Minnie the Chimpanzee,  I waited for the Zoo to announce her passing.  To this day, they still have not.  It's still upsetting.  Minnie was one of two of the longest living Residents of Our Zoo.  Her life deserved to be recognized.  She arrived in 1970, at an estimated one year old, living at the Zoo, fifty-four years.  

Pele, the last of the two female Red Pandas, passed away last fall.  No public mention of this senior Lady's life either.  The post I wrote and never published, was to again note (like I had when she arrived in 2015), this Lady's disrespectful name change.  I wanted her real name to be documented.  It hurts my Soul when renamed Animals pass away carrying a name that has no connection to them.  In her case, there was also a mismanagement factor to be reiterated.  Pele's name was changed to Hunter, which is completely inappropriate.  NO Animal should be given the name Hunter!  Red Panda's are victims of Poaching, Hunted for their Fur, and their meat has also reportedly been found on menus in China. 

The Zoo released the sad news about Jonesy a few hours ago, his passing just yesterday.  I'm not sure when (or maybe even if), I'll publish this post, because I don't want to disrespect Jonesy's passing immediately with Zoo politics.  I do think, like with Pele, there's a mismanagement factor regarding the Gorilla's, that should be documented.

In 2019, a female Gorilla named Kimani was moved to the Zoo, as a recommended breeding partner for Jonesy.  Jonesy had previous sired two offspring, one with Monifa, who also still has a breeding recommendation with him.  From monitoring the Gorilla history and other information, as I understand the situation, Kimani had previously been around breeding females and has witnessed births.  Monifa had not, so she had either no instinct and/or no interest in being a Mother.  It was thought that Kimani, would be a successful Mother and Monifa would learn from that.  It's been over five years and from what I last heard, they were allegedly still not actively breeding either female.  The reason I heard repeatedly, was that allegedly Zoo Director Tanya Peterson, didn't want to breed them or anyone, because she was unwilling to pay Keeper overtime if a birth resulted in a Mother rejection, requiring round-the-clock care.  Now, we have missed the opportunity for Jonesy to have been a Father again.

I have additional thoughts about the troop's new dynamic, but will leave that for another time.

RIP to all these Precious Friends.  I Love you all.  It has been an Amazing experience to know you and have you be a part of my life.  Thank you for the Friendship.  Bless Your Soul. 


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows.

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Those Activists Just Can't Give It A Rest, Even For A Day

First, let me say, I hate that I'm writing about this. I hate that I give any space to these people.  But, as someone who is continually outraged by Bullshit, I just can't let it go without documenting.

I dozed off early last night, after seven hours of sad and exhausting talks with over half a dozen friends about the passing of our beloved Zoo Friend Jonesy.  

Unfortunately for me, the no class timing of Activist Justin Barker's post, upset me all night.  I fell asleep angry that what should have been my time for only remembering Jonesy, was disrupted by such disrespect.

As I drifted off, I decided that I'd publish my own post on Sunday, which I felt was a decent waiting time.  When I woke-up at 6a, two things happened.  I decided to post mine this afternoon, as in hindsight, while I did bring-up a couple of issues, they had no relevance specific to Jonesy's passing.  The second was, as soon as I grabbed my tablet to check the time, I saw this...

In Defense of Animals, has now thrown their hat in the ring of the Zoo bashing Circus their partner in crime started yesterday.  Their lead-in is a real head-shaker, considering my previous post (published before theirs), contained my disgust at the "Zero respect for the life and passing of Our Precious Oscar Jonesy, or for his care Staff, and others who loved him", that Barker's post showed.

In IDA's post, they offer these words, "The time for decisive action is now. We must honor Oscar Jonesy's legacy by ensuring that no more animals suffer under the current mismanagement."  

As you read those words, know they are written by Anti-Zoo extremists, who have a cookie-cutter protocol for their Close Zoos propaganda.  I am the first person to be critical of wrong doing at the Zoo, but I also try and only pass judgement when I know something for certainty.  What happened with Jonesy's recovery is seemingly not yet certain.  

What is certain is that both these Activists used the passing of Oscar Jonesy to further their agendas. Capitalizing on a loss, is Disgusting.

The approach that these Activists take, is Why I have such disdain for them.  They have an agenda, and it never changes.  They have certain topics to push in that agenda, and it never changes.  And it shows in their actions in the wake of Jonesy's passing.

I'm glad IDA's post features this photo taken at Gorillas.  One of the things that came to mind yesterday, was Barker referring to the Gorilla enclosure as a "cage", in a ridiculous video he and IDA's Fleur Dawes, made at the Zoo in August.  I wrote about this in a post I'll link at the end.  In addition to the "cage" comment, Barker also refers to the Gorillas as Eastern Lowland, which they are not, and states, "... there is nowhere (for the Gorillas) to escape the eye's of the public.", also untrue.

Here's one of my videos that shows a decent overview of the Gorilla enclosure.  As well, in it I note they are also heading into the Gorilla House, a place where the door is always open.

screencap from my video


Referenced Post:

Those Two Activists Continued Their Ignorance This Week



Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows.  

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed , 


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Activist Completely Disrespects Gorilla's Passing

Wow!  I can't even with this.  Justin Barker, an Anti-Zoo Activist, who has claimed he never was one, and now sings his songs of wanting to "Better" the Zoo, shows Zero respect for the life and passing of Our Precious Oscar Jonesy, or for his care Staff, and others who loved him.

I'm completely Disgusted.  

Jonesy, as I call him, passed away yesterday.  The Zoo made the announcement this morning.  I found out not long after it appeared in media, when my Mother messaged me.  Tears flowing, memories playing, and thoughts forming, I started to put words down for a post.  In that post, I wrote, "I'm not sure when (or maybe even if), I'll publish this post, because I don't want to disrespect Jonesy's passing immediately after, with Zoo politics".

If Barker really cared, he would have shown some restraint.  Instead he batted out what I consider a sensationalized mantra, to capitalize on Jonesy's passing, to further his own agenda.

For those who have read his words, you'll get why I'm sharing this video.  Everyone else, enjoy Jonesy in this clip I captured of him participating in Training for Wellness Checks

screencaps from my video


I was finishing my post, when a friend sent me Barker's post. I replied to her, "Will read in a bit. Can't imagine what he has to say. ... Just finishing my own post.  In it, I note, will wait to post out of respect for Jonesy's passing."


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows.

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,
#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Bison Fence Saga - Last Update, Until It's Not

After my last post dated Jan 6, I responded to the RecPark by sending the link to that post,...


...as well as noting that I must assume that Zip Ties are their idea of repairing the fence.  

I've had further response from RecPark in early January, but that was seemingly only after I contacted District One Supervisor Connie Chan, whose district the Bison Paddock is in.   All words reflected repairs are being made.  

As you can see, this photo taken by a friend today, shows the JFK fence still rigged with Zip Ties.  

As I lay hear listening to the rain and wind, I checked the date of the Storm that ripped through our region, specifically down the west end of JFK.  It was December 4th.  To the day, two months ago.  By the end of this week, it will be as long, from the first contact I made with RecPark questioning repairing the Bison Paddock fence.

As a Resident who considers the Park my backyard, I am in or through the area multiple times a week.  With that, I am aware of the devastation to Our Park, and the efforts to clear the abundance of downed trees that were sadly victims of the storm.  So, I completely understand what Park Teams have been tasked with.  

What I don't understand is Why, the JFK portion of the Bison fence remains damaged and held together with Zip Ties?  Evidently remedying this is not a priority for the RecPark.  I don't think it's unreasonable to expect at the very least, that be taken care of.  I have asked several times from the start, whether the new fence panels have been ordered?  That questioned remains unanswered two months later.  

Maybe the question at this point is, When can we see, at the very least, the damaged JFK portion of the fence replaced with new panels?

