Monday, September 4, 2017

HOT TOPIC! - Barrier Abusers Put Bear Cubs in Danger

So, I think after my last post this post is going to pretty much write itself, as they say, a picture says a thousand words.  These pictures only need to say ten.  What the Hell are You Doing, Endangering the Animals Safety.

If you haven't, please read my previous post for back story on why hanging over the Barriers is a dire issue point.

I knew before these Precious Cubbies came to SF that there would be an issue with the Barriers at this exhibit. While they were renovating this exhibit and sprucing up the railings, I asked if there was a plan to put a deterrent, like maybe the staggered bamboo same as at the Anteater? No there was no plan.  Although everyone on Staff that I asked said, "That would be a good idea" or "I wish they would."  

This post was written the day after the Cubs arrived.  Two weeks before they went on exhibit. Plenty of time to add a deterrent to the Barrier.

I have stood at the Cubs at least two hrs a day, three times a week since they came on exhibit four weeks ago. I have seen a steady stream of offenders.  I have seen a steady stream of Staffers stand there and say nothing, with these offences are in action.  I have seen one Staff Member say something.  One.  I even asked a Staffer who didn't say anything.  I've pointed it out to several, "look", nothing.  Is Management telling those on Staff not to say anything to people?  Seriously, what gives that so many people do not find that this is a problem?  Wake Up!  This is a problem!

Does the San Francisco Zoo care if someone falls into an enclosure?

Bottom line, there needs to be a physical deterrent attached to this Barrier (as well that of the Black Rhino and Hippo).  As I've suggested too many times, the bamboo like at Anteater would work fine. Or even a short glass across the concrete edge of the enclosure like at Wolves, just so no one rolls/bounces into the enclosure.  Whatever it is, there needs to be something, because people do not read their few little signs. If they do not put something up, and someone falls in and jeopardizes the lives of these Babies, I am going to be alot more vocal than I already am.  My little blogging of "my opinions" is already a thorn in their side, what do they think happens after I've been documenting this for years and they have done nothing? Every minute those Cubs are on exhibit and someone is hanging over, the Zoo knowingly puts their lives at risk.  The same as it does for the other Animals in the same situation.  The Zoo knows.  No way they can't.  They read this blog and I've been posting about it for years.

I will note that the Cubs are pretty trained to come to a Cow Bell, but that should not be something they rely on to call them in if something as novel as a Human appears in their territory. Especially not after they are weaned from the bottle that they are coming to the bell for.  And I can tell you that the Rhinos and Hippo are not trained to retreat for a bottle.

I was asked by one Staffer what I blog about.  I said, "Everything. Good and Bad.  Things I see that aren't right."   They said, "... but that goes against our Mission."  Alluding to me that I shouldn't be blogging about the Zoo, if its anything other than what I see while wearing rose-colored glasses. I thought that was both curious and interesting.  What about my Mission to do what's right for the Animals?   They said, "But that's your opinion."  I said, "Yes it is my opinion, and its all based on facts."   Again they said, "But that's your opinion."   ... Well, it appears, These Photos are Facts, not Opinion.

I'm posting the collage of the Winner and Runner-up first because I don't want you to tire after seeing all the other offenders and give up before see these gems.  The Winner is something else.  Actually never seen anything quite as daring as this. I think at one point she might have let go for a second. And yea, the Runner-up offended in front of three Staff Members.  Its amazing that I can still take hundreds of photos of the Cubs each visit and still notice these misbehaviors, yet Staff can't.  Or they do and just don't care.  Then someone falls in and they are screwed.

Kids are constantly running by, playing, pushing each other and other basic not paying attention flailing about.  One of them accidentally bumps one of these Parents and their grip could be jostled and in their kid goes.

Keep in mind that these are just some of the photos I've taken.

HOT TOPIC! - UnSecure Barriers Continue to Put Animals At Risk

Its been more than a year since I've posted about all the things that I feel need to be documented and public.  As I've stated many times, Zoo issues really drain me.  It just seems never ending and for what reasons things just can't be right there, I'll never know.  I need the outlet this forum provides, but at the same time, I often try to put down my thoughts and I just get too overwhelmed to write anything.  What that's left me with is tons of notes and upset to match.  

This post was going to go straight into the issue with the Bear Cubs enclosure but as I am writing, I know this will take a turn into a repeat of issue points surrounding Barrier Abuse. I apologize to those that have read this all before.  You can skip straight to the next post, which I hope to write soon after this one.

The sporadic things I have posted about have been situational to that time frame.  While I like to post in chronological order, I'm trying to let go of that, otherwise being this far behind in my list of posts, I'd never get anything posted.  For now, I've narrowed down my issue points to that of Animal Welfare and Animal Endangerment. Both I've been writing about for years.  The later is a constant, as it happens continually.  As I sit here this moment, I can almost guarantee there is someone hanging their kid over a barrier, and most likely at a Code Red Animal enclosure.

