After four plus years writing about this, I'm letting it go. It is obvious Zoo Director Tanya Peterson does not give a shit how the outśide of the Zoo is presented.
Along with Director Peterson, I have documented how the San Francisco Recreation and Park Dept (which the Zoo falls under), does not care to step-in or step-up to help in any way. Additionally the City's Dept of Public Works has ignored all of my requests, both initially an inquiry and after, a service request to remove the graffiti.
For those who haven't followed this issue, a recent backstory link is at the end of this post.
In short, the Zoo's perimeter fence between the old entrance and a section of the current entrance, has been deteriorating for decades. The wood is worn, broken and missing pieces, the concrete columns have been smashed and are crumbling. This year it has been tagged excessively by graffiti.
My issue is no one cares. The Director doesn't care. The City doesn't care. Just because the Zoo is at the end of the land, doesn't mean it should be left in shambles. Director Peterson should be ashamed of herself.
While she dictates a mismanaged list of priorities, needs are not attended to. This is not new, the tiki hut comes to mind. Don't get me wrong, I love a tiki hut probably more than the next person, but not when Animal needs are not met. All her decisions in my opinion are selfish and again I use my mantra, Wants over Needs in reference to how things are done at our Zoo.
From a blog post dated January 17, 2015 When I was documenting the needs of the Chimpanzees and the things that took priority.
Since the tiki hut, there have been a long list of Wants over Needs, especially with the outrageous amount of money spent on making pocket gardens. Again, don't get me wrong, the gardens are beautiful, but anything non-Animal related, when so many Needs arent met really irks me. And I dont care about the crying poor she does. If there's no money to fix even small things, do some damn fundraising for a change! Many Wants are put forth by donors with locked funds (donations designated for a specific use), which irks me too. Anyone with a caring eye can walk around the Zoo and see things that are needed for the Animals. So how is it this still happens? Yet another garden is currently underway.
I know I'm rehashing but I just don't get it. Striving to make the Zoo better seems easy if you try. I guess that's easy said from those who care and Director Peterson has shown repeatedly that she doesn't.
Yes, the subject of this post is a non-Animal issue, but it's a thing that in my opinion is a need. Not a need over an Animal need, but definitely a need over a want. Of course I would not want money spent on non-Animal related needs, while there is still a needs list, but my point is, if money is going to be spent on tiki huts, gardens and the like, the damn perimeter fence should have taken priority decades ago, and certainly at some point in Director Peterson's fifteen years at the helm.
Some might ask, Why do I care so much about a non-Animal issue? I not only care about the Animals, I care about the Zoo. I care that the Zoo looks nice, not ramshackled. The outside should look inviting, not in ruins.
The Zoo has been a part of my life since I was a baby. Up until 2007, I may not have been as involved, but I was there the day of the Tiger event, and I was there in the Zoo's corner through all the bad press and public bashing of my Zoo. In the wake of that dark cloud, I became hypersensitive first to human behavior towards the Animal Residents, then to all the fails coming from Management, specifically Director Peterson. I have watched over the last fifteen years our Zoo circle the drain under her mismanagement, while myself and those on staff who do care have tried to make the Zoo the best it can be. All who have cared, have been knocked down in some way by Director Peterson's need to lead the Zoo with a dictator approach, laden with selfishness and lack of empathy & compassion. It's truly disturbing.
So here we are, three months after I first contacted the Dept of Public Works, inquiring whether the Zoo (which is City owned) was eligible for their new no cost abatement program. With no response to many inquiries, including 311 contacting them, 311 put forth a service request on February 23, that is still Open. DPW turn around time for requests is thirty days.
As of two weeks ago the graffiti was out of control. I planned this update at that time. Now there's a new observation that is a head shaker and frown maker.
Last week I noticed the graffiti closest to the entrance was gone, except for a small spot that probably was tagged after the cleanup. I was curious, did DPW come out or did the Zoo finally clean it? When I left, I called 311. That was when I found out the service request was still open. Then the situation became very clear in my mind, at least a theory based on what I know about how things are done there. Considering ZooFest was the weekend before, I was sure the Zoo must have finally cleaned it, since they wanted it presentable for the Zoological Society Members and other ZooFest attendees when they drove into the parking lot.
The next day I drove by and sure enough, only the portions of fence on both sides of the parking lot were cleaned. The graffiti on the old broken down fence and columns was still there. I'd say unbelievable, but it's really not. More illusions created by Director Peterson, to make it seem like she is doing her job, which is having the Zoo's best interest a priority, which she has done the opposite of for fifteen years.
While the graffiti on the closer portion of the fence was painted over, whose idea was it to do it this way? Why wasn't the whole fence given a coat? Only painting over spots looks ridiculous and lazy.
Now, I must say, everything about this clean-up attempt is unconfirmed, but seriously the timing can't be denied. I don't see any other explanation. If I'm wrong, someone tell me and I'll retract some of my words, but not all, as this clean-up is not the overall issue here.
I continue to wonder why the old fence and columns have not been removed? It appears that whole fence line is seemly useless. I wrote that there is a chain link fence behind it. The Zoo needs to add tarping to the inside of that and line the ground level with a nice multi-level (gray) brick line to prevent coyote dig sites.
I know this is a shitty drawing, but you get my drift.
Ugh. I'm done.
Director Peterson, STOP just driving by AND ignoring the outside of the Zoo. Show some CARE, and have pride in how our Zoo is maintained and presented. Even if you don't care, others do.
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