Sunday, July 14, 2024

Barrier Breaching and Security Fails - Animals Lives At Constant Risk

I never intended to write about this subject again.  I've been writing about it literally for a dozen years, and the same hot spots have never been secured.  But hey, let's build another $50,000 Garden.  

I also do not, rather can not, write extensively yet again about this.  It causes me great anxiety, just thinking about it.  My ears started pulsating as I started, and just searching blog to find out when I first started posting about it the subject (2012), made my face tingle and feel numb.  So, I'm hoping I can stick to the abbreviated version I have planned, because I've said it all before.  If interested, search this blog for "barriers" and read all the past risky bullshit that's happened to make Our Zoo Friends lives vulnerable.  And those are just the offenses I've personally witnessed.  These incidents are a daily steady stream of risky misbehavior.

This is something I do not want to write about, especially with Close Zoo Zealots circling, but it has to be done.  Shining this light is not my fault.  Allowing this to go on over a decade is Zoo Director Tanya Peterson's fault.  This in no way is any reason for the Zoo to be highlighted as a deeply rooted dangerous place for Animals, a deterrent effort is an easy fix, when you care about the Animals lives, and that's solely on Director Peterson, who has shown in her sixteen year reign, that she doesn't care.

The catalyst for this post are incidents I witnessed at the Zoo on my visit this past Friday.  I wasn't going to rehash in writing, as I made videos, but I'm putting myself through the upset to illustrate for those who won't watch the videos.

I made two.  One while still in the heat of the moment at the Zoo, and one after, as I ran out of cell space and had to wait to upload the first one and delete to finish.  Anyway, they are lengthy, as I am wordy.

*At my first stop, a visitor was trying to attract the male Gorilla to the eye level window viewing area.  When the Gorilla started making it's way closer is when I arrived to see the visitor pounding his chest repeatedly.  I called for Security.  Security came, and talked to the guy, even though he was leaving the area.  

*Within ten minutes I'm approaching Black Rhino and a guy is holding his kid completely over the barrier.  My first instinct is to always say something, but that only serves to hype me up and get into it verbally with a jerk who it makes no impression on.  So, unless I see an abuse action towards an Animal, I just let it go.  I again called for Security.  The offense quickly passed, and by the time anyone got there the guy had left the area.  I will note response time by Keepers was exceptional and plentiful!  

*About twenty minutes later, I was at Black Bears and who walks up, same guy!  I knew exactly what would happen, so I took a photo of his kid standing on the barrier, and I called for Security again.  The guy left the area and I kept eyes on him roaming about the area by the train.  A Keeper came by, and I showed him the photo.  He went looking, and soon two Security showed up.  After a bit, they looked to be leaving, so I approached them as I had seen the guy on the train.  I told them, and said I could point him out.  The newer Security gal was set to go for ID, and the longer term Security guy, firmly told her No. Let it go.  Fuming I just walked away.  When they passed me I said to him, "So you're not going to talk to the guy?"  He said, "No, we didn't see anything" !!!

That passive attention to potentially life threatening situations for our Animals is UNACCEPTABLE!  Again, all protocols come from Director Peterson and her Security team.  I have heard of people being escorted out, but that has never been my experience.  The protocol I have experienced and continue to, is to not take action against these perptrators.  Something needs to seriously change.  If a Visitor has photo proof of the offense, that needs to count as an eye witness.  I think veral account is valid, but if we are going by the bullshit reasoning given by Security, that they didn't see anything, then at the very least, a photo should count.

This guy stopped at two Code Red Animal enclosures, and  his behavior at both put the lives of the Animals in danger.  ... For those unfamiliar, let me lay it out for you.  If a human accidentally, or voluntarily, comes in contact with a Code Red Animal, the Target team comes out, draws rifles, and our Animal is vulnerable to a bullet to the head.  

There is no room for allowing Offenders to continue roaming the grounds and endangering the Animals, because of bullshit protocols.  

I have not called for Security regarding Barriers in a very long time, at least a few years I think.  It's not that I don't see this offense, there has rarely been a visit when there wasn't someone breaching a barrier in someway (sitting, standing, dangling over)  I just gave up reporting it.  After the outcome Friday, I'm going back to that.   

If there is ever a tragedy involving a beloved Zoo Resident associated with Barrier Breaching that could have been deterred, my verbal wrath against Director Tanya Peterson will be unmatched to anything I have ever said before.  

Everything that happens or doesn't happen at the Zoo reportedly comes from Director Peterson.  So, she is to blame for these barrier offences.  

This, at the very least, is what needs to happen immediately.  Barrier deterrents and better, more plentiful signage, at the hot spots.  Hot spots = most barrier offenses & most dangerous.

1. Black Rhino

2. Black Bears

3. Grizzly Bears

4. One Horned Rhino

As well I think, and have always thought the signage is not only sparse, but badly worded.  Signs that simply say, Stay Off and Behind Barriers.

After the addition of the jagged fence line to the male Anteater barrier, I noted that type of addition to the above hot spots, which at the time also included Nile Hippo, would be a good option.  ... Instead in the years since money has been spent on Gardens and Art Installations, because that's how Director Peterson rolls.  Anything, except for what's best for the Animals.

The material used at Anteater was bamboo in varied heights.

That's fine, but last week I also saw new fencing around certain parts of the barrier at Chimps, which I think is even better.  I didn't get a photo, as I didn't think I'd need one, silly me.  Anyway, here's my drawing.  The spikes are what I like.  Little chance of any sitting, standing, or dangling over barrier with those.  

Whether it's straight across or jagged, something like this needs to be added to those barriers.  I think jagged looks better and would do the trick better, but I think that's a decision that requires Animal Staff input.  I also think adding from slightly below existing barrier to at least two/half feet above, is ideal.  Would allow for kids to look thru fencing below, and make it difficult for reaching over.    

I also think this needs to be added to Snow Leopards and Jaguar.  Kids always on those barriers, and Animals only a few feet away and accessible through mesh.

This is serious and will be put forth in writing to the Rec and Park Commission.  So, chop, chop Director Peterson, write a check for Barrier wood, before the next soil check for a Garden we don't need.

Related post:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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