I started this before the last post, but that most recent news article with RecPark Commissioner Mazzola acting like his negligence has played no part in the position Our Zoo is in right now, took precedence.
A couple weeks ago the Zoo was again in the news. I got several news alerts in the days after the November 21, RecPark Commission Meeting. The Report that was previously submitted to the RecPark Commission and Zoological Society was noted as now being the catalyst for an audit of Zoo management. The Report was put forth by Joint Zoo Committee Meeting Panel Members, Jane Tobin, an Advisor from the Animal Control and Welfare Commission, and Dr Joseph Spinelli, a long-time Veterinary Advisor.
I previously wrote about the Report in two back-to-back posts. In one, I shared my feelings about the Report and how it was formed. I'm sorry, but I must share again. I hate repeating myself, but in all that's gone on with the Zoo, it seems necessary. Why? Because in over sixteen years, every issue that has been raised with the exception of not removing Our Chimpanzees from the only home they've known, has fallen on deaf ears. Those being the ears of the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson, the San Francisco Zoological Society Board and Members, the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department Commissioners, and the Joint Zoo Commitee Panel Members (consisting of Society Board, RecPark Commissioners and noted Advisors), from 2008 to Present.
Among those that have never listened sits Dr Spinelli, a Veterinary Advisor, who has sat on the Panel as a non-voting member since I started going to Joint Zoo Meetings in 2009. At the time, the other non-voting member was Sally Stephens, an Advisor from the Animal Control and Welfare Commission. Stephens was replaced by Jane Tobin, also from ACWC.
As a Native and lifelong Resident of the Richmond District, the Zoo has always been a part of my life. In my young adult years I visted the Zoo a couple times a month, but never sought out an abundance of information about the Animals as individuals or about Zoo history, beyond what came my way. Maybe that was just the space I was in, or maybe that was because there was no internet during a good portion of that time. So, in 2008 after suffering a devastating loss, my visits became almost daily and my need to know everything I could about the Animals, became my primary passion. Learning all I could from Keepers, spilled over to intense internet research, fueled at first by wanting to learn about Animals I grew-up visiting, who were no longer with us. Prince Charles "Charlie", the white Tiger, Sabrina, the Black Leopard and Hippo mates, Puddles & Cuddles, were all my favorites. In that research, I put together chronological details of Animal Residents and Events in Zoo history.
One of the hundreds of articles I have read about the Zoo, was about recommendations put forth to the Joint Zoo Committee by Dr Spinelli and Sally Stephens about the Polar Bear enclosures. It resonated with me as in the late 90s I had written an email to then Zoo Director David Anderson, regarding the Polar Bears, and my concern about pacing, and green coloring on their fur. I got a long email from him, with detailed responses to my concerns. I think the article was from SFGate, sometime between 2009-2012ish. I apologize for not having the specific date, as I could no longer find it online.
I bring this is up, as nothing ever came of Stephens and Spinelli's, thoughts, concerns, advice, whatever they were putting forth. The Bears continued to live on concrete. So, deaf ears from the voting members of the panel, comprised of Members of the Zoological Society Board and RecPark Commissioners.
Over the last sixteen years, as my involvement with the Zoo progressed, it became very clear, very fast that things were not right with how the Zoo was being managed. I have a management background, but even more important to the matter, I care. When you care about something as strong as I do about the Animals and the Zoo, you can spot the failures. Those failures were screaming Lack of Care from all entities tasked with the management responsibility of making sure the Animals Needs were taken care of, and the Zoo was thriving at optimum.
I've noted them before and I'm going to note them again, and most likely keep repeating the list, because not one of these people should be allowed to deflect from their involvement in neglecting the Zoo. They are responsible for the position it is now in. They can deflect, they can claim ignorance, they can boo-hoo that they didn't know, that's not my problem. What I know, is that it was and is, their responsibility to know. The Zoological Society is THE managing entity. And each person from the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson, the San Francisco Zoological Society Board and Members, the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department Commissioners, and down to the Joint Zoo Commitee Panel Members (consisting of Society Board, RecPark Commissioners and noted Advisors), have had a responsibility to the Zoo, that they have failed to fulfill for at least the last sixteen years.
So, while I may have digressed a bit, it's because I'm so angry and disgusted by all these people. That said, the point of this post is to call attention to Joint Zoo Committee Advisors Jane Tobin and Joseph Spinelli, for how they formed their Report.
My issue is them consulting with, or rather only with Activists. These Activists are Anti-Zoo, with Close Zoo Agendas, and a lack of knowledge about Our Zoo. Like Tobin and Spinelli, these are people who have spent little to no time in Our Zoo, and therefore have no real knowledge about what goes on there. That is because their only goal is getting Zoos closed. They may come to the Zoo, look around and make criticisms, but not seek out conversation with established Zoo Staff. Instead using information, often from over a decade ago, to support their agenda.
As someone who has been involved with what goes on at the Zoo, going into my seventeenth year, I know that the communication I have built with Staffers has been essential to understanding what goes on and has happened at Our Zoo. I think the experience of so many years on the ground there, seeing things with my own eyes, asking questions, and having constructive dialog, has allowed me to fairly document issues, as well as make logical suggestions, both in Animal situations and with what the Zoo needs to do to thrive into the future. So, when I hear these Activists speak like they know what's best, I'm Disgusted. It has also allowed me the knowledge of and appreciation for, the value that the majority of the Animal Care Staff has, with their knowledge and care. These are the people who should be listened to.
So, to surmise and notate on this post's title, I find it not only Shameful, but Offensive, that Animal Welfare Advisor Jane Tobin and Vetrinary Advisor Joseph Spinelli, did not seek to include at least two long-time Animal Care Staffers from Our Zoo, in their Report. Instead to exclusively consult with four Animal Activists. My interpretation of this action is because of a few things, but rooted in the simple fact that both Tobin and Spinelli know absolutely nothing about Our Zoo. I also find Dr Spinelli to be a particular issue, as I personally witnessed him berate and reprimand Keepers at a Joint Zoo Meeting, for speaking about Animal Care concerns in their departments. Considering this, and the lack of previous care about Our Zoo by both Spinelli and Tobin, in addition to all other entities that are tasked with Zoo Oversight, they have no interest in taking a true interest in Our Zoo. If any of them had, their presence on Zoo grounds and speaking with staff members would be well-known, and more importantly, Our Zoo would not be in the state or position it currently is.
Related Posts:
*The Welfare Commission Report - My Reactions ... 10.13.24
Including this second link, as Zoo Staffers have given kudos and told me that I should send it to RecPark as a must read.
*Zoo In The News - Today's Chronicle Article 10.11.24
In case I do network this to the RecPark, including this link, as I wrote about the need for a restructuring of the whole management structure, including the Joint Zoo Committee .
*The Change That's Needed To Save Our Zoo - Part Two - Restructuring Management
Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:
I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget. I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that. Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags. Does it help in searches, who knows.
#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed , #AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees , #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas #Bison
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*You can be a Voice for the SFZoo Animals by Contacting the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson at tanyap@sfzoo.org
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