Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Zoo Director Has The Gall To Speak At Indonesian Consulate Event

I just thought again to check Twitter for the Indonesian Consulate's tweets about Monday's Orangutan Seminar.  I had commented on their post, asking whether the live stream would be archived and available for viewing, as I really am interested in the Orangutan content, not for fodder.  As of Tuesday, they did not respond to my inquiry.  

They have now made three posts about the event. This is one of them.  

I'm sure the queen bullshitter was spewing her illusions of her own greatness regarding her care for Animals, for Our Orangutans.  When this is the reality of her care.

I'm sorry I know this is will probably be considered bitchy, but I don't care.  I cannot believe that Tanya (Director Peterson) has the gall to get up and talk about Orangutans!!!

It's completely Outrageous and Inappropriate for this woman to be saying anything about Orangutans, after what she did to Our Ollie and Amoi.

She really is shameless.  Does she still not get the wrong she did to them?  Either that or she just does not care.  It has to be the later.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



Monday, August 26, 2024

Indonesian Consulate ... Partners With Zoo - How Are They OK With Our Orangutans Situation?

Last week when I searched Socials for Zoo mentions, a post by @Indonesiainsf came up...

Even though I know the Consulate had been to Zoo before, giving certificates for Orangutans and Komodo Dragon, my first thought was, Do they know Director Tanya Peterson kept Our Orangutans in caged tubes?  Even now, seeing their home in the Grottos.  Is this something they want to align themselves with?

It's disappointing that no official type entity has cared about the plight of Our Orangutans.  Not the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums), not the SSP (Species Survival Plan), and apparently not the Indonesian Consulate.

The AZA allowed their SSP Breeding Program to send Orangutans here, knowing full well there was no dedicated enclosure for them in the Zoo. AND if they didn't know, and bought some illusion Director Tanya Peterson sold them, shame on them for not vetting Zoo Transfers better.  There is obviously no protocol on their end to ensure there is appropriate housing for Animals they transfer, as we have had too many instances.  They also do not monitor timelines of builds, if there is an enclosure being planned, while Animals wait in temporary holding.  I sent them evidence of Orangutans in the caged tubes, and got no response, and by what I witnessed, they made no attempt to help the Orangutans by enforcing their own Husbandry guidelines.  Even after the Orangutans got access to Triple Grotto, an ancient enclosure with zero upgrades for them specifically, the AZA failed to cite the Zoo for the enclosure, which Is NOT in line with their policy for enclosures of "Modern Standards" and renewed their Accreditation.  Truly Unbelievable.

I know it's not just me who thinks Our Orangutans experience here has been shit.  So, Why do no "officials" or in this case experts say anything?   Why will no one help these poor Beings get a better home built for them?  

Anyway, there seemed to be two versions of that post, with the second one notating the location as the Zoo and only for "registered invitees".  I knew someone who emailed guest services and asked about being Invited.  The Zoo responded that they were now on the list.  Even though I wasn't going to attend, I emailed and asked whether there was still space available for the Seminar.  I had a feeling, I'd be BlackListed and thought I'd test it.  Over a day later, I still had no reply.  I asked another friend to try, and within a few hours they got an Invite confirmation.  So, while I didn't get an Invite, I still got confirmation that I was clearly being kept away, most likely so I had no opportunity to talk to anyone.  Why would I in that forum anyway?  Censorship still in play at the SFZoo for truth-tellers and those who care.  So silly, because now I'll just send the Consulate this post.  

Related Post:

... Another Slap In The Orangutans Faces



Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



Sunday, August 25, 2024

Zoo Continues To Create Illusions - Using Our Orangutans

In Celebration Of Our Orangutans, who got NOTHING special for World Orangutan Day, I got a series of posts related to them, already started.  I know after my many posts in the five+ years since they have been here, people are probably thinking, What more is there?  Until these two get a new enclosure, there is always going to be more.