I have endlessly posted about the Barrier Abuse issue.  If you are interested, please use the search box in the upper left corner and search "Barrier".  I have made a video about it, I have tweeted photos of offenders while I'm at the Zoo to both the Zoo and the AZA (more on that later), I have made a Facebook Page about Zoo Safety in general.  Its been almost seven years since I started being vocal about this issue, yet there are still three hot spots at the Zoo that go unprotected.  All Code Red Animals.  

Code Red Animals for those who don't know are those considered the greatest threat to Humans. These Animals have a shoot to kill order if they come in contact with a Human.  This means that for whatever reason, accidental or voluntarily, any Human that ends up in an Animal enclosure, the Animals will lose its life, if it at all appears to approach the Human. So, if someone hangs/stands their kid over/on a Barrier and they lose their grip for whatever reason and the kid falls in, the Animal gets a bullet.  Is this the Animals fault?  No.  Is it the Parents/Guardians?  Yes.  Is it the Zoos?  Yes.

Some Parents/Guardians will make the case that they "have a hold on the kid."  That is BS.  I'm sorry but this is a serious issue and to have any flippant reasoning is irresponsible and self-entitled. I will make a case for this in my next post with photos.  I'm sure the Mother who dropped her kid in the Wild Dogs at the Pittsburgh Zoo thought she had a grip too.  Or How about the kid who fell into the Jaguars at Arkansas Zoo.  Then there's the people who don't even watch their kids like the Mother at Cincinnati Zoo who got Gorilla Harambe killed. Bottom line, accidents obvious happen, so Zoos need to at the very least have Barriers that will prevent accidents, by having Barriers that no one can lean over, sit over, stand on, ect.

The Zoo makes little effort to protect the Animals.  Their effort is signs smaller than those cautioning not to enter unauthorized areas, and  that promote events and the sale of beer. For the longest time there weren't even those signs.  People don't really read signs, but at least there is some form of notation of rules.  Then they put up wordy signs about trespassing.  Most people can't even understand those.  Then they put up signs with the visual that is meant to say don't cross barrier, and I was told by visitors looks like, don't pee in the exhibit.  Again there are better ways to word and display signage, but the Zoo fails to do a decent job at that.  Let's be clear, even with decent signage, there is a desperate need for better Barriers.  But, that doesn't mean bigger, better and more signs shouldn't go up.  I tried to campaign for more Animals to have glassed in enclosures.  That went no where.  I knew the Zoo would never fund for that, but at least the need and reasoning for something additional to protect the Animals was out there.  

When the male Giant Anteater moved to the exhibit across from the east end of the Lion House, he had no protection.  People would stand, lay across and hang over his barrier.  Not only is this disrespectful of his home space, but again if someone falls in, doesn't end well if the Animal approaches the Human.  He is not a Code Red Animal, but he could do some serious damage with those claws.  Going back to at least 2012 I blogged about it, a Docent I know emailed the Director about her concerns.  It wasn't until an impending AZA Accreditation inspection in 2015 did the Zoo put up a barrier to deter people hanging over the Barrier.  ... At this time they also put up some silly little metal lips at Hippo and another odd metal strip at Asian Rhino that does nothing to deter.

Attempts at Fixes.  The Zoo has made some.  Although the Bears, Rhinos, and Hippos are still desperate hot spots.  All Code Red Animals. ... Along with the Anteater, after the Harambe Gorilla Tragedy, the SFZoo added additional Barriers to both Gorilla and Chimpanzee enclosures.  I thought it was interesting choices, since they did nothing to fix issue points at Bears, Rhinos, and Hippo and those are the three places I continually see offenses every visit.   ... A couple weeks ago some large poles went up in front of the Asian Rhino.  I can only assume this will be some sort of deterrent? Although considering that there is one Barrier there, an additional one short of glass only needed to be the staggered bamboo fencing like at Anteater, to deter sitting and standing on the railing.  These poles look awful, and even if they put wiring across, will not keep people from hanging over.  All this while people continue to hang over at Bears, Rhinos and Hippo.  Glass is the only way to protect this Animal since his enclosure is level with people. 

