How appropriate that my last post was in reference to a Birthday Celebration.
I'm very behind on posts! Ihave been attempting to write about many things over the past couple months in addition to catching up on drafts, but time and energy seems to be scarce these days. The last couple weeks have been filled with worry about over a dozen abandoned Ducklings and attempting to rescue them.
I missed posting two Zoo Friend Birthdays in a timely manner :( Happy Belated Birthday to Bawang and Slash! (see my other blog for the bday pix!) I did get to the Zoo last Thursday to wish Cobby and Skylar/Leanne a Happy Birthday! (other blog for bday pix!). I knew neither one would get a Celebration, but still I get disappointed. I always hope the Zoo will start to recognize each Animals Special Day, but I guess that will never happen. Its just not the kind of respect shown to these Wonderful Beings who give their lives to the Zoo. Without them there would be NO Zoo, the Staff would have NO job. To me, an Ice Treat or another special treat shouldn't be that hard to provide them. It doesn't have to be a full blown party, but something Special should be given. Geez, its one day a year.
The biggest hit to my soul is always the Chimps. These Friends have lived at the Zoo 40+ years. They have been denied an upgrade to their home (more on that in another post), they are the oldest Animals living there and they can't even get a Happy Birthday post on the Zoo's Facebook page. Disgraceful.
So I write this on the eve of the Gorilla babie's 1st Birthday. This is not to take anything away from Kabibe, I'll be there for her Party, but the Zoo seems to be selective in their "celebrations". I wrote about this before. They certainly seem to only do things that will possibly get them Media attention, and all the rest get ignored.
As I said I'm behind on stuff, and one of the Zoo Friend Birthdays I missed posting in a timely manner, was Bawang, who is the surrogate Mother to Kabibe. She has raised two infant Gorillas now, Hasani and Kabibe. Without her the Zoo could not have kept these infants. Its shameful that she can't even get a shout out or special treat. I mean really, what's the criteria for rating a Happy Birthday recognition on Facebook? A Special Treat? A Party? Its pretty sickening that some some Animals are Celebrated by the Zoo and others get nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.