My friend and I were there to Celebrate Our Orangutan Friends.  We were lucky to see Ollie spend a decent amount of time outside, working enrichment items for food.  Even Amoi made an appearance and stayed out a bit longer than usual.  

I'm going to go out of my norm of liking to post in chronilogical order and begin with World Orangutan Day, which was last Monday, August 19.  I made that my Zoo day, and knew them getting a "Celebration" was a crap shoot.  Unfortunately I was right.  The Orangutans got NOTHING special.  And, I just don't understand why.

Additionally,  there was no educational or awareness signage, no staff member talk, no nothing.  There did not appear to be a celebration of any kind.  So, I'm not sure what is meant by this mention in the Zoo's email Newsletter, that came out prior to that day.

To me, the use of the word "Celebrate" indicates, a Celebration.  This was not the first time in the same week that whoever is writing these blurbs, is seemingly being creative with wording, to create an illusion that there are special things happening at the Zoo, for certain events.  

The week before (on August 15), was this month's RecPark Commission Meeting.  Admittedly I've just started following this.  Not sure where I've been for sixteen years, only hip to the Joint Zoo Committee Meeting, but I'm here for it now.  When I get time, I'll check back in the past for what gems might be had.  Anyway, in addition to a Staffer giving an in person report, there are documents posted.  This was included for last week's meeting.  

So, seemingly yet another use of the word "celebrate" to create an illusion that there would be something for Indonesian Independence Day (on Friday August 16).  I was there that day and again there was NOTHING!  No special treats for, or awareness signage at, Orangutans or any of the other Indonesian Resident's enclosures.  

So, after Orangutan Day,  I emailed two departments at the Zoo, and asked Why Nothing for Orangutan Day.  

< Hello,

I'm writing to ask why there was no mention at the Zoo about Orangutan Day, this past Monday.

If I remember correctly, past events, like the Penguin Parade were handled by Operations Dept.  So, I pose the question to this department.  If there is a different department, please advise or forward there.

The Animail newsletter stated, "...as we celebrate..."  Yet there was no educational or awareness signage, no staff member talk, no nothing.  There did not appear to be a celebration of any kind.

Will be interested in the response to my lead-in question.

Thank you, >

I didn't expect a reply, and didn't get one.  I think my question is valid. ...  There is a huge lack in celebrating special dates, that not only provide fun enrichment for the Animals, but viewing enjoyment, as well as species awareness and education, for visitors.

Anyway, here's a past Orangutan Day celebration from 2020.  Ollie and Amoi had a wonderful party in the Chimp yard.  Note in the video how much Amoi loves using the enclosure netting.  Every time she had access to the Chimp yard, this is what she primarily did. Something she sadly hasn't had available to her for over three years, because Director Peterson would not approve the  renovation of their enclosure to include netting, or anything else FOR them for that matter.  


Director Peterson continues to use Ollie and Amoi, to create a false narrative about their life at the Zoo.  Like putting an alleged $40,000 garden in front of their enclosure to distract from how awful it is, or when Director Tanya Peterson made a joke about the Orangutans social distancing during the pandemic, when they had no choice, she kept them living in caged tubes.    It's upsetting how Peterson pimps the Orangutans to suit her agenda, yet she has not cared about them since before their arrival. 


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



Seems There May Be More Disturbing Info About The Coyote Event - Non SFZoo

I'm about to start organizing notes for a series of posts related to Our Zoo Orangutans.  I wanted to finish that task last night, but then read more disturbing information regarding the Coyote event.  After I published my post yesterday, I read info that was noted as unconfirmed, but posted as fact.  The info aligns with my feeling that there was not only wrong doing by Officials, but untruths put forward by them to the public.  The whole thing has had me sickened since reading it.

It is not my intention to post a cryptic teaser, but since I thought the update I did yesterday was it on the subject, I wanted to document that it may not be.  

The unconfirmed information I read was coincidentally posted yesterday, hours after my post.  It's been over two months since the event, and near a month that I had that update in draft.  So, new information now is surprising.

I have already sent an inquiry to see if I can confirm what I read.  I don't want to post heresay.   

Last night I also saw this video, and thought it was a sweet interaction.  Natural behavior between two canines, showing that Coyotes are just wild Dogs. 


Coyotes and other wild neighbors, are vilified for their natural behavior, which admittedly can be horrifying and heartbreaking, and even evoke anger, especially when it involves attacks on pets.  In regards to our Park Coyotes, Please follow leash laws and keep your fur family safe, even picking up your littles as you walk through known Coyote areas.  The other day I saw an older woman with a small Dog unleashed, and walking ahead of her.  This was in a known Coyote area.  I suggested she use the leash she was carrying in her hand, stating Coyotes could be watching and the size of her pup.  She mumbled something about knowing and called to her pup.  They rounded a bend, and I thought, I'm going to circle back and see if she leashed her babie.  She did not.  She wasn't even watching her pup, looking at her phone instead.

For the sake of this pup's future safety I tried again.  She just laughed and again called to her pup who was standing a few feet from where she was sitting and waved the leash.  I just don't get it.  I passed the pup and said, I hope you stay safe.  Not much more I could do.

Previous Related Post:



Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



Saturday, August 24, 2024

Roaring About The Brown Ass Bison Meadow Yet Again - Non SFZoo Issue

So, yeah back on the dried out, brown ass Bison Meadow.  How many years have I been at it?  Seems like an eternity when you have to roar about the same effing things over and over again, because lazy, negligent humans can't do their jobs.  Yes San Francisco Rec and Park, I'm talking about you.

On May 2, I spied what I thought might be a mirage, it wasn't at that moment in time, but has seemingly become an illusion.  The Sprinklers were on.  I have proof!


Well, that "fantasticness" was evidently an isolated event.  I never saw them on again, but what I have seen since then is the meadow getting browner and browner.  I've been watching it.  Although something a bit different this warm weather season, there is tall stick plants that are both brown and a dried green color, which gives the appearance that there might be edible vegetation in there, but don't be fooled, there is none.  The Bison do not eat those plants.  

I took a video of the ladies close-up the other day.  The video shows the entire front area completely dried down to the ground.  It shows the extra food in bowls and piles that the Zoo Keepers have to put out in addition to the Bison's regular diet, to supplement their intake which is not being met by being able to graze.


Again, like a broken record, Bison are grazing Animals.  Their natural behavior is to roam and graze most of their waking hours.  There is no edible vegetation for them to graze on.  These are facts.  Another thing that is fact, is that it is the responsibility of the RecPark to maintain the Bison Meadow.  Which means they need a working sprinkler system, that goes on DAILY, especially during non-rainy season.  

I noted in another post over a year ago, probably two, that the meadow needs to be re-seeded.  Of course that seemingly never happened either.  Now that most of the meadow is covered in those tall sticks that they don't eat, it's more than a necessity at this point.  The RecPark needs to rototill or whatever, the entire meadow, removing all the current crap growing in there that is not Bison edible or friendly, and the whole meadow re-seeded with appropriate vegetation. Ask the Zoo's Animal Care Department what to plant.  

This neglect of the Bison Paddock Meadow has to stop.  It's been going on over a decade.  The Zoo Keepers do their job taking care of the Bison.  The RecPark needs to stop shirking their responsibilities and tend to the sprinkler and vegetation issues.  

Any outrage should be directed by Email (recpark.commission@sfgov.org) to the San Francisco Rec and Park Commission.  All correspondence is forwarded to Commissioners, and included in the Documents for the monthly meeting.  They never answer, but at least they know people are watching.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



My Findings Regarding Botanical Garden Coyote Event - Officials Either Negligent Or Untruthful - Non SFZoo

I had a long, exhausting week, so I'm not sure how far in my post goals for this weekend I'm going to get.  I had six, narrowed to five, then this am added in two.  So, let me get at least one done, cause I feel a nap coming on.

Going to wrap-up documenting the Coyote event in the Botanical Garden.  Last month, not to long after the incident and horror that proceeded it, I published these two posts:



After finishing the last one, I was still seeking answers.  I re-sent my inquiries that received no response, and still haven't.  Per usual, or at least most often,  Officials do not feel they have a responsibility, or rather owe any member of the public a response.  Pretty much like alot of society, rude and self-entitled.  The really disturbing issue in this case is, each of my correspondences expressed my concern for there being young Pups possibly abandoned, and starving.  What kind of people have no reaction to that?   I guess we all know, but damn, so unconscionable.  I don't give up until I'm satisfied.  So, I searched for answers elsewhere, and seemingly found them.

With a few clicks, I landed on the Instagram page of Janet Kessler (@coyoteyipps), a gal who monitors the City's Coyote population, as intensely as I monitor the Zoo.  Going through her posts, starting with the day of the Botanical Gardens incident, I read every post, including comments and her replies.

Her passion and dedication to the Coyotes, leads me to believe truth in her words, that document the lives of these Animals, as a pack and as individuals.

In her posts, I learned some things about Coyote behavior, in addition to having some of my questions answered.  But, with that, what I feared about the murder event, was seemingly confirmed, and with that my anger with the RecPark, and CA Fish/Wildlife Dept, grew deeper.   In my opinion, both departments have long made many choices that have disgusted me.  If all that has been alleged as fact is accurate (and I believe it is), these departments, especially CDFW who pulled the triggers, are irresponsible and barbaric.

The main questions I sought answers to were: 

*How many Dens?  

*If the three killed were Adults? 

*What the Genders were?  

*What if any, assessment of Dens was done to determine if any Pups were left without one or both parents, after the kills? 

The last one listed is in my opinion the most important, as to me, that would be essential information to have.  But, in hindsight if the goal is slaughter, then the killers wouldn't care.

I also asked *Why tranquilizers were not used?  And again, killing was their goal, nothing else.  If there was any compassion or empathy, tranquilizing, swabbing for DNA, tagging and releasing, would have been the right thing to do.  

Now, back to the alleged facts posted to Kessler's @coyoteyipps Instagram.  

In relation to my question, What assessment was done to determine if there was an active Den, that would 99.9% be a big fat NONE.  

From Kessler's posts, she noted that she had alerted RecPark with information and photos of a "lactating female", she had seen in the Botanical Garden this pupping season.  Yet, Patrick Foy, of the CDFW, is quoted in a news article saying, "None of the slain coyotes were rearing Pups at the time of the attack".  Which is now known to not be true.  This means, neither the CDFW, nor the RecPark did any assessment to confirm whether or not there was an active Den, with Pups.  

The RecPark allegedly had photo proof that a Mother Coyote had been seen in the Garden this pupping season.  So, Why did a slaughter of three Coyotes take place, knowing one or both parents caring for Pups, could be among their victims, leaving abandoned Pups in a Den to starve to death?

Additionally Kessler herself notes, after the murders, she watched from outside after dark, and saw who she believes is the Mother and a Yearling both entering the Garden.  Obviously, to tend to the Pups.  So, the question begs, why didn't RecPark or CDFW, or Animal Care and Control, sit their asses outside monitoring the comings and goings at night, before going on a killing spree?  Why didn't they use drones to watch the inside during dusk and dawn, when the Pups might have been out of the Den?  Again, the answer is clear, their goal was to kill, not handle the situation with any compassion or empathy.  

It's unclear how many Pups there are, but according to Kessler's documentation, the Family included, "the Parents, a three-year old yearling, and two one-year old yearlings".  So, that means with the murder of three out of five, if the first three in the CDFW's slaughter, had not been a DNA match, per their words, they would go back for more!!!  So, they could have wiped out an entire Family to find one perpetrater, leaving not one to care for the Pups.  As it is, two lost their lives for no reason.  Heartbreaking and Disgusting.

The lack of care for non-human Beings, by the California Dept of Fish and Wildlife, and the San Francisco Recreation and Park Dept, for how this situation played out, is Shameful.  They were Negligent in assessing the Coyote Family, Ruthless in seeking the one perpetrator, and seemingly Untruthful in reporting facts to the public.

There is nothing that can change for that Family of Coyotes who lost three members, but we should all be outraged and ask, How can this type of slaughter be avoided in the future?

Any outrage should be directed by Email (recpark.commission@sfgov.org) to the San Francisco Rec and Park Commission.  All correspondence is forwarded to Commissioners, and included in the Documents for the monthly meeting.  They never answer, but at least they know people are watching.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:




Sunday, August 18, 2024

Reader Reactions To Primate Curator's Comments About Beloved Chimpanzee

After my last post, I started getting confidential reactions to the conversation I documented.  If you haven't read it, here's a screencap and the link.  After the link, is another screencap of the conversation, and words by Primate Curator Robbie, that I found extremely disrespectful and disturbing.  I was not alone.

While still at the Zoo the day this happened, I ran into a couple people I know, who I relayed the conversation to.  When I repeated the awful words that Robbie had said, both had the same reaction.  Their faces froze in shock, with a look of disgust. That was not just a visual assumption on my part, as we proceeded to discuss how disrespectful it was.

I decided to post some of the reactions I've received.  If you have a reaction to how the Curator's horrible words made you feel, not only do I want to hear them, I think it's really important to have them documented.  Please share your feelings in the comments.  Remember you can choose to have your comment published as Anonymous.

Here are some of the comments, that were mixed in with many Sad and Angry faces...

"I didn’t know Minnie, but as an animal keeper, those comments really surprised/upset me because, in addition to that being insanely unprofessional, I would never say anything so disrespectful about any of my animals, even the most difficult/frustrating ones."

"On behalf of all of us who are deeply invested in the well-being of the animals at the SF Zoo, I would like to say, it will be a great day when Robbie’s career as a curator dies. It’s a very small human who voices such negative opinions of a beloved primate member in his care. And I’d gladly say it to his face."

"I’m sad that he said that, especially the fact that she gave her life to the zoo and was so beloved by so many."

"I am disgusted by this humans words and disrespect. 😢😤"

"Holy shit! 😠"

"Sorry to hear of that zoo employees' disrespect towards chimpanzees. It isn't OK for an employee to talk about an animal friend in that way"

"As a representative of the Zoo, he should have been more careful how he spoke of Minnie."

"I am sorry, that is terrible 😠"

"How long has that guy been there? He’s probably younger than Maggie and Minnie? So many deep dynamics among animals, and people too, that take a lifetime to understand. It’s like only reading a couple of random pages of a book and expecting to understand the plot."

"It makes me wonder what background this guy has.  Is this guy coming from a background knowledge of troop dynamics? What brings him to say these things?  If this guy is not liking his profession, why is he in it?"

"Terrible.... ugh.  Minnie probably did not like him."

I agree, Minnie probably didn't like him.  She probably sensed he was a horrible person.  Something we all know now. 


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Primate Curator Disrespects Chimpanzee Who Passed Away

I wrote this last night, but fell asleep before proofing and publishing. ... It certainly doesn't express how upsetting the conversation was, or how angry I am.

~ ~ ~

To say I'm livid, is an understatement.  Today I had a conversation I never would have expected.  Almost twelve hours later, and it still hasn't left my mind.  I'm extremely upset, and really sad for the memory of a Zoo Friend who was very dear to me.  

Those of you who know me, can surely imagine what I really want to say vs what wording will end up here in a public post.  I have no pleasantries when confronted with anything perpetrated in words or actions against Animals.  

This was my first Zoo visit in a couple weeks.  When I came round to Chimps, I stopped at Minnie's Memorial, as I have since she passed away in May.  I always say a few words to her, as well to Cobby, Jamie, and Tallulah, who left us before her.  

