Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Orangutans Can See Construction Of Fabricated Trees, But They're Not For Them

I was going to just drop these photos of the Art Installation bullshit that is happening directly across from Orangutans, into the previous post about updates, but as I wrote, it turned into a post of it's own.

I originally mentioned this project in this post from 9.4.24 about money waste. 


Money not spent on Animal Related Needs, in my opinion are mostly a waste of the funds Director Peterson claims are scarce.  I say mostly, only because the Perimeter Fence is in dire need.  All further Gardens and Art Installations should be suspended until all Animal Needs are met. 

This current Canopy bullshit, in eye's view of the Orangutans is a real rub.  They are literally building fabricated trees for human amusement across from Arboreal Great Apes who were kept in caged tubes and denied naturally assembled and/or fabricates trees of their own.  For eight months straight while the tubes were their only outdoor access, these poor Beings had no heightened structures to move naturally, climb and stretch, in such a way that mimics their natural tree dwelling behavior. 

I followed and documented the Orangutans journey here since before they arrived in April/May of 2019.  Search Orangutans in this blog, for the cruel details.

In one post from 8.30.21, I address building them tree structures on the middle grotto island. 


The existing structure that was built in the 80s was rusted with peeling paint for years while the Chimps were still living there.  I couldn't believe it was not removed when the  Orangutans were tossed in there, but not one thing new was done FOR the Orangutans in that whole faux renovation.  Eventually the structure was cut in half.  What a joke that is.  Cut off the rusted part, instead of just taking the disgusting thing down.  Instead approximately $40,000 was spent on a garden in front of the Orangutans disgraceful home, so that it appeared nice for the AZA Inspection. 

Anyway, I asked a Keeper why a tree structure couldn't be built, even identifying useable trunks I've seen on the grounds.  She said they were told "No Money".  No Money for nails?  The level of denying anything mentioned for the Orangutans is disturbing and shameful.  No Money for hardware.  Makes me sick.  You, Director Peterson make me sick.  Write another check for another Art Installation or Garden, while the Animals wait for their Needs to be fulfilled. 

So here we are, with fabricated trees for the Orangutans to look out at.

Video Overview 


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



I used to use (search) labels, but too often forget.  I started noting "Hot Topic" in title, but fell lax on that.  Now I'm just going to add labels, keywords, etc., here at the bottom with hashtags.  Does it help in searches, who knows. 

#SanFrancisco , #SanFranciscoZoo , #Zoos #SanFranciscoZoologicalSociety , #SanFranciscoZooDirectorTanyaPeterson , #SanFranciscoRecreationAndParksDept , #SanFranciscoMayorLondonBreed ,  #AssociationOfZoosAndAquariums , #AZA , #SpeciesSurvivalPlan , #SSP , #Animals , #Wildlife , #Nature , #AnimalWelfare

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