So yea, bringing up unsecure barriers yet again, because doing so seventy times in eleven years just isn't enough to call attention to the necessity of additional precautions and deterrents. I guess Zoo Director Tanya Peterson is ok with spinning the roulette wheel with the safety of our Black Rhino, Bears and Hippo.
Before I get into what prompted this post, I want to add in a thought I missed documenting in my previous post.
I noted that there was still the red (stay back) line from Covid safety and that was ignored. My thought for this area is that a rope barrier should be added along that red line (which needs repainting). Granted, a rope barrier would not have helped in this situation unless the Dog(s) were kept at a distance. That said, considering not many pay attention to signage, which doesn't mean there shouldn't be ample, and the sign noting to "admire them (Wolves) from a distance, a rope barrier (I personally would choose red rope) would at least act as physical reminder for people to stay behind it and away from close contact with windows.
So, yesterday was the seventh anniversary of Harambe's death. I was outraged when it happened and still outraged. In my experience at our SFZoo and from media reports about other Zoos, neither Visitors or Zoos have learned from what happened to Harambe.

I'll start by saying I hate media rehash of Animal tragedies. There's always some words of opinion that rubs me the wrong way. With this one about Harambe, it's the "imprisonment" notation, as well the hashtag "OpenTheCages". These " Close Zoo" mantras are ignorant of reality. Sure we would all love to not see captive Animals, but the reality is not only is the wild not the safest place for too many species, but the cycle of keeping captive Animals in Zoos can not just be halted. Close Zoo Zealots do not think about what will happen to these Animals. Most are captive bred, you can't just turn them loose to survive on their own. Too many say, send them to Sanctuaries. Obviously none of those people have ever taken a look at how a Sanctuary operates. Sanctuaries are non-profit, meaning they rely on donations. It's a huge cost to provide shelter, food and healthcare to each Animal they take on, something the Zealots forget that Zoos do. And the biggest hurdle of releasing Zoo Animals to Sanctuary is space. There isn't enough space in Sanctuaries for every Animal that is already in Need, let alone for Zoo Animals who are already being cared for.
Sorry, I went off on a tangent that was not planned as part of this post, but someone replied to my comment on the Harambe post with this nonsense and I can't let it go without some words. I wish these Zealots would just shut the hell up, and instead of spouting dangerous words, get off their asses and try to make a difference in their corner of the world. Set their sights on their local Zoo and try to make a difference there.
The tragedy that happened with Harambe hit home with me. I have probably spent more time at our SFZoo, than any one person not on staff, in the past fifteen years. I have personally witnessed so many offences by visitors it's sickening. The list is long, I'll spare you. There is no way to stop humans from doing evil things, but there are ways to deter the stupid and self-entitled. That is why I've been stuck on this unsecure barrier issue for over a decade. It's the number one offense, and needs to be addressed, especially at Code Red (Dangerous) Animals.
I went to the Zoo two days after the Harambe tragedy and people at Black Rhino and Hippo acting the fool, hanging their kids over barriers. I'm sorry but people who do this are either dumb as shit, or so self-entitled they don't think an accident can happen. Google Pittsburgh Zoo, Wild Dog.
One Cincinnati resident commented that "The parent was soley responsible for their child's action, yet faced no charges." You can not argue with that. It's disturbing and disgusting, but what usually happens.
Unfortunately, I would guess there is no situation where a parent/caregiver of any child would be held responsible for their own negligence in a Zoo situation such as this. In every Animal/Human conflict situation, the Human, no matter whether irresponsible, stupid, self-entitled, or evil, will always take priority. Their actions will be protected, as will their lives. The Animals always lose. It's just the way it is. Even if a Human trespasses into an enclosure of their own free will, and there's contact, the Animal gets a bullet to the head.
Would people care more, or be more responsible if they knew their actions put the Animals lives at risk? Why don't Zoo's have signs that say, Keep Our Animals Alive and Safe. Stay Off and Behind Barriers.???
You can't sinister proof every Code Red Animal exhibit, but you can "accident" deter them. So why not take every precaution to prevent that?
I've gotten a bit off on my goal here, which is to again document that The San Francisco Zoo needs to add deterrents to the barriers at Black Rhino, Hippo (pool), Black Bears, and Grizzly Bears (grotto). The railing just isn't enough.
I complained countless times about the lack of barrier at the male Anteater's home, as did staff, but it wasn't until right before their accreditation inspection did anything get done. What they did was simple, and effective, and should be (have been) done at the four Code Red Animals I have noted. Why it hasn't is beyond me, and probably many staffers. It's negligent and mismanagement.
The only alterations I'd like to see are less really short poles as there are still some who sit their kids on them, but the jagged poles do seem to deter. As well the sign. All the signs that indicate to stay behind barrier only, do nothing to deter sitting on, which is the biggest issue, and the one that can lead to accidental fall-in. ... The signs should read "Off and Behind".
As for the "charges" that commenter noted, unfortunately I don't recall hearing of any Zoo situation where charges have been made. Good grief, not even the asshole who trespassed into the SFZoo, broke into an Animal enclosure, stole a Lemur, caused it mental, emotional and physical endangerment, received any repercussion. He was let go and told not to go to the Zoo again. What the serious F***!?
In fact, WTF with it all? Our San Francisco Zoo needs to fix these barrier situations I've mentioned, so none of our Animals gets killed because of human misbehavior.
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