After my last post dated Jan 6, I responded to the RecPark by sending the link to that post,... well as noting that I must assume that Zip Ties are their idea of repairing the fence.
I've had further response from RecPark in early January, but that was seemingly only after I contacted District One Supervisor Connie Chan, whose district the Bison Paddock is in. All words reflected repairs are being made.
As you can see, this photo taken by a friend today, shows the JFK fence still rigged with Zip Ties.
As I lay hear listening to the rain and wind, I checked the date of the Storm that ripped through our region, specifically down the west end of JFK. It was December 4th. To the day, two months ago. By the end of this week, it will be as long, from the first contact I made with RecPark questioning repairing the Bison Paddock fence.
As a Resident who considers the Park my backyard, I am in or through the area multiple times a week. With that, I am aware of the devastation to Our Park, and the efforts to clear the abundance of downed trees that were sadly victims of the storm. So, I completely understand what Park Teams have been tasked with.
What I don't understand is Why, the JFK portion of the Bison fence remains damaged and held together with Zip Ties? Evidently remedying this is not a priority for the RecPark. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect at the very least, that be taken care of. I have asked several times from the start, whether the new fence panels have been ordered? That questioned remains unanswered two months later.
Maybe the question at this point is, When can we see, at the very least, the damaged JFK portion of the fence replaced with new panels?
I know I'm a broken record about this, and maybe I wouldn't be if the RecPark had not been neglecting their responsibilities to the Bison Paddock for over a decade, possibly longer. Members of the Park Commission, may wonder, What is she talking about? Those who care about the Bison know exactly what I'm talking about. Two words. Broken Sprinklers. I've been complaining and documenting the Disgraceful state of the Bison Meadow during non-rainy season, for many years. It's tiresome, frustrating and sad.
So yeah, I'm irritated that progress repairing even that one portion of the Bison fence, has still not been taken care of.
The East fencing isn't even Zip Tied, as complete panels are down, destroyed by fallen trees, which were coincidentally cleared within a week of the last correspondence from RecPark. With that clearing, the fence is wide-open in those areas. I haven't walked the West fence line, so either still has trees on fence or looks similar to this. ... Photo Jan 27
Again, the question remains whether new fence panels have at the very least been ordered? But, I will not bother to ask. I'll just wait. Maybe by Summer, the Fence and the Sprinklers will be fixed? Then myself and and everyone who cares about the Bison and their home, will be happy.
Related Posts: Search Bison Meadow Spinklers, for way too many posts.
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