Thursday, March 31, 2022

Mask Requirement Enforcement At Snow Leopards - Update

I missed posting an update on the bullshit mask situation at Snow Leopards the week following my last post.  As usual, it’s just exhausting rehashing the same old thing, especially at this time in my life, which I've noted several times.  That said, while this is not something I really have the emotional stamina for, after fourteen years of caring about the Animals, I can't help get sucked into the BS after championing for so long.

My last two posts were in regard to my experiences on Saturdays, March 5 and 12th.  If you haven’t read them, you might want to, so you can get the full picture of what’s going on there.

March 5th visit

March 12th visit

Update for Saturday March 19

So, it was interesting and curious in my opinion from the start.  When I got there, the head of security was at the gate house, acting as “ticket taker”.  The Zoo had been open for near an hour when I got there.  I went by Chimps first, then to Snow Leopards.  When I got there, no one was there monitoring the Mask Requirement for that area.  No surprise.  Also no surprise, not long after I got there, security showed up. I'm not going to say anything other than, I don’t believe in coincidence.

Security stayed there while I was there, but when I left and swung back through there about twenty minutes later, they were gone. Also noting that there was no one monitoring Chimps at either time I went by there.

The following Saturday, March 26, I got up to Snow Leopards about forty minutes after the Zoo opened.  There was no security, but someone did arrive not long after I did.  I was there for quite awhile and after leaving swung back and they were still there.  

When I went to Chimps, the head of security was monitoring that area, and was still there when I went back about a half hour later.

When I left I asked someone if posting someone at both Snow Leopards and Chimpanzees was now going to be a regular thing.  I was told it’s supposed to be, but on weekends only.  That’s progress but not enough, considering the risk and that human disregard is a constant.  The areas need to be closed, when there is no one to monitor them.

My other issue is not new, and something I have noted before in many previous posts.

Why does a member of the public, have to point out things that need to be done, when there are people drawing full-time paychecks to take care of things? 

It took two years for the Zoo to finally get proper signage at Chimps, and I posted about it many times. That only came after I made a plain and simple mock-up of what the signs should look like. Additionally, Cats in Zoos were among the first to get Covid, dating back to at least April 2020, yet not until the new Snow Leopard enclosure opened near two years later, do I remember there ever being Mask Required signs in that area.

Now, apparently, they are only posting people to monitor Snow Leopards, and Chimps, because I’ve complained about their lack of protecting the Animals, in this public forum.

I’m tired of doing people’s jobs for them.  Starting with Director Tanya Peterson, who should be overseeing that these things are done right from the start.  Alot of people there just collecting a paycheck, and seemingly not doing a whole hell of alot.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


Saturday, March 12, 2022

Zoo Staff Doesn't Dispatch Security For Reported Risk To Animals

So yeah, same old bullshit at Snow Leopards today (Saturday March 13, 2022), as last week.  I counted 42 people without Masks, in 18 minutes.  WTF?

I also called the Zoo’s main number, and before I could request it, the Staffer who answers the line said, “I’ll call Security”.

I waited there twenty minutes before leaving the area.  Security NEVER came. I even called back a few times and it went to voicemail, which is a whole other Security FAIL. They obviously don't consider the Health Risk to the Animals an emergency, wonder if someone dropped their kid into an enclosure and they tried to call and it went to voicemail? Or do they just see my number and put it straight to voicemail? Which I wouldn't put it past them.

As well, I didn't see one Security Guard in the Zoo and I was there for over two hours. Yet there were three Security Guards in the Parking lot.

I didn’t even get a chance to view the Snow Leopards, I was too busy having to keep stats to document.

When I left, I asked Security why no one responded.  They said they never received that call.  WTF?

So yeah, two WTF’s, so far, so seriously San Francisco Zoo, WTF?  Why do you not give a shit about keeping the Animals safe?

The thirteen plus years that I have continuously documented offenses of people hanging over, sitting and standing on barriers at Bears, Black Rhino and Hippo when he was there, completely illustrated the lack of care and concern, as those barriers are still abused by human offenders repeatedly throughout every single day.

Since the first day the Zoo reopened during the Pandemic in July 2020, I repeatedly pointed out the No Mask issue at Chimpanzees, and how it made them vulnerable to Covid.  It took over a year for them to put up decent signage, and that was only after many suggestions, and finally me mocking up a graphic that point blank spelled out what the signs should say.  

Now we have the same problem with people giving the middle finger to four signs at Snow Leopards, as well still at Chimps.  

What steps have you taken to verbally tell people the rules?   

What steps have you taken to educate people why these species are vulnerable?

That would be NOTHING!!!

While you spent money on bullshit, that big Conservation sign at entrance, to look good for your AZA inspection, and the Martin Luther King banner on the front gate, touting how you support people being a voice, yet I’ve had my membership taken twice for being a voice.  That all said, my point is, you spend money on thing trying to make you seem like you are all about good, while there is continuous bullshit that is bad and never remedied.  

Why is there no big sign or banner educating people why Animals are Vulnerable to Covid?

Why is it you can’t utilize your Docents and Interpretive Guides to monitor Snow Leopards and Chimpanzees, especially on weekends when there are more people?  

I didn’t see one Docent at the Zoo today.  Do you not schedule them on weekends?  And when they are scheduled, why are most of them just wandering around with each other chatting and not even engaging visitors?   There are only a few who actually care about the Animals enough to perform actual meaningful duties while at the Zoo.  

I have also learned that allegedly the Interpretive Guides job description does not require them to monitor the mask situation in these vulnerable areas, and they are told not to even say anything to people.  Are all Staff told not to say anything to people not wearing masks in an area that is posted Mask Required?  

Additionally, I was told that the Interpretive Guides are there to give talks.  Why not have them at the entrance, giving talks, that verbally tell people to have Masks as they will be Required in certain areas, NOTE those areas and WHY it’s important, and educate about Vulnerable Species.

I was told that any mask monitoring would have to come from the Security Dept.  So I would then assume that there should be either Security stationed there, or that a request for the Interpretive Guides, to do so could be made.   So, Why has that not been done?

All these questions and suggestions, are actually ridiculous, as there is paid staff that should be doing what it takes to PROTECT THE ANIMALS, starting at the top with Director Tanya Peterson.  Fourteen years of leadership that doesn’t care about the Animals, is enough.  

If the Zoo can't Staff an area to ensure rules are followed that keep the Animals safe, then the area should be closed to visitors. Chimps got closed today because too many people not complying with Mask Requirement, why not Snow Leopards? The risk there is even greater as people are closer to the Animals and the space allows for at least 60+ people in the area. AND Snow Leopards have actually died in Zoos from Covid. So again WTF?

When do we get non-Animal Staff people working at the Zoo, which I remind is an Animal Care Facility, that actually care about the Animals? There are some others, but some, should be all and that includes starting at the top.

Not only am I exhausted by the bullshit, as i’ve stated before, I am going through a really tough time, and this is not what I emotionally have strength for.  That said, this Zoo crap is now amplified, and as I look for things to fill my sad days, maybe one of the things I do when moments of strength hit me, is goingfull throttle on seeking change at the Zoo. 

For those who like seeing my video rants, todays is here:

Related post:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


Sunday, March 6, 2022

San Francisco Zoo Fails To Issue Repercussions To Visitors Who Put Animals and Guests At Risk

I have no emotional or mental energy to write a well thought out or organized blog post about what happened at the zoo today saturday march 5th so I made a video as soon as I got to my car.  It's over seventeen minutes long and sprinkled with vulgarity which is the vocabulary I resort to when I'm completely frustrated about a situation.  I don't want to hear anything about it from anybody because these words are not new to people.  If you watch tv,  movies you've heard them before don't act like you're all offended.  This is my opinion my feelings about the situation and it is nobody's business how I react to things or express them.  And regardless of what words are used to describe my frustration it doesn't make the situation any less valid.

View the video here:

So while I sit here in the dark on my stairs having a cocktail I'm going to dictate some text for those who don't want to watch the video.

That said in short once again there were people not following the rules, and putting the animals health at risk.  Additionally in this situation, also health assaulting me for having the gall to request they follow the rules to keep the animals safe.

There was a series of jerks at snow leopards.  I finally had enough so the next person that walked past two of the at least four signs that indicate this is a mask required area as they are a covid vulnerable species and completely ignored the signage I said something to.

"You need to be wearing a mask in this area, they are a vulnerable species".

Of course I was met with the typical self-entitled jerk response of Do you work here? To which I replied No I don't but I can easily call security or you can just follow the rules that are posted there for a reason. Well jerks will be jerks of course and he said go ahead and call security. In addition to that while I was making the call he kept coming up to me coughing in my face four times.

I called for security when security finally showed up I told him what happened.  And since nothing ever happens two offenders I also requested that they find that he asked whether or not these people are members something else they never do, which I think is important information in the rare case their guilt is taken seriously they should have repercussions against their membership status as well.  He went and talked to the people.  I was told they denied everything. And yes they are members!  Per usual, security said they couldn't do anything because there was no witnesses. Well thankfully the keeper was a witness and so they proceeded to have me tell the story to the manager on duty and the head of security.  Then I said I'll follow up with you on my way out to find out what you did about this situation.

Over the fourteen years that I've been monitoring the zoo this is a common situation where animals are put at risk and the perpetrators allowed to continue on with their day with only a warning or being watched and never approached about the complaint against their behavior. There's never any repercussions. I've also previously reported incidents where I've been sworn at and nothing ever happens. It's outrageous and it should never happen this way. 

I requested these people get ejected and if they are members that their membership somehow is dinged and in jeopardy considering what's happened to me in the past solely based on me having an opinion in a personal blog. 

So when I headed out almost two hours later I remembered that I was going to touch base with them about what they had done about the situation.  As I headed back in to have them call somebody for me to talk to who do I see coming out but these jerks carrying their pizza having a good old time just like nothing ever happened. So obviously nothing did happen.

I was told that they couldn't find them. Which I find completely irresponsible and a huge fail. Not only did I have to tell security to ask if they were members because previous times that was never even asked but evidently they have such a lame protocol that when they approached the people they don't even take down their name if their a member their membership number and their phone number to follow up on the complaint made against them. Had that have been done they would at least know who these people are now they don't even know who they are.  Complete Fail!!!  Unfortunately its nothing new. The same old tiring bullshit.

There are security cameras at the entrance I don't know if they're pointed in both directions but let's see if the zoo thinks to scan video and try to id them considering I gave a full description and time that they left.  

When I relayed the incident to my friend lee who also was a target of zoo director tanya peterson in 2011 and had her membership revoked for reporting visitors over the barrier at bears, she said this disgraceful, but when I told her that they lost them she added oh they sure never lost us all the times they followed us all over the place.  Indeed they didn't.

As I've previously said, I'm in a sad state and I just wanted to go to the zoo and not have to talk to anybody, let alone deal with bullshit.  

Check out the video for more information.

I'll additionally add something else that lee said.  She said the snow leopards better not get sick.  To that I'll add, the zoo better really hope that nothing ever happens to them or to the chimps as I've stated before. It is on them to keep those animals safe and if they can't control the visitors that go by there by having a docent or one of their interpretive guides posted there, especially on weekends, then close those areas.

Here's a pic from yesterday of how close people get to the snow leopards at the open air fencing around the new enclosure.  It's not even six ft and aerosol particles travel twenty-seven ft.

I repeat as I have may times the zoo is in desperate need of new management to put forth more stringent protocols among so many other fails.

I guess once I got to going on this text info. My short notation turned into a longer version but it didn't take long cuz again I don't have the energy to think out anything I'm just winging it with truths.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:
