I feel like I've been relatively quiet about Zoo stuff, unless a news article compells me to respond, rather counter the bullshit with reality.
I have continuous Zoo related thoughts, and always making notes, for words I want to express about the Zoo outside of this blog. Unfortunately, I don't often get farther than my notes in any timely manner. ... Last night I was working on organizing thoughts, when I checked email and saw this...
What more can be said about the Panda Plan?
Not much, as anyone who really cares about Our Zoo, knows bringing in Pandas at this time is irresponsible, and disrespectful to all the Animals that currently live at Our Zoo.
The whole Panda Plan has been a sour note from the start. There has been opposition from not only members of the Public, but from members of the City Board Of Supervisors. That said, the real shit-show is how acquiring Pandas will throw Our Zoo into long-term financial ruin, and how it will negatively affect the current Animal Residents.
The most recent chaos that will ensue, is the plan to displace the Lions. Director Tanya Peterson has had absolutely no sense, in any logical vision for the landscape of Our Zoo, for the sixteen years she's held the reins. She will stick anything, anywhere, just to get something she wants in Our Zoo.
It really pisses me off that Director Peterson, has no problem displacing the Lions from the Lion House, which sounds ridiculous when you see it as simple as that.
It really pisses me off that Director Peterson is willing to remove the Lions from their home, and spend millions to build them a new home. It's pure insanity, and disturbing considering she did shit zero for the Orangutans, who she kept in caged tubes for eight months. The Orangutans were dumped into the ancient Triple Grotto after being here two years without their own home. The Orangutans need a new home. Not the Lions.
I apologize to regular readers, who continue to listen to me champion for the Orangutans, but they have been disrespected by Director Peterson since before they arrived. The lack of appropriate housing prevented them from being able to move in their natural and necessary physical motion, and has scarred them emotionally and mentally. So, the broken record will continue to play.
Tanya Peterson will continue to sing and sell her songs of illusions to everyone, especcially anyone who can help her further her and the Zoological Society's personal agendas. She and the Society will continue to hide behind certifications (USDA) and accreditation (AZA) both "awards", that do not reflect the real issues in her mass mismanagement of Our Zoo for the last sixteen years.
Hopefully the Panda Plan will burst, and with that Peterson will ride her broom out of Our Zoo and let people who care about it, Save Our Zoo.
Related Post:
Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:
I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget. I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that. Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags. Does it help in searches, who knows.
#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,
#AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees , #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison