Saturday, December 7, 2024

Will Any Managing Entity Of The Zoo Ever Admit To Negligence?

As I struggle to finish a list of posts, the Zoo was in the News again this week.  I haven't been posting the News articles or much reaction to them, because I feel like too many are a rehash, and I also don't want to spend time roaring about the same old things, that have been falling on deaf ears for over thirteen years.

I am furious that Our Zoo was allowed to get to this point (not just the audit, but the state of things that have caused the public drama and scandal), all because it was neglected by those responsible for making sure it was managed properly.  

When the City allowed the Zoological Society, a fundraising entity, to take over management of the Zoo, a manging structure was put in place.  The structure included oversight duties by the City Recreation and Park Department.

I don't know how things were prior to 2009, when I started monitoring what was going on, but since then, not one person tasked with making sure the Zoo was being run optimally, has done their job.  

What each person has done, is ignore their responsibility to Our Zoo.

While Zoo Director Tanya Peterson is the source of all the wrong that has caused our Zoo to get to this point, make no mistake, every person who was a Zoological Society Board Member or RecPark Commissioner during the last sixteen years, is complicit.  

Each person, allowed, and continues to allow, Peterson's reign of mismanagement and cruelty.  All because not one person who is part of the Zoological Society or the RecPark, CARED to watch over Our Zoo.  Not one person could bother to come to the Zoo, ask questions at the Joint Zoo Committee Meetings, or even talk to Animal Care Staff.  Instead, when Staff spoke up, they were berated and reprimanded.  And I don't want to hear any Committee Member tell me that is not true, I was there.

So, to each one of you people, Shame On You!!!

The news this week reported on the Recrearion and Park Commissioners move to audit the Zoo.  

This is the article I read...

Here are the points I want to comment on...

> ...Mazzola said the Commission would likely ask the city to increase the amount it earmarks for the zoo each year after the Board of Supervisors completes its audit. <

No shit Sherlock.  There should have been a cost of living increase to the Zoo's management fee every year.  Why this hasn't happened is beyond me.  This fee is taken out of the RecPark budget.  I'm sure their budget has increased since 1993! , but screw the Zoo.  They couldn't even include the Zoo in their new fence project.

Mazzola also noted that he thought the efforts being taken would show the public they were doing right by the Zoo.

I'm so sick of hearing RecPark Commissioner Mazzola whining like he is innocent in what has happened to Our Zoo.  He and his fellow Commissioner's should have done their job way before now.

> ...“Zoo leadership, including the organization’s executive board, has repeatedly refused to acknowledge, let alone resolve, a multitude of concerns we have raised, which we believe grossly affects animal, worker, and public safety and enjoyment,” Teamsters 856 representative Corey Hallman said in a statement. <

Thank you to Corey for this statement.  Together with my 900+ posts over thirteen years, there is no way anyone can say they didn't know.  In addition to my documentation here, I wrote letters to many of the entities involved.  I would have to assume that each entity knew about my Chimp Crusade now almost ten years ago and therefore this blog.  And if they didnt, that means they ignore the attention the Zoo gets from media, which in my opinion shows they really have no interest in what goes on with the Zoo.  As well, Tanya scandals have been in news many times. Any of these people could have further investgated at those times, and never did.  Everyone knew they neglected and ignored Our Zoo.  They just chose to do whatever the hell they want, and it's disgusting, because innocent lives are involved.  

Again, because it can't be said enough...  Shame on all of you!  

Related Posts:

Mazzola Related:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows.  

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,  #AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison

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