Saturday, July 20, 2024

San Francisco Zoo Vulnerable Barrier Overview - Videos + Added Notes

Last weekend I posted about the experience I had at the Zoo Friday July 12.

Unfortunately, it was nothing new.  In my sixteen years of Zoo experiences, the outcome of Barrier Breaching Visitors being held responsible for their actions, is still nothing.  The list of offenses toward Our Zoo Friends is long, and unpunished.   

In my previous post, I note that I would be contacting the RecPark Commission about this ongoing issue.  I then realized after my post that there could be readers not familiar with the barriers I was referencing.  So, this past week I made short videos of each enclosure barrier that I think is vulnerable to getting Our Animals killed in the event of extreme breaching that could end with human/animal contact.

These are the videos.  Some I've added some notations regarding the length of barrier, and what kind of signage there is, or isn't.

*Black Rhino ... Approx 100 feet of barrier

my photo from 2016


my photo from 2016
with Nile Hippo

*Snow Leopard


Two on the barrier as I walked up to film it.

*Grizzly Bears ...  Approx 145 feet of barrier, One crappy sign.

*Black Bears ... Approx 152 feet of barrier, five signs of varying size and worth

my photo from 2016
with Polar Bear

*One Horned Rhino ... Approx 156 feet of barrier, No signs

They are listed in the order I filmed and uploaded them, not the order I consider most vulnerable, and in need of an addition to the current barrier.  I put Black Rhino at the top of the list, and Bears (both), right behind it.

In my previous post I mention a new fence that recently went up at Chimpanzees.  I didn't have a photo, now I do.  It's the spikes I like. Adding 2-3 feet of this style in a jagged position, to the tops of the existing vulnerable barriers, I think would put a stop for the most part, to the barrier issue.

Here's a rub for ya, ... 

This Approx 100 foot fence is a barrier for a friggin Garden!  

You can't walk in the gardens, but you can stand on animal enclosure barriers.

Help Me.

Please help preserve Our Animals Lives by remaining off and behind barriers.  

From the Zoo's Mission Statement...

From my blog, 2013

When searching for old related content, I watched one of my videos from 2016.  I noted my thought while observing and documenting the Hippo enclosure...

'Zoo's design enclosures to keep the Animals in, but apparently not to keep people out.  Animals see what's out there, they don't want to get out.  I'm out here and I wish I had a barrier between me and people.  Zoo's need to start designing enclosures to keep people out.'


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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