Sunday, February 16, 2025

Why Do City Departments Give Our Zoo The Middle Finger?

Much like my years ago requests, regarding Our Zoo's perimeter fence replacement (SFRecPark) and graffiti abatement (SFPublicWorks), City Departments seem to hear Zoo, and cover their ears, while extending their middle finger.

I wrote this in a previous post in regard to the issues mentioned above. ... 

> "Again, very poor of the City of San Francisco to not try and help a Zoo that they own, that is on City property, and that carries their name.  Once again, because the Zoo is so far from the geographical area that concerns them, apparently no one seems to care." <

This week, it will be a month since I saw the City's trash receptacle outside the Zoo, was a broken down mess.  It looked like it had been bludgeoned from the top, and burnt out, with chunks and bits of concrete crumbled onto the ground.

I sent a clean-up, and/or complete removal request and photo for the Public Works Dept? to SF311.  The later, I had requested long ago when another trash can issue was a blight on the front of the Zoo.  Ignored, this receptacle location has remained, and is always a mess.

The reply was review on replacement or removal status would happen "within twenty days".

Two weeks later, the mess was still there.  I sent an updated photo, and expressed that I felt, the least they could do in the meantime, was clean the ground debris.  Response was, clean-up within three days. 

The mess was still there on my next visit, which would have been the fourth day. ... My initial reaction was to immediately call bullshit on the situation, but with the twentieth day approaching soon, I decided to wait.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a bitch about this, but they come by and take the trash, it's friggin' lazy to not sweep the debris, or any other mess left as a result of their receptacle in this location.  Likewise, it's shameful negligence seeing the damaged unit (weeks, maybe months ago), while on the job, and not ordering a new one on their own.  Why does a member of the public need to call attention to this?  

Some might think, Why do I care about such things?  If you are one to wonder, re-read that sentence.  The operative word is Care.

My visit last Wednesday marked day twenty-two.  The mess and the broken down receptacle is still there.  

I will now follow-up with SF311, and include the link to this post for them to forward to Public Works.  Noting, "Day 22, Mess still there.  I give up.  No One cares that the front of Our Zoo looks like shit.  Thanks for trying." 

Additionally, there is a City trash receptacle directly across the street.  So, this one is unnecessary and just invites extra trash that creates a mess in front of Our Zoo.

Considering this does have to do with the appearance of Our Zoo, Staff could and should have swept the destruction debris to the gutter, but it really is not their job.  Though coupled with the state of that damn broken down perimeter fence, the front of our Zoo looks war torn, and someone needs to have pride in Our Zoo, even if it doesn't come from the top.

I see this all as just another middle finger on the part of a City Department in regard to caring about Our Zoo. ... The first being the Zoo's own head Department, SF RecPark, who refused to include them in their New Fence Project in 2020.  

The following is one of many posts I've written documenting the "perimeter fence" (searchable keyword).  ... Like my previous post subject "bison",  the fence issue is tiresome.

The Continuing Saga Of The Disgraceful Perimeter Fence


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,


#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

1 comment:

  1. It should be important to the city to take care of an old gem - even more important for zoo management to care about the zoo.
    Time and time again we’ve seen the neglect. I’m glad you care so much; I wish others cared even just a bit.
    It’s sheer neglect.
    And caring for the residents inside starts with taking pride in the upkeep of their home.
    (The arrival of pandas will mean that those already here will never be a priority…)


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*You can be a Voice for the SFZoo Animals by Contacting the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson at
*Thank You for taking the time to read about things that matter to me.