Most all of what I'm referring to is to protect the Animals against the daily accidents just waiting to happen.  Someone entering intentionally, is not going to be stopped by anything short of enclosing all the Animals (at least the Code Reds) with glass.  That said, I don't think an Animals should ever lose their life because of someone who decided whether of sound mind or not to enter an enclosure.  I know this way of thinking would never become rule, because Society values Humans,  higher than Animals, but it should.  There was a Zoo that had someone try to commit suicide by entering the Lions enclosure and they killed the Lions.  This to me is insane.  I have been at the Zoo when they have been on alert for someone trying to end their life in this way.  I would be devastated if one of our Animals lost their life because of this.   Our Grizzly Girls almost lost their life when an unstable person entered their enclosure. Thankfully they didn't want anything to do with the Human, but if they did, Bang!  because the rifles were aimed at them.  While these are extreme and random, these things obviously happen and there should be better guidelines for situations where the Animals should be at risk for being killed. 

So, about the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums).  I had written to them on a couple occasion about Animal Welfare issues, the first time for help for the Andean Bear who had lived 24 years on concrete when it was known he had bone issues from doing so. They never responded.  He was put down still having full mental capacity, but because his poor legs literally were pounded to death and he could no longer walk.  RIP Wishbone.  I had sent them very detailed information on many issue points prior to the Zoos Accreditation Inspection.  Not to prevent Accreditation, but hoping that as the governing organization over Zoos, that they would at the very least do something about some of these issues, the Barriers being one of them.  Its been two years now and the Barriers are still an issue, and the Chimps house still has peeling lead paint.  I see the Chimps picking at it and eating it.  I have Tweeted them numerous times while I'm at the Zoo with photos of people on the barriers.  No response, until recently.  So you can see I don't have much faith in them.  That said, I continued to document and alert, and like I said, until recently.  To my surprise the AZA Tweeted back and asked for me to send any other documentation to the accreditation dept.  I appreciate them finally showing interest and I will send them this blog link and the next one.  They will have all the information they need and we will see if there will be any changes.

Next up (hopefully today) ... Barrier Abusers Put Bear Cubs in Danger

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Saturday Visit - The Good, Bad and Inappropriate

I rarely go out on the Weekend.  I knew the Cubs would be getting snow, so I braved the heat and holiday crowds, to go out for a bit and see these babies having some fun that I hadn't seen yet.

                                          Cubbies in the Snow!

On the way out, the Lemur Cafe was shut down as the Fire Dept was there.  Apparently it got so hot in there it tripped the alarm and SFFD came out.  Allegedly there are no fans or Air Conditioning in the grill/kitchen area.  How is that possible?  I have no idea what laws are for this, but I can't imagine its legal to have employees operating the grill/fryer/ect.  especially in warm weather, without the relief of a cooling system.  The Cafe is run by an outside company, but it must follow Zoo Management as I understand.  I think its pretty cruel, especially with the heatwave, to have no way for the employees to stay cool. This all said, come on SFZoo, make sure the workers in the Cafe have better working conditions. This was the Bad.

Now for the  Obnoxious.  I hate to have to write about this, but I got a feeling I need to document this interaction.  I wanted to say something to management about this, but every time I talk to them about something like this, it seems to get sloughed off.  Different rules apply when I complain about something.  Like the times I've said something when Visitors have put Animals in danger and I've been sworn at by Visitors and management does nothing.  For those not interested, I understand, skip it and check out my Cub group on Facebook Rescued Bear Cub Club for videos of the babies enjoying the Snow and Ice Treats!

While watching the Cubs, a couple started talking to me about how cute they are.  I said, I know, I've been out several times a week and love them so much I have a FB Group for them.  The guy said, "The Zoo should hire you."  I laughed and said, "Oh the Zoo would never hire me, they don't like me."  He asked why.  I said,  "Because I look out for the Animals and if you care about the Animals too much, they don't like that."  One of the Docents there then stuck herself between us and said, "That's not true. The Zoo takes good care of the Animals."  The couple looked at her like what's going on?  I said to the Docent, "I never said that they didn't take good care of the Animals."  I turned to the couple and said, "Did I say that?"  They said, "No."  The Docent went on saying, "Yes you did."  I said, "No I didn't."  She continued to say I did, so I asked her to tell me exactly what I said that implied that.  She had to think for a minute and then said, "You said, The Zoo doesn't like people who care about the Animals."  I said, "That's exactly the truth."   ... But, that in no way implies an opinion about the care of the Animals.

Digress - That is what I said, because in my experience that's the truth. It had nothing to do with their care. The Zoo Director and other Management do not like if anyone cares too much.  Its no secret, I've written about it, and its been demonstrated at Zoo Meetings, when I personally have seen Management, Park and Rec, and Board members roll their eyes, when Keepers would bring up Animal issues that they could not get addressed any other way than in that forum.  As well, in the way so many long time Keepers have either been let go or run out of there, for addressing Animal concerns.  Good Grief, the Zoo went without a Vet on Staff for almost two months, relying only on covering the schedule with previous Vets.  How did this happen?  Allegedly one Vet "retired", or was asked to in lieu of being fired. The other was allegedly fired for allegedly trying to do best by the Animals and having Management oppose.  The Director eventually hired back the Vet that she allegedly fired in the wake of the Patas Monkey scandal, that was documented by KGO News.

