Friday, August 9, 2024

My Opinion About The Opinion Piece By Ex-City Staffer - Examiner 8.8.24

Well, it's 11:30ish and I broke my rule not to look at email after 7p.  But, when my Google News alert for San Francisco Zoo comes through, curiosity gets the best of me.  I always open it, hoping there's nothing that will irk me into wanting to make a post.  Ugh, it happened.

Give it a read, if only to experience yet another cohort of Director Peterson's, who spit-shined his rose colored glasses, and stepped into the damage control arena, blowing smoke upward.

This was the paragraph that led me to be a voice once again for Ollie and Amoi, our Orangutans.

I'm sorry, but as this is his Opinion, this is mine...

This guy is delusional on so many levels.  San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson has done near Zero Fundraising for the Zoo, causing the Orangutans to live in caged tubes, for eight months straight, near two years total, before they had a dedicated enclosure.  An enclosure that was built 60 years ago, with no renovation to it FOR them.  It's disturbing when those who know nothing speak, and it's becoming epidemic.

I don't think I need to say much more, as it's a continual repeat of the same things, and we all know what they are by now!  If you don't, read through some of my posts since April, when both Panda Talk and Expose' Articles started keeping Our Zoo in the news.

That all said, his words make reference, as one previous article did as well, to the Zoo (Director Tanya Peterson, et al) fundraising for Pandas.  This had better not happen.  There was NO fundraising for the Orangutans, or any other Animal Needs in Peterson's sixteen years.  The Mayor is supposed to be raising the funds for Pandas.  The expense of Pandas is supposed to be on the City.  It would be morally criminal for any Zoo funds to be used for Pandas, while the Orangutans languish in an ancient enclosure.  I will add that any Zoological Society Donor who offers funds locked to Pandas, is not someone who cares about the current Zoo Animal Residents Needs. 


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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