I know I'm a broken record about this, and maybe I wouldn't be if the RecPark had not been neglecting their responsibilities to the Bison Paddock for over a decade, possibly longer.  Members of the Park Commission, may wonder, What is she talking about?  Those who care about the Bison know exactly what I'm talking about.  Two words.  Broken Sprinklers.  I've been complaining and documenting the Disgraceful state of the Bison Meadow during non-rainy season, for many years.  It's tiresome, frustrating and sad.  

So yeah, I'm irritated that progress repairing even that one portion of the Bison fence, has still not been taken care of.  

The East fencing isn't even Zip Tied, as complete panels are down, destroyed by fallen trees, which were coincidentally cleared within a week of the last correspondence from RecPark.  With that clearing, the fence is wide-open in those areas. I haven't walked the West fence line, so either still has trees on fence or looks similar to this. ... Photo Jan 27

It would seem logical that if the replacement panels had been ordered two months ago, and been on-hand for when those trees were cleared, at least two sides of the fencing would now be repaired. 

Again, the question remains whether new fence panels have at the very least been ordered?   But, I will not bother to ask.  I'll just wait.  Maybe by Summer, the Fence and the Sprinklers will be fixed?  Then myself and and everyone who cares about the Bison and their home, will be happy.

Related Posts:  Search Bison Meadow Spinklers, for way too many posts.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,
#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Zoo's, Conservation And Needed Housing For Unreleasable Wildlife - In General and In Our Zoo

Before I launch into the title subject, I want to say something about the post I made yesterday.  I rarely have an after thought about what I've posted about, but even while I was writing it, I had a wonder.  Since I used something that happened to me personally, I had and have hoped it didn't come across as self-serving.  If that photo hadn't come up in Facebook Memories, wouldn't have even thought to bring up my experience.  But it did, and reflecting, I realized how Director Peterson's actions toward myself and my friend, echoed what became regular treatment I have heard she allegedly put forth toward Staff.  When it happened to me, I was shocked, but as time has gone on, behavior in the vein of what I experienced, allegedly became common towards others.  So I thought it was relevant to document considering the past nine months that her mismanagement has been in focus.  Peterson's untruths and illusions, have been a major theme in her defense to hold on to her position, and at the expense of others, both human and non-human. 

Yesterday, I saw this...


I thought it was good, and I learned some things about the Species highlighted.  I thought to share it, because the lead-in text on the post, made me think about the Anti-Zoo Activists who came out of the woodwork as soon as the first Chronicle article dropped last April.  These Close Zoo Zealots as I call them, put forth their agendas that Our Zoo should be closed, or shouldn't exist outside of being rescue only.  The later I just don't think would allow for Our Zoo to thrive financially.  I know Sanctuary owners and follow that network, so I know how hard it is financially.  And changing the current model of Our Zoo to that of a rescue only facility would basically make it a Sanctuary.  I think there are ways to modify what Our Zoo participates in and does not, is doable, but while visitors welcome native rescues, they also come to see Animals that they can't see in our local wild spaces.  So, non-native species that exist in Zoos are needed to sustain consistent attendance.

I also want to say something to anyone who is Anti-Zoo.  I've actually given up getting into it with Zealots on social media because they are not rational, but this is my platform and so I will.  While in a perfect world, I think everyone these days would love to not see captive Wildlife, but that's just not a reality.  These Zealots incite people to Open the Cages and Empty the Tanks, often without any plan for those Animals care.  In captivity, these Animals, at the very least, have food, shelter, and healthcare.  Without fine-tuning the counts, let's use low-ball numbers in North America only.  Let's say there are 200 Zoos, with 200 species.  That's 40,000 Animals these people want turned out to fend for themselves in the wild, because there is no room in Sanctuaries as it is for Animals in current need, so it's delusional that there is space for homeless Zoo Animals as a result of their illogical notions.  