Anyway,  So this Docent insinuated herself into our space and interrupted our conversation, and then proceeded to call me a liar.  She didn't hear the whole conversation, and had no idea the progression of the conversation.  In my opinion she was out of line and once again someone there is calling me a liar.  ... I know for a fact that my passion and commitment to watching out for the Animals and speaking up if I think something isn't right, is exactly the reason the Zoo Director and her Management Minions do not like me.  They have no other valid reason, and that is why I have still never received a valid reason for either time my Membership has been taken away. Because what else am I doing while I'm there?  I'm watching the Animals.  I don't even report people over barriers anymore because they don't do anything about it.  So SFZoo, what is it that I'm doing that is so wrong?

Continuing on, So this Docent continued to make her case about the care of the Animals, saying she came from being Anti-Zoo, yadda.   I didn't want to continue with her, but since she was going on and on, touting her position, I was curious, since I had recently witnessed a Docent do nothing when the Bear Cub fell into the pool a couple weeks ago, and I continually see people over the barrier and they say nothing.  So, I said, "I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I want to ask you, Would Advocate for the Animals if you saw something that wasn't right?"  She said, "Yes if she saw an Animal in distress, I would go to Education,..." (I'm thinking go to Education? If an Animal is in distress, why aren't they calling Security?)  Anyway, I said, "That's not what I mean."  I said, "Let me ask you this, Do you think that the Komodo Dragon is living in the ideal situation?"  She said, "Yes, because of his medical condition,..."  I said, "They committed to building him a new home before that and never did."  She said, 'He was small."   I said, "I'm not going to argue about that", and I asked her If when she first became a Docent (2012), at that time did she ever look at the Chimps and think they should have better?  She said, "They are old and can't be moved around."  I said, "Tanya (Director Peterson) tried to kick them out, after they lived here near 50 years,  so she could bring in Orangutans.  I saved those Chimps."  All she had to say was, "We are still getting Orangutans."   I said, "Well, what you've told me is what the Zoo tells you.  You might want to learn more about the Zoo than just what you're told."  Which is true.  I don't believe just what people tell me.  No one should.  I was endeared to the Animals and became passionate about the Zoo almost ten years ago, and I did my research. I read every article on SFGate ever posted, I read every Joint Zoo Committee Document, I searched all the Animals by name,  and found out their history.  Why, because I was interested in learning about the Animals I was lucky to know.  Sadly, even back then I was told by a Staffer that some didn't like me , because it was weird that I cared to know so much about the Animals.  Why would that be something weird?  I think its weird to spend time doing something and not wanting to know more.

Anyway, she walked away and I could hear her behind me loudly talking at groups of people, saying, The Zoo takes good care of the Animals, like she had to still counter something I said, which was NOT even something I said. So inappropriate.

Like I said, I wanted this documented, because who knows if this Docent shared her interaction with me, the Zoo may decide to make something of it, even though she instigated the interaction and at no time did I say anything untrue or inappropriate.  I can talk to who I want.  I can say what I want.  I'm not being vulgar, or threatening, which is in their guidelines. (Although remember, people have been vulgar and threatening to me, yet when I report it nothing is done.) Its not bashing the Zoo, by pointing out things that could be better. It shouldn't be viewed as wrong to want better, instead of accepting mediocrity. I don't often talk about things like that with other visitors, but that conversation with that couple was initiated by them and led that way.  And what I said was true.  The Zoo would never hire me, they don't like me.  They don't like me because I care too much.   

Additionally, contrary to what I've heard, that being that I make stuff up, what I write in this blog, is reflective of what I see with my own eyes.  The Komodo Dragon lives in a Terrarium.  The Chimps have been slighted for over two decades and were set to be sent away.  People hang over the barriers. Those are facts.  Its all the truth.  Its curious that the Zoo is always so concerned with what I say or write, when If they felt secure in what they were doing there, I could say anything and it wouldn't/shouldn't matter.  ... As well, there are people who visit the Zoo everyday who make negative comments about how they think the Animals are, and the enclosures they are in.  I hear them.  Yet its only my opinions that seem to matter so much.  

Ok, so I've sorta digressed again.  Its not right that I should feel like I have to write about such things and repeat stuff I've previously written about.  I got other things to do.  Like write a detailed post about the Komodo Dragon.  But back to yesterday, Bottom line, I should not have been verbally attacked (how I felt) by this Docent and called a liar.  She should never have interrupted a private conversation, or went about involving other visitors with her misinterpretations.