Monday, May 20, 2024

Minnie's Memorial At The Zoo

The other night a friend let me know there was a Memorial for Minnie outside the Chimpanzee's Dayroom.  I changed up my errands for today, so I could make sure seeing it and bringing flowers for Minnie was the first thing I did this week.

text readable when enlarged

Such a sweet photo of Mins, look at her cute face!  I'm sure gonna miss seeing her smile.  I have a wonderful video of her so happy, and doing big smiles while I talked to her and told her she's a pretty girl.

screencap from the video

I'm glad the container for flowers is there, for those who want to leave them for her.  The Memorial is lovely and what those of us who Love her needed.

Tomorrow will be two weeks.  I don't know what the Zoo is thinking, still not announcing it on their Socials.  Now that this memorial is there, all they had to do was post a photo of it.  So easy, yet still nothing.  I feel bad for those who care about her, that don't get to the Zoo regularly, and don't even know.   It's not right.

In 2010, when my Tiger Friend Tony passed away. A couple friends and I, along with the Keepers, had a memorial for him in the Lion House.  As I walked by Triple Grotto, Minnie spotted the flowers I was carrying.  She ran over and motioned to me, 'Give to me those flowers'.  She followed me as I turned the corner, heading to the LH, still moving her hand, motioning she wanted them.  I felt so bad.  I said, "Oh Mins, I'm sorry Mama.  I wish I could bring you flowers."   It means alot to me to finally be able to.  

Related Post:


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"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

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  1. I loved the way Minnie would nod her head and wave to me with a smile when I’d visit. It’s a connection I will miss dearly.
    I have been waiting for the zoo to acknowledge Minnie’s passing for more than two weeks.
    I would have thought they would at least mention her passing - a beloved, sentient chimpanzee who lived there for decades. Each frivolous post about smurfs, yoga and the gift shop are a jab to my heart!
    I grieve for Maggie. I grieve for Twiggy, Qadeer and Nick. I grieve for the primate keepers and for the staff members who loved her.
    And I grieve for visitors who have become good friends with those chimps.
    Everyone else has been left out entirely.
    I am so grateful for how you fought for the chimps to stay at the zoo so that someone like me could be friends with them too. I care for them deeply.
    It sure would be nice if zoo management cared - even just a little. Their silence speaks volumes.

    1. @Anonymous - Thank you so much for your heartfelt words. ... Yes! Her head bob and her wave! ... I too am sad for all four of our Chimp Friends, who have again lost a Family member. I have visited five times since Minnie's passing, and only seen them three times. They are understandably in deep sorrow. Very quiet and seemingly disconnected from eachother, although I have witnessed on two occasions that Nick is near-by Maggie, watching her. They were quick friends when he first arrived, so it's sweet to see him close by her at this time. ... Finally, your words, "I am so grateful for how you fought for the chimps to stay at the zoo so that someone like me could be friends with them too." I cried. They really touched me. Thank you. I had never thought about that situation, that crusade, from the human side, only from the Chimps side, their feelings. I did it for them. But, it's a beautiful thing knowing how it touched someone like you, and gave you such an enriching life experience.

    2. I am a better human for having connected with our chimpanzee friends.
      And there aren’t many people who quite understand how deep that connection can be.
      You are a crusader for the San Francisco chimpanzees, and I am grateful they have you in their corner.

    3. @Anonymous - Again Thank you! ... It's awesome, makes me happy! And you know I understand!


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