As I came round the Chimp yard, I saw someone coming from the night quarters building.  I had recently heard we were getting three new Chimpanzees, and depending on who it was, thought I might ask, what Zoo they were coming from.  Since I wasn't sure who this guy was, I thought I'd lead with a question, that I already knew the answer to.

Before I continue with the conversation, I'll note that I confirmed with him, that he is the Primate Curator, Robbie.  I've only talked to this guy once, maybe twice before.  There's been alot of new Animal Staff in the last few years, and people keep changing around, so sometimes, I'm not sure.  In light of what transpired, I wanted to be very sure.

So, I entered into the conversation by asking, how Maggie was doing.  For those who don't know, Maggie and Minnie came to the Zoo together in 1970 at approximately one year old.  They were very bonded, living together their whole lives.  They spent over fifty-four years as "sisters".  I had worried about Maggie, but after a few weeks, I started seeing her interact normally with others.

What came out of this guy's mouth is shocking!!!

He said, ...

"Maggie is doing great, it's better without Minnie".  

"It's good that Minnie passed away..." 

"Minnie was mean..." 

"Minnie caused problems and was troublesome ".  

I seriously couldn't believe what I was hearing.  I don't even think I responded, he just kept talking, and saying her name, followed by horrible words about her.  My Soul was hurting for her, as I was listening to him.  

I'm disappointed in myself not to have said anything on the spot, but it's probably better I didn't.  At the very least I should have said, Those are really shitty things to say, even though that's not even close to strong enough.

As somebody who has known our original Chimpanzees my whole life and had a connection with Minnie, I was so upset by what I was hearing.  It was Disturbing to hear someone who is in Animal Care and directly in charge of the department she's in, speak this way of a beloved member of the Zoo Animal Family, who together with Maggie, was the longest Resident of the Zoo. 

Minnie gave her life to the Zoo.  She deserves respect.  She was taken from her wild family as an infant, most likely right off her Mother's body, possibly even seeing her family murdered.  Taken into the Animal Trade and sold to the Zoo.  She lost two babies, and the two that did survive were taken from her, to be hand-raised and put on display.  A few years ago, she lost her mate, the father of her babies, and a companion since she arrived at the Zoo over fifty years.  This was a Lady, a Great Ape like Humans, like your mother or grandmother, and these are the words this guy has for her after her passing?  Beyond Disgusting.

How dare he makes such comments about her! This guy shouldn't even be working in Zoos, and certainly not in Animal Care.  Seriously, he is new-ish in that Department, and he's bashing her character, without even really knowing her, let alone at all?

I don't care what the current dynamics have presented, someone, especially in that position should not ever be saying such disrespectful things.

Unfortunately it seems the Zoo allows people who should not even be working at an Animal Care Facility to hold positions in management.  I previously wrote about HR VP Vitus Leung, who I heard call an Animal "ugly".  He got promoted to Deputy Director.  No surprise since we have a Zoo Director who obviously doesn't even care about Animals, since she's committed many Animal Welfare offenses, most recently keeping Orangutans in cage tubes and not only thinking it's okay, but making jokes about it.

This guy, Robbie, picked the wrong person to express his opinions about my precious Minnie to.  He's lucky I don't work there, or have any authority, because I would have fired him on the spot.  

I'm not going to lie, things have crossed my mind, all falling under the main thought, ... If someone can say such things, how can they be trusted to care for our Zoo Animals and without sinister intentions towards those they think are problematic?

I will end this now, because my ears are pulsating, and say this,... If the Robbie guy thinks he may want to approach me about my documentation of our conversation (when this is not about me posting, it's about his own words), he should think twice, because I'm having none of that.    


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



Saturday, August 10, 2024

Those Two Activists Continued Their Ignorance This Week

Good grief I have other things to document, yet I'm constantly being irritated by bullshit.  Ignorant bullshit being spewed about the Zoo by people who don't know anything other than media blurbs.  Delusional bullshit being spewed by Officials, ex-City Staffers and Family of Management, who refuse to take a hard look at what really goes on under Director Peterson's (mis)management.  I should just ignore it, but that's not in my character.  It's all damaging to those who care about the Zoo, who want to make the Zoo thrive in better ways.  The foremost way, ridding the Zoo of Director Tanya Peterson.

I can't take hours on this, like the majority of my posts that are meant to clearly document issues.  So, let's get into this with these two Activists, who are still promoting their personal agenda to Close All Zoos.  Make no mistake, that is their goal.  It has nothing to do with Pandas.

This is the second video made on Zoo grounds, coincidentally only after I posted about how they never go to the Zoo.   The guy even stood in front of the RecPark Commission and admitted to never going to the Zoo.  Yet here they are, and making video's filled with inaccuracies.

Let's start with this screencap, from the video, which I've linked underneath.  The purpose of this video is to stop the Zoo from getting Pandas, using the Gorilla enclosure and a tragedy from almost ten years ago, not a few.

First of all, I hate when tragic events from so many years ago are brought up. They have even reached back to the 2007 Tiger event. Both these tragedies had factors that contributed to their heartbeaking and horrific outcomes. Both could have been avoided. In the case of the Infant Gorilla, in my opinion, the blame is on Director Peterson, former Curator Corrine MacDonald, and the Gorilla Keeper at the time. You can search this blog for my opinions in detail. My point is, these tragedies will never be forgotten, but bringing them up at this time, doesn't seem relevant. There are current issues, that need help, but they don't want to shine attention on them, because their agenda is not to help the Zoo toward better management, but to get the Zoo Closed.

I chose this portion of the video to screencap, as there are two inaccurate statements being made.

1. The San Francisco Zoo holds Western Lowland Gorillas. According to reports, only one Eastern is held outside the wild and that's in Belgium. They seemingly stood there a decent amount of time, yet couldn't get past their tunnel vision to read the species signage.

2. The SFZoo Gorilla enclosure is hardly a cage. Easily seen in the video, the enclosure is a good size with natural landscaping.

3.  The guy states, "... there is nowhere (for the Gorillas) to escape the eye's of the public." ... The Gorilla house is always open, and they have the choice to come and go from their night quarters at all times.

I never expect to hear anything worthy out of either of their mouths, but I still listen.  I should protect myself from their nonsense.  Ugh, I just wish they'd stop talking.  

While I'm very critical of Zoo Fails, I will also be the first to defend it from sensational and erroneous statements.  When I am posting criticism, I try to present it well rounded and not only provide all details as I know them, but suggestions for solutions, when applicable.  It's the fixer mentality in me.  There may still be a few who don't get my criticism, and that it's meant to help the Zoo, mostly by identifying management fails.  If I didn't care about the Zoo, I wouldn't bother.  Being an advocate for the Zoo to be the best it can be, isn't easy emotionally, mentally or physically, but I do it for the Animals.

Related (Previous) Post:



Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



Friday, August 9, 2024

My Opinion About The Opinion Piece By Ex-City Staffer - Examiner 8.8.24

Well, it's 11:30ish and I broke my rule not to look at email after 7p.  But, when my Google News alert for San Francisco Zoo comes through, curiosity gets the best of me.  I always open it, hoping there's nothing that will irk me into wanting to make a post.  Ugh, it happened.


Give it a read, if only to experience yet another cohort of Director Peterson's, who spit-shined his rose colored glasses, and stepped into the damage control arena, blowing smoke upward.

This was the paragraph that led me to be a voice once again for Ollie and Amoi, our Orangutans.

I'm sorry, but as this is his Opinion, this is mine...

This guy is delusional on so many levels.  San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson has done near Zero Fundraising for the Zoo, causing the Orangutans to live in caged tubes, for eight months straight, near two years total, before they had a dedicated enclosure.  An enclosure that was built 60 years ago, with no renovation to it FOR them.  It's disturbing when those who know nothing speak, and it's becoming epidemic.

I don't think I need to say much more, as it's a continual repeat of the same things, and we all know what they are by now!  If you don't, read through some of my posts since April, when both Panda Talk and Expose' Articles started keeping Our Zoo in the news.

That all said, his words make reference, as one previous article did as well, to the Zoo (Director Tanya Peterson, et al) fundraising for Pandas.  This had better not happen.  There was NO fundraising for the Orangutans, or any other Animal Needs in Peterson's sixteen years.  The Mayor is supposed to be raising the funds for Pandas.  The expense of Pandas is supposed to be on the City.  It would be morally criminal for any Zoo funds to be used for Pandas, while the Orangutans languish in an ancient enclosure.  I will add that any Zoological Society Donor who offers funds locked to Pandas, is not someone who cares about the current Zoo Animal Residents Needs. 


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



Friday, August 2, 2024

Zoo Director's Husband Responds To Recent Chronicle Article

Yesterday was long, and I didn't read the email that this came thru in.  Director Tanya Peterson's new husband Greg Dayton responded via a Letter to the Editor (August 1) to the last article published by the Chronicle in their series of efforts exposing fails at the Zoo under Peterson's mismanagement.

My previous post, contains the link to the article.


As someone who was in management for over twenty years, I came away from his Letter, recalling a phone conversation with one of my employees husbands.  In my opinion, hearing spouses tout eachother in certain ways, rubs me the wrong way.

Start Letter to Editor > Regarding “S.F. Zoo has hired several friends and relatives of CEO — and plugs her husband’s love song” (San Francisco, SFChronicle.com, July 23): The insinuation that my wife, Tanya Peterson, the San Francisco Zoo’s executive director and CEO, used her position to advance my music career is grossly inaccurate and deeply damaging to the reputation of a devoted public servant and a beloved city institution.

Here are the facts: I am a professional singer-songwriter and a proud inductee of the New York Blues Hall of Fame. The zoo’s marketing partners suggested I donate a portion of my song, “See My Baby,” to be used in the zoo’s radio advertisements to promote attendance. Tanya didn’t influence this decision in any way. 

I received credit on the zoo’s website, a standard gesture by institutions in exchange for pro bono song usage. Additionally, the crowdfunding campaign for my album “Here to Stay” had no involvement from the zoo’s resources or mailing lists.

Under Tanya’s leadership, the zoo’s attendance has soared to unprecedented levels. Her 16 years of service have resulted in substantial financial contributions, benefiting the animals and funding the new exhibits. The pending arrival of pandas is a testament to her tireless efforts and commitment to the zoo. 

Greg Dayton, Sausalito < End Letter to Editor

In reference to the allegations made in that article, I actually thought bringing up Dayton's appearances at the Zoo's Sunset Friday's music events and use of his song, falling under nepotism, was a bit much, a stretch actually.  As someone who has been friends with many musicians through my lifetime, if I worked at the Zoo, or any other place, and thought someone I knew was a good fit for an event, I'd suggest them as well.  That said, having him perform every week, didn't look too good.

I have no problem with him setting that record straight, but while his points to alleged (I personally don't know if they are accurate) facts are valid, I think he should have left out his last paragraph.

I don't think you can have an unbiased opinion about someone you share a bed with.

I'm assuming and pretty sure Dayton has not been involved with Director Peterson for all of her sixteen year tenure and only has her words, which are often littered with self-importance, illusions and untruths, to go by. 

Let us not forget, this is a woman who is in the highest leadership role at the San Francisco Zoo, an Animal Care Facility, who among so many other offenses too lengthy to name, sought and fought to acquire Orangutans, yet had no place to properly house them.  Forced them to live in caged tubes exclusively for eight months, with a total duration of near two years, before getting access to an ancient enclosure.  

Everyone who witnessed these Great Apes, in the cages, looking down on the Chimpanzees in a new yard, had our souls weeping.  Myself and their care staff, crying at the cruelty.  Did Tanya shed any tears?  No.  Instead she posted to her social media during the pandemic, making a joke of them in cages, as "social distancing".  

I'd like for Tanya's hubby to respond to those Facts.  


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:

