Last Wednesday I did my weekly walk-around the Bison Paddock to check on fence progress. Disgracefully, there is none.
For those not following along, I will give a short synopsis, and also link a related post at the bottom for those who want more details.
On December 16, while in the midst of a brutal storm, the west side of The City, and down the coast, got a Tsunami Warning. Immediately worried about the Bison, and asked a friend who was going to be out the next day, to check on them. She reported fallen trees and downed fences, but the Bison were safe and contained in the back enclosure.
The next day, I did a full walk around the perimeter. Trees fell and damaged the Bison fence on three sides. Trees were still on toppled and wide-open fence panels on the East and West sides, and fallen branches had mangled the front fence along JFK (South). Those branches were removed and that portion had been Zip Tied together and was propped up. The devastation to our poor Park was awful. It seemed like that one stretch had a tornado sweep through. We lost a massive beloved tree directly across from the Bison, that up until a few years ago, hosted a nesting pair of Great Horned Owls for over four decades.
It was clear that clearing this area, as well so much of the Park was going to be a huge task, but my concern was the fence that enclosed the Bison home. I understand that I am possibly hyper-sensitive to this being a priority, because of the RecPark's years-long neglect of their responsibility to maintaining the sprinkler system in the Bison Paddock. That said, it is an area that is home to living Beings and I don't think it's unreasonable to expect it to have some level of priority.
As I write this, I realize today is exactly two months since that event and it's still a shit-show.
I have asked RecPark more than once, starting the week after, If at the very least, new fence panels have been ordered? That question has never been answered.
I find it outrageous that new panels were obviously not ordered either immediately after the event, or possibly not at all. If they had, at least the JFK side of the fence could have been replaced long ago. Instead it is still held together with Zip Ties.
Two weeks ago, the trees that were still on downed fences, were finally cleared.
The West side remains wide-open.
And the East was obviously still open, until the day I was out there, because when I walked up, I spied these two trying to Zip Tie the East fence. Wish I had video on, as one tried to walk-away thinking he had it secured and it fell. I laughed, as tweedle one went over to help tweedle two start over. I mean seriously, those panels are all twisted and shit. This is ridiculous.
If the Park had ordered new fence panels immediately after the storm, this would all be fixed. When I first approached, I asked one of these two, "Will this ever be fixed?" I think his response was, "At some point!" 😮 I wish I can say for certain those were his exact words, but seriously, my mind hurts from this effing situation.
Related Post:
Bison Fence Storm Damage Update & Responce From RecPark (Jan 6)
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I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget. I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that. Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags. Does it help in searches, who knows.
#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,
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What an abomination! I would not accept ‘there is no money’ as an excuse.
ReplyDeleteThere’s money enough for renovations on the other side of the road!!
San Francisco needs to get its priorities straight. The care of longtime residents is given a back seat to newer, shiny ‘projects.’
True with people, zoo animals, and now in GG Park.
It’s sad.