Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Welfare Commission Report - My Reactions

Even though I had already taken anxiety medication after yesterday's post that really hyped me up, I read through The Report.  Thankfully it didn't affect me as much as I thought it might.  I think because I knew pretty much what to expect, based on it being written by people who have no idea what's really going on at Our Zoo.

This Report was spearheaded by the Animal Control and Welfare Commission's Jane Tobin, who has been an "advisor" on the Joint Zoo Committee panel since 2015.  She and Dr. Spinelli, who has served in the same position since 2009.   I have mentioned Spinelli in past posts, you can search this blog if interested.  For the purpose this post, I will say two things about both of these people who have been tasked like so many others, to be a checks and balances entity for the Zoo.  Both, like so many others, like all others, have failed in their responsibility.  

My questions to each of them are regarding just two things, but important illustrations in regards to the audacity of this Report at this time.  

1) How often in all the years you have been tasked with the responsibility of Animal Welfare oversight, have you visited the Zoo?  How many times have you spoken to Animal Care Staff about their opinions and the Needs of the Animals in their Care?

2) Before the acquisition of Orangutans, did either of you ask any questions about where the Orangutans would be housed?  Or visit the Zoo once they arrived to see where they were being housed? ... That's a No, as they lived in caged tubes for eight months straight, and surely you would have noticed THAT Animal Welfare issue, right?

Note that I've read both Tobin or Spinelli are non-voting Members of the Joint Zoo Committee.  That said, the Orangutans were already at the Zoo, when the Zoo sought to get the Committee to approve their acquisition.  This alone is a red flag to the Joint Zoo process and seriousness.

Both Tobin and Spinelli should make it their duty to... 

1) Question housing for all Acquisitions.

2) Make sure all requests for Approval of Acquisitions are made before the Animals arrive.

3) Visit the Zoo to see what the housing is for new Acquisitions at least once a month, preferably within the week prior tonthe Joint Zoo Meeting.

Can you handle these tasks?  Because anything less, in my opinion does not qualify you to be an Advisor.

Moving on to the others involved with critiquing the Zoo. The preliminary meeting was between Tobin, Spinelli and four Activists, three, who have been very vocal about wanting the Zoo shutdown.  I continue to be baffled by the attention and weight that is given to the opinions of Close the Zoo Zealots.  And Justin Barker from SFZoo Watch has seemingly become an authority on the Zoo after only a handful of visits since his appearance on the scene only five months ago.  

I'm not trying to diss anyone's efforts, I'm just not buying all that he or frankly anyone of these people, which includes Tobin, Spinelli, Joint Zoo Members, RecPark, Zoological Society, Director Peterson, and now the Mayor, are selling.  Not one person in any of this, has cared about the Zoo in at least the sixteen years, I've been heavily monitoring the Zoo, which happened to coincide with the Queen of Suck Peterson's reign as Director.  

The only people I trust to evaluate the Zoo are certain long-time employees and Animal Care Staff.  That's who should have been at this meeting and involved with input about the Needs of the Zoo.  Not random's, and certainly not anyone who just a couples months ago stood outside City Hall holding signs in an effort to get the Zoo closed.  It's offensive. 

My suggestion is Animal Care Staff and only them, get back to their own Committee that they tried to form in 2015 (an effort that was berated by Joint Zoo Members), and create their own Report.  

So, I was going to bullet point a few things from the Report but my ears are pulsating now, so I'm going to just give an overall of it, as I think those of us who have cared for a very long time and continue to, can see what's happening here.

Aside from the above issues I have with who was involved with this, I this for the most part it's outrageous, in the sense that no apparent consideration has been taken for the cost of what is being proposed in regards to Animal living spaces.  Again I think that comes down to three things...

1) The lack of knowledge about Our Zoo specifically.  The Needs, and the lack of Fundraising to achieve those Needs.

2) The lack of in-depth knowledge about Animal Needs, gained from meeting with Animal Care Staff, and not just once, passing, but regularly.  Something that should have been on-going for years, but everyone tasked with a responsibility to Our Zoo has neglected.

3) A no brainer, but obviously not to some... Not listening to those who want to see the Zoo closed.

The negilgence of not visiting and following closely what goes on for too many years, in my opinion, is a real problem.  Letting a sixteen year neglect by Peterson and the Board, without oversight by the RecPark, Joint Zoo, or Animal Welfare Commission, just happen and then come at it from all sides, is irresponsible.  

I'll say it again, statements being put forth to media, that the Zoo is akin to a war zone and unsafe for visitors, based on the Tiger tragedy seventeen years ago, are irresponsible and could make the Zoo vulnerable to being shut down.  But, maybe that's their goal, considering the largest input was apparently by individuals who want the Zoo shut down.  

Additionally putting every inch of the Zoo under a microscope and making a laundry list of fixes, is not helping the situation, unless someone is going to come up with a hundred million bucks to fix everything, what is to be acheived by the sensationalism of this Report?  

Fundraising and working toward goals one by one, is seemingly the only way fixing Our Zoo can happen.  And that can only happen when change in every aspect of management and oversight takes place.  It can be done.  I know exactly how, and have for years.  That said, who has the BALLS to enact the necessary changes?  Certainly not the Board who chooses to support and retain Tanya Peterson as Director, despite her acts of Animal Cruelty and other offenses that have left Our Zoo in desperate shape.  

Related Posts:  See the three previous to this.  All four of these posts were prompted by news of this Report.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,  #AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare , #AnimalCruelty , #AndeanBear , #KomodoDragon , #Chimpanzees ,  #PatasMonkey , #Fossa , #Orangutans , #Barriers , #PerimeterFence, #Pandas

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