Additionally, most of the Animals at this point in time, were born in captivity, and are not candidates for rewilding.  Closing Zoos will most likely never be a thing in any of our lifetimes, so the logical thing is to not be Anti-Zoo, and to try and bring change to Zoos in your corner of the world.  

I saw this update from Oakland Zoo a couple hours ago.  


Once again, a rescue story about another orphaned Mountain Lion. Sadly this time, it's not a singleton, but triplets, who lost their Mother.  Every time these events happen, my heart breaks for these babies. I have posted my thoughts about their plight before.  Oakland Zoo works with State Officials to find homes for these orphans.  My fear is one day in the near future, there won't be any facilities left with space to offer these orphans homes. I think there's a great need for a Native Wildlife Sanctuary in California to house primarily (because of their size) Mountain Lion orphans, and other rescued native species that are non-releasable.  On our local level, each time I see orphan Cubs, I wish Our Zoo had the capability to offer one or more a home.  In increasing recent times, it gets more upsetting and frustrating, because of how the lack of direction, lack of vision, lack of fundraising, and misuse of funds, the mismanagement of Our Zoo at the hands of Tanya Peterson has denied Our Zoo the growth it could have had over the last sixteen years. All which could have seen Our Zoo having better homes for current residents, and in a better position to offer homes to those in need. Not providing an appropriate home for the Orangutans, claiming no funds, yet raising funds for Pandas, who don't live here, and then wanting to spend funds to build new Lion housing, when they already have a home.  Ths lack of care for the Animals, and disturbingly curious thought process of Peterson is mind-blowing and maddening.

Our Zoo is already involved in Conservation efforts, and has given homes to many wild species in need.  I do think that given the opportunity to be more involved in Conservation efforts, and to give homes to more wild species in need, is something that would be welcomed, both by Staff and Visitors.

Hoping Our Zoo sees change in management soon, so it can begin to heal, thrive at optimum, and be able to reach goals that have not been within reach for too long.  


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows.  

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed , 


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Membership Memories, The Wonderful And Disturbing


Me and the Giant Origami Tigers
on display at the Zoo. 

This photo just came up in my Facebook Memories from January 28, 2011.  Two weeks later, Zoo Director Tanya Peterson Revoked My Membership on lies she made-up.

As I wrote a short text to go with my share of the photo to my FB, I thought I might post it here as well.  Decided I should, when I realized the last post was Membership related as well. This is not something I dwell on, nor does it have any relevance on my documentation (this post serving just that) of Peterson's mismanagement, or my want for her to be replaced, so Our Zoo can begin to heal and thrive into the future.

Those not familiar with this event, it's a wordy tale, too long to tell here (see link at end), basically, a friend and I, unbeknownst to us and staff, were allegedly a major thorn in the side of the person in charge of Enrichment, the Carnivore Curator, and Director Peterson, each with a personal issue against us for caring about the Animals and the Zoo.  Director Peterson created an untrue narrative, containing blatant lies about both of us, to use as her reasoning.   After that, several Staff members approached me, relaying more lies she had told about me.

When our Memberships were revoked, we learned that we were the first people in the history of the Zoo to have their Membership taken away.  To this day, I never received a reason.

I had been a Member most of my adult life.  The Zoo has been a part of my long life since I was a babie.   What the Zoo had grown to mean to me was immense.  There is probably no other member of the public who has cared about the Zoo more than myself.

At the time, my friend and I had spent ten months of the previous year, making Enrichment Toys for the Big Cats (every weekend) and Bears (on occasion).  We each used our own money for supplies, and spent over twenty hours (individually) a week on our projects.  This was all approved by the Keeper Staff and the Hospital.  

We knew something was not right when the eleventh month, coincidentally November, rolled around and stipulations, to change up how we were doing things, were put forth.  What they really were, were roadblocks to put a stop to us making Toys for the Animals.  I coined the Curator, the Grinch that stole Enrichments. 

We declined all the stipulation requests.  A compromise was made, only because we had already had Toys made for a Grotto wide Bear Birthday Party for our five Bear friends.  I knew this would be my last hurrah.  Sadly, I was done.  Their childish actions toward us and more disgusting, their selfishness towards the Animals, was not something I wanted to be a part of.

Our Memberships were Revoked Valentines Day 2011. I worked hard for eleven months to get our Memberships back. They arrived Christmas Eve, and complimentary, which on my opinion shows guilt.  Mine came with this letter...

I replied to her letter, and simply said, There was never any issue to begin with. 

Tanya Peterson knows very well she lied.  She thought I was some peasant she could get rid.  She was very wrong.  

In 2014,  two friends and I started sharing a Family Membership.  In 2016 Peterson would revoke again, and of course without any reason given, because there wasn't a valid one. My thoughts are she didn't like what I wrote about her in my blog.

At least I am a truth teller.

To further illustrate how disturbing so many of Peterson's actions are, when she revoked our Membership this time, she had each of our accounts Deactivated, with the notation "Deceased".  

Having My Membership taken away the first time spurred my blog documenting Director Peterson's mismanagement. I haven't stopped yet, because her offenses against Our Animals and Our Zoo has not stopped.  

Previous Post:

Director Ends Zoo's Participation In Program For Low-Income Visitors


Related Posts:

A San Francisco Zoo Crime - Documenting The Director Revoking My Membership


The Big Catnip - Zoo Animal Enrichment Made Fun



Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,
#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Director Ends Zoo's Participation In Program For Low Income Visitors

Affordable Access to All.  Not at Our SFZoo.

I was shocked to learn that Director Tanya Peterson had opted out of participating in the Museums For All Program. 

For those not familiar with the program, I took snips from the website.  

> It allows those receiving food assistance (SNAP benefits) to can gain reduced admission, ranging from free to $5.00, to visitors presenting their EBT card. ... Museums for All is a national, branded access program that encourages individuals of all backgrounds to visit museums regularly and build lifelong museum habits. ... Museums for All invites low-income visitors to feel welcome at cultural institutions. <

For a full description of program and list of participants visit..


Local participants include Calfiornia Academy of Sciences, DeYoung Museum, Aquarium of the Bay, Exploration and Oakland Zoo, who's website states, "We are proud to be a part of Museums for All..."

In my opinion, stopping this program shows that the Zoo is not inclusive to all income levels.  

My second reaction was wondering if because of the timing, this wasn't some kind of money saving tactic to fund Peterson's Panda Plan.  

Either way, it's in very poor taste, and discriminative. ... And to do it allegedly right before the Holidays, seems Calculated and Grinch-y!

Peterson may argue that there are still Free Days.  Those days, which are typically first Wednesdays, have no bearing on the availability to All that the Museums for All discount helped.  There are people and families who do not have the flexibility to visit the Zoo mid-week, due to work and school.

The Zoo does continue to offer a discount on Membership for SNAP recipients, which was implemented this past Summer.  The discount is substantial, at 50% off all levels.  That said, this Community Access Discount was never advertised, and doesn't come up from a search on their website. ... It seems like they want to keep it a secret.

The Community Access Discount on Membership is awesome and valuable to many, but does not help low-income day visitors or families who may not visit often, or can't afford a membership, even at the discounted rate.

*Update:  I wrote this three days ago, Monday morning, before I went on my Zoo walk.  I didn't publish it because I had a thought that I did remember seeing it on their website once, even though I remember thinking it was curiously placed and not easily found in regards to membership.  When I didn't find it at all on a site search for this post, I asked when I got to the Zoo.  

The Community Access Discount for Membership has also been discontinued.  Last day was January 17, 2025.  

Tanya Peterson is not a Friend to the Animals at Our Zoo, and not a Friend to Low-Income Members of Our Community.   She needs to go.  ... The Zoological Society supports her actions, whether against the innocent Animals who live at Our Zoo, or against certain groups of people. Our Zoo is desperate for big changes in Management.  None of this is okay.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,
#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison