Saturday, November 30, 2019

Understanding How The Orangutan Acquisitions Got Approved - Pyramid of Power

Let it be clear, the Orangutans aren't the first Animals the Zoo has acquired that have had no appropriate place to live.  We can't go back in time and fix other wrongs, but while in the here and now, with the Orangutans being the current Fail, we must never forget there were others before them. These are just two of the poor Souls to come to SFZoo and not be given appropriate places to live. The first Komodo Dragon, outgrew his initial home within a year, but languished there for five years.  The Fossa came here with no home for them at all.  They lived in the hospital for what seemed close to a year, then moved to a series of small rusted cages for many months, before being moved to the off exhibit Feline Conservation Center (FCC).  The SFZoo has a habit of acquiring and hoarding Animals that they have no appropriate place for, and/or never follow through on promises of appropriate homes that will be built for them.

Understanding the way things work.  Using "understanding" and "work" seems wrong, but you get what I'm saying.  In my previous post, I again questioned how the Zoo is managed.  This time in response to words put forth by Director Peterson in the email Newsletter.  Good timing for that, as I had already written the draft of this post, which gives the basics (as I've been told) of how the Pyramid of Power is supposed to work and how it seems to work.

Information as I understand it...

First, the Zoo seeks out Animals they want via the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). The AZA and their Species Survival Plan (SSP), look for those available within the Animals in their North American collection.  If a match is found, the process to transfer begins.

Second, the Zoo must (and this is used lightly) request Acquisition Approval from the Joint Zoo Committee.  The Joint Zoo Committee is a panel of Members from the San Francisco Zoological Society, San Francisco Recreation and Park, a Vet and a Rep from Animal Care and Control.

My understanding of the roles is such...

The San Francisco Zoological Society is allegedly supposed to be the Management for the Zoo.  Yet not one person within the Society or on the Board, seems to take an active role in management.  As I understand it, they are basically who the Director answers to.  There seems to be no management checks and balances at the Zoo.  I've been to the Joint Zoo Meetings, every person on the panel, including Society Board Members, blindly agrees with whatever they are presented with.  It appears the Society can't be bothered with the Zoo and defers to Director Peterson.

The San Francisco Recreation and Park is the City of San Francisco's managing department for the Zoo.  They are allegedly supposed to be above the Zoological Society, and therefore they are who the Society and the Director answer to.  Yet not one person within the Rec and Park, takes an active role in managing or questioning anything in regards to the Zoo.  There seems to be no management checks and balances at the Zoo.  I've been to the Joint Zoo Meetings, every person on the panel, including Rec and Park Members, blindly agrees with whatever they are presented with.  It appears the City can't be bothered with the Zoo and defers to Director Peterson. 

That said, in the case of the Orangutans, let's consider this chain of events.

The Approval for Transfer process in my opinion does not make sense. Using the Female's information for example, I'll notate the order of things.

At the March 21st, Joint Zoo Meeting, its noted that Jason Watters, VP of Wellness gave an Orangutan Presentation.  Interesting, note he clearly states "... plans for an outdoor enclosure for the Orangutans,..."

Its noted in the Presentation details that, the Orangutans would be arriving,.... Curious this statement is made before any Acquisition Approvals had been put forth.  Yet this statement clearly indicates the Acquisition is a done deal.  At least for the Female.  I could not find any Transaction indications for the Male. 

Male Ollie arrived in April, and a couple weeks later in May, Female Amoi arrived.  Her Acquisition date is notated as May 2.  

She arrived here, before the Zoo requested her Acquisition be Approved???  This shows that there are clearly no checks and balances, and the Zoo basically is allowed to do whatever it wants, with no management input from the Zoological Society or the Recreation and Park, the later who the Zoo seeks to approve the acquisitions.

These were the Committee Panel Members at the Meeting where the Female Orangutans Acquisition was approved.  Only the Recreation and Park were requested to approve, so in this I pick on Allan Low and Eric McDonnell.  They approved the Orangutans coming.  Granted they were already here. That said, did they question anything about the acquisition?  Do they ever?  Like for example, Does the Zoo have an appropriate place to house them?

Additionally the plans for an outdoor enclosure for them has still never happened, seven months after this presentation.  At the time of this meeting when it was approved they be acquired, even after they were already here, there was no construction on their enclosure started.  Is Jason Watters referring to an actual Orangutan specific enclosure, or the Chimpanzee Yard, therefore selling the illusion of rotation?

Previous Post:

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

Thanksgiving Words From SFZoo Director - Are You Kidding Me?!

Hope everyone had a peaceful Thanksgiving!

I have many things to be Thankful for.  The only thing the Orangutans have to be Thankful for is the Animal Staff.  The Curators and Keepers take excellent care of them despite the challenge of not having an enclosure for them to live at optimum well-being.  
Amoi and Ollie in their usual position watching the Chimpanzees, from their caged tunnel home.

Let me start by saying, I don't mean to be a bitch, but seriously, this is outrageous.  Sometimes, the Universe aligns and the Zoo will just serve itself up to me, presenting itself with the perfect examples of my whole message with this blog.  Frankly, I wish it wouldn't because I have enough to write about without them giving me more. 

I had two posts pretty much done to post this week before Thanksgiving, then this happened. Tuesday the Zoo's Animail Newsletter that comes via email, arrived.  The title of it is, Thanksgiving: A Time To Reflect.  Gotta admit my initial reaction was apprehensively filled with glee, as I thought, Reflect?  Could this be a Reflection before Resignation?  Unfortunately, it was not. 

Before I go any further, I want to note something, because just mentioning that I would prefer Tanya Peterson not be the Director of our Zoo, I could be retaliated against.  In 2019, in America, censorship is often alive and well at the San Francisco Zoo, definitely for me, but allegedly I'm not alone.  

Each time I have gotten my Membership taken away, I have never been given a reason. The last time in 2017, it was curious, as I hadn't been posting much to this blog, certainly not as much as in 2015 when I crusaded to save our Chimps from being kicked out by Director Peterson.  Not too long ago, I looked back at the posts I made during 2017 and there was one, exactly a month prior titled, What Needs To Happen To Replace Director Peterson?

You can read that post here:

I just reread it and honestly. yea it was harsh, but all true, and still valid today. I'm not a mean person, so I don't want to say things about someone, just to say them, but if they are true, I'm not going to hold back, and especially not if it involves the lives of Animals.  I don't think it should be an issue to put forth the notion that the Zoo should be under better management and if that means different management then so be it.  It is certainly no secret that I don't think Tanya Peterson is the best person to be Director.  It's not about bashing, its about wrongness, and the wrongness points to her not being a suitable Director, if for no other reason, than the current situation going on with the Orangutans.  So by throwing it out there in an exclusive blog post, should not only, not be a surprise, but my right to express my opinion and to free speech and should not be the source of her retaliation against me.  

Some will say, why do it again and risk being retaliated against?  I'm not going to let the possible third strike at me deter me from being the Voice for these Animals, just because someone is threatened by my words of truth.  I had a final straw moment, and that was when the Chimps were locked inside, with no outdoor access, no fresh air, for seven weeks.  This was all because Director Peterson has not provided the Orangutans with a place to live.  The lack of a third space to properly rotate these two species of Apes, directly affected our senior Chimps who waited two decades for a new home, and then were denied being able to use it.  THAT was my line.  I will not hold back documenting the wrongs, and certainly not the reason for them.
Thanksgiving: A Time to Reflect

So here we are with this Thanksgiving message.  I find the gall of this completely offensive.  First, the main part of it is back patting for what was done for Humans.  What about the Animals that live there?  Excuse me but I thought the Zoo was an Animal Care Facility?  Then in closing, she gives mention to upcoming things relating to Animals, with not one mention of an appropriate home of the Orangutans!  I'd say unbelievable, but is it really?

I like to include messages I get from people, as I am often crucified as the only one who thinks things aren't right. Someone I know sent me this message after reading the newsletter. "Just read the disgusting letter. I am pissed. She must have personal issues on Apes in general.  That must be a big reason she leaves them out. And...all the chimps being integrated was a big thing. Why was that overlooked?"

Director Peterson should have used the time spent on composing this letter, to work on getting the Orangutans out of the trails.   

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Chimpanzees Full Integration Complete! - We Are Seven Now!

My Crusade for My Chimpers has come to fruition!

Every weekend after not being at the Zoo for three or four days, by Sunday night I'm missing my Chimpers!  Monday (11.18.19) morning as I headed to Chimps, I could hear screaming from their area.  When I got over there, someone I knew was already there and pointed out the barrier showing the area closed off. ... After two months, it was finally the day, all seven were together!

For those not following along, this year our three longterm resident Chimps got new friends.  In February, Maggie, Minnie and Cobby met Qadeer.  In late August the four met Nick, and two weeks later Nick's ladyfriends Twiggy and Jamie arrived.  With the integration of three new Chimps, two separate groups were formed by gender.  The two groups were separated by distance, before they were able to meet at the mesh.  They were separated for two months, and Monday was the first day the mesh barrier was opened.  

I couldn't see anything, so I walked around the Zoo.  You could hear hootin' and hollerin' from every point.  Loud, then calm, then loud again, then calm again.  This went on the couple hours I was there.  Hard not to want to know the play by play of what was happening!

I figured the area would be closed for the three days of the week I would be there, if not all week.  I didn't expect to see them at all.  I had been lucky to see the first time Cobby and Qadeer had access to eachother.  The path window was available for viewing.  It was a great experience, but I tried to stand to the side of the window, as I didn't want to interfere with what the boys had going on.  Chimps can be volitale and their attention and energy can turn in a split second.  So with the introduction of seven individuals, I always assumed in order to prevent outside distractions, the area would be closed.  

On Tuesday after visiting Sifaka, I was heading to Cats, and a large clump of black caught my eye through the trees behind South Grotto.  I zoomed into the Chimp Yard and at the top of the steps that are visible from there, I saw four Chimps, and then five!  It was the first time ever seeing five Chimps together!  I first zeroed in on Minnie and Cobby sitting close together.  This was everything!  The tears started flowing!  I had worried about them everyday of the separation.  They had never been separated in their fifty years together.  Beyond happy their reunion was finally happening!  Maggie and (surprise) Nick! were having a kissie love-fest!  Qadeer then joined the group.  ... Jamie and Twiggy were on the ground level, out of my sight.  Although, I later spied Twiggy and Qadeer not just having a love-fest, but making one!  That was new.  I had never seen our three mating.
Cobby and Minnie
Screencap from video 

I have a ton of clips to upload.  No time or energy, but I uploaded two that day since the specialness of this was time sentsitive.

Five Chimps!

Maggie and Nick Playing!   

Its been a long journey, five years, from the time I heard our precious Cobby, Maggie, and Minnie were being kicked out of their home by Director Peterson, to my crusade to save them, to the lengthy construction on their new home, to this, meeting new friends and coming together as a group. I'm beyond happy to see this come to fruition, and that Cobby, Maggie and Minnie are here to experience all the enriching new things and friends in their lives.  I'm sad that Tallulah didn't get to experience this, but I know she is right there with them. Miss You Lady!  This is victory is for you too!
My Miss T
Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Gorilla Go-Round - SFZoo Acquires New Female, Hasani Moves to LA Zoo

Again another post I started weeks ago.  I think I was waiting to upload some files to share.  Still haven't gotten to them.  So moving on with posting.

*~*~*~*~* ...

Quick notation since I've been concentrating on our Apes. ... There are some changes within our Troop. 

Ten Year Old Hasani, born at SFZoo December 8, 2008, has left to his new home at the Los Angeles Zoo.  In LA he will live in a Bachelor Group. This is a common step before going on in the future to a Zoo where adult male Gorilla's can head their own Troop and start a Family.  That's still many years away for our Hasani.  Hopefully he will enjoy his new home and new "brothers"! 

Hasani left the week of November 4.  The day before he left, I was lucky to spend about an hour visiting him having a entertaining time by himself.  One of the best times I've spent watching him.  Glad to have had it.

This is one of the photos from that day.  Follow my YouTube at leo811sf to see the video when I get it up.  I got great footage.  Wonderful anytime, but super special since its my last.

Wanted to share my first photos, to go with above, my last.  I have a few from before he made public debut. Keepers would carry him out to get some Vitamin D!  Can't find those right now.  This is one of my earliest photos on exhibit.  Hasani and Bawang.

Got to admit, I felt bad.  I know how transfers work, so this is not meant to judge, but it does make me sad, that there is no way they can know, when one day, they are taken from their home and end up in a new one. 

A few days after Hasani left, the Franklin Park Zoo broke the news that their Female Gorilla Kimani would be moving to SFZoo.  San Francisco Zoo has yet to make an announcement. ... Some Zoos give notice to their Visitor Community when an Animal is moving.  That has never happened at SFZoo. Something was different this time, and in Hasani's case an announcement was made.  I'm sure all of Hasani's fans who didn't know, appreciated the notice so they could visit him before he left.

Meet our new Lady.  
Fourteen Year Old Kimani!
Screencap from FPZ

Press Release from Franklin Park Zoo

SFZoo has been rumored to be getting a new female for several years. One who might be able to raise her own offspring as an example to the other females, now only breeding female is Monifa, in hopes she too would be successful the next time.  The last two births in SF, Mom's did not raise their babies.  In 2008 Monifa gave birth to Hasani.  In 2013 Nneka gave birth to Kabibe.  Both first-time Mom's, neither had experience of even being around a birth.  Nneka's Mom Bawang was surrogate to both.  

I look forward to meeting this lady and to a new generation of Gorillas sometime soon.  I am not looking forward to our Zoo Director most likely changing her name. No new Animals in San Francisco get to keep their names. Not even Great Apes.

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

I Support Empathy and Compassion - Orangutan Update Week Fourteen 11.18.19

Tuesday November 19, was the Three Month mark that the Orangutans have had no other outside access, than the Skytrails.  

The Orangutans housing consists of their indoor quarters and two Skytrails, that are meant to be walkways between areas, NOT Habitats!

A couple months ago, a Volunteer asked me if I was an Empath.  I had never really thought about the word. Which by definition is a Person with the ability to be affected by the emotional state of another Being.  In other words, feel what another is feeling.  It is catorgized in the paranormal sense, since it alludes that you then can literally feel others emotions.  Personally, I can not understand boiling it down to this rationalization.  I mean, where does the clinical definition between being an Empath relate to just having Empathy and Compassion for another Being?   I certainly express physical emotion for Non-Human Beings, as I put myself in their place.  Does this make me an Empath?  In my opinion everyone should be an Empath then.

Recently, I got into a conversation with another Volunteer, who I don't normally have any interaction with.  We were at Chimps and Amoi was in the trail looking down at us.  As she spoke to Amoi, we entered into a conversation about the situation.  While this person seemed to agree this is not the best thing for the Orangutans, they also noted the no money excuse for not doing the best by the Animals (not just the Orangutans).  Note, I will always maintain that appropriate housing or funds for the build be in place BEFORE a new Animal is acquired.  This person  also said, "I'm a Tanya supporter", (Tanya Peterson the San Francisco Zoo Director).   I simply said, that I was not.  We didn't further discuss it much, other than we both have our opinions, because on my part, I'm not going to put myself in the position to be retaliated against for sharing my opinion with certain Staff.  

Hearing someone say the words, "Tanya supporter", I find very curious.  Now, there is a long list of Fails under Director Tanya Peterson, I don't need to list them here, as I have well documented the ones that have come my way.  That said, concentrating on this one moral crime, not having an appropriate place (more accurately, no place) for the Orangutans to live, I have to ask of those who are supporters, What exactly are you supporting?  Do you think Director Peterson is doing the right thing for the Orangutans?  Why would you support someone who has denied these Beings, an environment that is suitable to live in?  A place they can move about without touching the sides of their container?  A place they can stretch their long arms high above their heads?  A place they can move about naturally by climbing and swinging?  They need and deserve as living Beings an appropriate home.  How can you support someone who is denying them that?

I Support those with Empathy and Compassion.

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

Orangutan Watches Chimp Birthday. How Long Will This Go On? Update Week Thirteen 11.11.19

I wrote this last weekend, and looks like it never left draft.  I had planned to post it Monday after my visit, but forgot.  Forgot it was done and ready to go.   There was big excitement at the Zoo that day, so my mind was on that.  Apologies for being so behind.  ... Will write about the exciting news soon!

*~*~*~*~* ....

In the previous post I noted how upset writing these posts makes me.  I truly do not want to do this anymore.  Unfortunately, I have to push myself to continue, because our Zoo Director continues to put our Zoo Animals in bad situations.  This situation with Orangutans is not new.  The Zoo under Director Peterson's reign has acquired other Animals that they have no place for,  has let animals languish in inappropriate or outdated enclosures, and has prioritized new Animals before attending to current residents. As long as this awfulness continues, I will continue.  I won't let the Animals down.  I may not be able to help fix their situations, but I can document these Management Fails.  I will not allow these situations to be covered-up and an illusion that everything is wonderful for all the Animals at the San Francisco Zoo.  

So, week Thirteen has come and gone, and the Orangutans continue to just sit there in their caged tube, watching the Chimpanzees.  This week Amoi watched as Chimpanzee Jamie and her Friends celebrated her Birthday.  It really is heartbreaking to watch them watching others roaming free without immediate confines.
Screencap from video

Stay tuned to my YouTube for footage from Jamie's Birthday Celebration!

Orangutan Ollie turned Ten in September.  He did get an Ice Cake in the trail.  From what I could tell, he had a Birthday Party every year previous in his former home at Erie Zoo.  No place here for a full party that both he and Amoi could enjoy.  Amoi's Birthday will be in May, six months from now.
Director Peterson, I ask you, Will the Orangutans have a yard by then, so she can have a party?

Tomorrow starts Week Fourteen, since the Orangutans have had no place except the trails.  After Seven Weeks locked inside, the Chimps regained use of their yard on August 19th.  So, Tuesday will be the three month mark.

My first blog posts after finding out the Orangutans were coming, concentrated on where they would live.  It seemed apparent they might be for the lack of better wording, just tossed in Triple Grotto as is.  While it was a legitimate curiosity, the real curiosity was, how could this even be a serious option?  The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), had refused to send new Chimpanzees to SF, to live in Triple Grotto, which had no upgrade since the early 80s, and was considered inappropriate to house Chimpanzees.  The Zoo had to provide a new updated area for them, which has become the Dayroom (opened Nov 2018) and the Yard (opened May 2019).  So, how could it be possible they would send Orangutans to live in Triple Grotto as is?  

At some point the notion, and illusion that the Orangutans would rotate with the Chimpanzees in the new Dayroom and Yard, is now obvious.  That said, this past week I have seriously began to wonder, if my original assessment of the situation was not accurate.  With no movement to date, to renovate Triple Grotto in the six months since the Yard was completed, Was Triple Grotto the initial intended home of the Orangutans?

Related posts

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week Twelve Orangutan Update 11.4.19

Been trying all weekend to get to this update, and the one for last week, which was week Thirteen.  In the past I have noted that I procrastinate on writing posts because its too upsetting and that I get overwhelmed.  That it's physically and emotionally draining.  With this Orangutan situation, its moved beyond that.  I now just feel a heavy drear come on and I'm near tears.  I just really don't understand how this cruelty can continue to go on.

Nothing has changed for our Ollie and Amoi.  So, three things for this update.  Comments to previous blog posts,  Words from Chimpanzee Cobby, and  The story of Orangutan Sandra.

What people are saying! 
Comment Posted to Week Eleven Blog Post
"AZA Habitat Guidelines..."

Comment Posted to Week Eleven Blog Post
"AZA Habitat Guidelines..."

Comment Posted to Week Ten Blog Post
"Amoi Wishes She Had,..."

Thank you to those that take the time to comment.  I appreciate the support and so do the Zoo Friends!  If only there were more people who would speak out.  Remember people, you can choose to comment Anonymously!

Even Cobby has a few words to share! 
From the Video for Week Twelve

In the News...

An Argentine Judge granted "person-hood" status to an Orangutan named Sandra.  Noting that she, as an Orangutan was a "non-human person", who had rights. 
Screencap from Good News Network

Sandra, the Orangutan was born in Germany, but has lived most her life in Argentina.  She lived alone and in an inadequate enclosure. 
Screencap from

Sandra was flown to Kansas to quarantine, and then recently to Florida's Center For Great Apes Sanctuary, where she has been given a forever home. Director Patti Ragan's words are beautiful and what she describes about Sandra in her new home, SHOULD be what our Amoi and Ollie are experiencing. 
Screencap from

The efforts of Advocates and the Judge, all did everything they could to get Sandra a better home.  Some people just have it in them to do the right thing for another living Being.  It is troubling that I am not seeing this in our San Francisco Zoo.  

To learn more about Sandra and follow her journey, Google Sandra the Orangutan, or follow Center for Great Apes. 

Previous Post

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

Monday, November 11, 2019

It's Orangutan Caring Week! - Does the SFZoo Director Care About the Orangutans?

Week Thirteen starts with it being Orangutan Caring Week (11.10.19 - 11.16.19)   I Love how this Perfectly fell into place.
Screencap of Graphic by 
Peppermint Narwhal Creative

Ollie and Amoi's living situation has not changed.  Their only outdoor access is to the Skytrails.  To date, there is allegedly no plan in motion to change that.

Will 13 be the Orangutans Lucky Number?

Will Director Tanya Peterson finally show some respect for these Endangered Great Apes by authorizing the commencement of an immediate temporary enclosure and the subsequent renovation to Triple Grotto, as a permanent part of the Great Ape Passage?

My previous post about what can be done with Triple Grotto

To be clear, every post I make about the Orangutan's situation, is directed to Director Tanya Peterson.  The Primate Staff has done an excellent job caring for the Orangutans, within the literal confines they have to work with. 

Confines is the perfect word for Ollie and Amoi's existence at the San Francisco Zoo.  Without an enclosure to freely move around, stretch, climb, swing, etc. , they are literally in confinement.   Yes, while all captive Animals live in confined spaces, it is a big difference, when the walls of confinement can be touched with arms outstretched. 

A mesh enclosed trail is not a Habitat.

It is outrageous that these two Beings are basically living in cages.

In my opinion, if you don't have Empathy for Great Apes, you don't have Empathy or Compassion for any Non-Human Being.

Anyone devoid of those feelings in regard to the quality of the lives they are responsible for, should not be working in, managing, or running, an Animal Care Facility.

What happened with the Chimpanzees being locked inside for Seven Weeks, and now the Orangutans not having a proper space, for the past Twelve Weeks and foreseeable future, is Cruel.  And that is not me just saying bad things, as I've been told has been said about me, those are the Facts.

It is completely valid to question the living situation of the Orangutans.

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

AZA Habitat Guidelines for Great Apes - Orangutan Update Week Eleven 10.28.19

Let me start by making this statement.  I personally can not understand how the Director of an Animal Care Facility, such as the San Francisco Zoo, can consciously and morally allow Animals the size of Great Apes to sit day after day in a five foot high tunnel and not take immediate action to make their life better.  Where is the Empathy and Compassion, as the Orangutans end the Eleventh Week with the only space available to them outside their bedrooms, is the Skytrails?  

If I am missing something, Director Peterson needs to put out a statement about this, because I'm not the only one who is wondering what her thought process is on this.  Over the past two weeks, it seems that other regular visitors are also finally taking notice.  I have heard them talking within their own group, as well as ask Animal Staff, if the trails is the only (outside) place they have.  

I mentioned in my.previous post that there was a notation in the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) Orangutan Care Manual, about the need for room to "stretch" and "climb".

Here is a photo of Amoi moving through the Skytrail, which by my estimate is approximately 5ft in height.  Her body and limbs bend as she moves through it, I don't think I've ever seen her stretch full length while inside the trail.

Here is a video of Ollie, trying to climb the trail mesh when he saw Chimpanzee Maggie climbing.  It was heartbreaking to watch.  This is the only time I've seen him do this.  He obviously can not climb in the trail.

I'm sure the Orangutans are able to fully stretch in their bedrooms, but I doubt there is any place for them to climb, and if there is, it is not a proper set-up as intended by these guidelines.
Top and Bottom Screencaps from AZA Orangutan Care Manual in regard to housing.  No link to provide for this, but full document is available via Google search, that will immediately download PDF of Manual.

The guideline for space for Orangutans, was not as clear to me as it was for Chimpanzees.  Using the Chimpanzee recommended guideline, (I converted the measurements) it is notated that for up to five Chimps 2000 Sq Ft is required, adding an additional 1000 for each additional Chimp.  By my calculations that is 4000 Sq Ft for a group of Seven Chimpanzees.  According to signage, the Dayroom is 1240 Sq Ft, the Yard is 2600, for a total of 3840 Sq Ft.  The Bedrooms are 1000 Sq Ft.  Using these calculations, it clearly shows that for a group of Seven Chimpanzees, there is no feasible way to rotate the Chimpanzees and Orangutans, within these two spaces.  A Third space, that of an additional Yard in Triple Grotto is necessary.  ... So again, WHY is there no third space?  WHY was there no third space constructed before the Zoo acquired Orangutans?  Why did the AZA allow these Orangutans to be transferred to a Zoo that had no proper place for them?  WHY is there no third space in the process of being constructed?  WHY is there no temporary yard being constructed?  HOW long do the Orangutans have to live in the trails?

Screencap from AZA Chimpanzee Care Manual in regard to housing.  No link to provide for this, but full document is available via Google search, that will immediately download PDF of Manual.

The Chimpanzees are still separated into two groups, as introductions are still in progress. The Official Statement by the Zoo is that once the Chimpanzees are fully integrated, they will rotate the Yard and Dayroom with the Orangutans.  I do not see how that can happen on a regular basis.  Maybe a one off here and there, if there was construction started in Triple Grotto, but there is not.  A regular rotation would by my thought, have to have one variation of these scenarios.  ... Chimps in Dayroom, with access to bedrooms and possibly long trail.  Orangs in Yard, with access to short trail and bedrooms.  OR  Chimps in Yard, with access to short trail, but locked out of their bedrooms.  Orangs in Dayroom, with access to long trail, and bedrooms.  The first scenario, logically does not provide the space for Seven Chimpanzees, as the Dayroom alone, is less than half the recommended size.  ... There needs to be a third Yard, and NOW!

So, I noted above how I've overheard visitors talking about the space where the Orangutans have to live.  I've noted the Zoo's Official Statement.  And by this recent news article from Ollie's hometown, what the Erie Zoo has reported to press, even before he left, has been a bit curious. At the time they noted that SFZoo had a brand new enclosure for him.  So I don't know who's selling the illusion, who's buying the illusion, but those of us who are there in person, can certainly see, info from all sides does not add up to what the reality is, or what it should be.   

The news article from Erie:
Screencap of portion regarding male Orangutan Ollie.

I think this whole cruel situation with Ollie and Amoi is wearing me down.  Again I posted a video and forgot to make it public, as I intended to do a post update sooner.  I did Week Ten yesterday.  It should have gone in there.  Anyway, posted last week, I made it on 10.14.19, the start of Week Nine.  Sadly, the story remains the same.

Last week, this news was reported.  I found it ironic, since San Francisco Zoo can't even spring for a renovation in Triple Grotto.  A two island yard to complete their Great Ape Passage and a net over one island for an immediate temporary yard.  Happy for the Orangutans in Toronto, even Sadder for ours here in San Francisco. ... I'll just leave this here.  
You can read the full article here:

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Orangutan Update - Week Ten - 10.21.19 - Amoi Wishes She Had Halloween Festivities Like the Chimps. Sad.

Week Ten
Ollie and Amoi making the best of it.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!  I didn't get to posting this Orangutan Update last weekend, as I went to the Zoo's Boo Event.  This event is one of the only times I go to the Zoo on the weekend.  Its the Event I have loved since it started.  Its the Event that got me interested in Enrichment.  I have an obsession with Pumpkins, so paired with Animals, it bring much joy.  Unfortunately Sunday's Pumpkin festivities were for the most part cancelled because of downed tree and debris from the high winds.  I was looking forward to seeing Gorillas, but because of some exhibit damage.  I did hear they got Pumpkins, near the end of the day, but not for public viewing.  If so, Zoo Staff probably got photos, but I haven't seen them on any of their Social Media platforms.  I would have liked the Zoo to have kept the schedule and done it the next day or even on Halloween, so the public could watch.  Saturday we were blessed with wonderful Zoo Friend moments, including being in the right place at the right time, to celebrate Angelo the Anteater's 21st Birthday!  Have not gotten to videos from that weekend yet, so keep an eye out on my Youtube for that cuteness!  As well, this past week brought more cuteness, with a Birthday celebration for Slider the Cow, who turned 10 on Halloween!  Photos in real time on my Twitter (leo811sf).

The Chimps had a spectacular spread for Halloween!  The Girls outside in the yard, the Boys inside the dayroom.  The fun time for the Chimps, was not fun for the Orangutans.  Sadly I had to witness poor Amoi looking into the yard and seeing the Chimpanzees Halloween festivities.  It was heartbreaking.

I wanted to publish the video that day, but decided to wait til after the weekend, and forgot to make it public. ... See the video here:

If the Orangutans had an out door space other than the trails, they too could have had an awesome holiday celebration.

So, again we must all ask San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson,...

WHEN will the Orangutans get a yard?  

Director Peterson, How long do you plan to keep the Orangutans living in a caged tube?  ... The trails are meant to be access platforms, NOT Habitats!

Weeks ago, I wrote the suggestion, that a temporary yard be constructed for them in the South Grotto portion of Triple Grotto.  This is based on the fact that something immediate needs to be done, and that South Grotto can be used in the future to house or hold another species.  At this point, doing that is the only logical thing to do.  Any work to construct a permanent yard to compliment the new yard and dayroom and finish the Great Ape Passage, will take too long.  The Orangutans NEED an outdoor area done in the shortest amount of time, and a temporary yard is the only solution.  I suspect the Zoo would hate to take any of my suggestions, so close to me putting them out there (they have in the past but wait, so they can make them their own), but this situation is getting to the point of cruelty.  I have to assume since nothing has been done, it the Zoo's preference to not consider the suggestion in this case and instead keep the Orangutans in an inappropriate living situation, rather than do what's right and necessary.  

What I suggested could have been completed by now and the Orangutans in a space that would allow them to stretch their arms and be able to climb, which by the way is a specified guideline in the AZA Orangutan Husbandry Manual.  

Director Peterson, Give those Orangutans a yard and get them out of the trails!!!  Call the damn netting company and get South Grotto constructed into a temporary yard for them!  We are going on three months of this and its cruel!

Blogger's Statement
"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."
For Full Statement see this post: