> December 20, 2013 - And her name is ... Kabibe! Finally the Zoo came up with a way to assure this little one got a decent name. All three names to be voted on were nice, this was the one I voted for :) , which means "little lady" in Swahili. The photos at the link below of Little Miss Kabibe and her Grandma are precious. They had me in tears, because of how wonderful Grandma Bawang is. A real Gem of a Being. Raised three babies of her own and now two other infants. She is an Incredible Lady!
Screencap from this link
> December 19, 2013- Happy Birthday Ulu! Our Precious Polar Bear Ulu turned 33 today! Wild born, her Birthdate is estimated and may be the date she came to the Zoo, but the year is pretty accurate. She is presumed to be the oldest Female Polar Bear in a North American Zoo! I was happy to be able to spend some of her special day with her and sing her the Birthday song :)
The Zoo of course didn't celebrate her day OR even give it a mention. Their post today was about buying Memberships. Always with the money grubbing, instead of valuing the Animals who are the real "bread and butter". Without these wonderful beings, there would be no Zoo.
Photo taken from All-Bear Birthday Party in 2011 (meant for 2010 Birthdays), that we were able to make happen with the help of our kind Keeper friend Dave. Party Enrichment Toys made by my friend Lee and I. Pictured is the "Birthday Cake" I made and Mache Party Ball Lee made :)
I plan to write a longer blog post on the non-celebration of the Polar Birthdays, will post the link here when I get to that.
> December 16, 2013- Meet Bronevik! Took my camera back today and got some face time with our new Handsome Boy! :)
> December 15, 2013 - What the heck? I actually thought the Zoo did a decent job on their first attempt at a Zoo Lights event last Holiday Season, so I had high hope this year would be even better. As well I'm a fan of the Point Defiance Zoo's offering for this type of event. Spectacular! That said, I haven't gone to any of the previews yet, but will go when its in full swing after the 20th. BUT again, What the heck? Was someone drunk when they not only made the decision to put lights on this statue, but also HOW the lights are put on?? I can't imagine it looking any better at night. So, yea, color me afraid of the rest of the display. .. Everytime I look at this I just laugh.

> December 15, 2013 - Spur of the moment Zoo Visit and yay! New Male Amur (Siberian) Tigers first day out in the yard! I've been anxiously waiting for him to get out of quarantine, so lucky me! Welcome Bronevik! He is handsome! I didn't have my camera, but will post photos as soon as I do! Til then I share with you some of my research about him :)
Screen cap of him from this link:
Born at Hogle Zoo, this is their announcement page that includes photos of him as a cub, with his two Brothers and Mama :)