I experience things that make no sense, but aren't something to make a whole blog post about, so I just shake my head and move on. Sometimes I've written posts and just tacked on off topic irritations and curiosities, in fits of frustration.
Sometimes I want to share a Zoo Friend experience, but I usually never get that far unless it's a whole post subject like a new resident arrival.
So before I get into a couple things (fails), I'll share a couple Animal experiences (fun) from the week.
Don't think I've ever seen Claudia the Condor eating. So this was different.
I had some lovely face-to-face time with two Kudu Ladies in the creep area (a small area often fixed with branches to create an area that only certain sized animals can access) where our precious Duikers used to hang out.
I don't get down to the Donga often, I maybe do that loop once every few weeks. I wanted to see the new mural in tunnel leading to it. The mural is beautiful, I love Mosaics. I must admit that every time I see artwork and gardens, while I think they are nice and needed additions to the grounds, it does rub me the wrong way that money is either spent or donated for these installations specifically, when there are many Animal Needs that arent fulfiled.
I had decided to do the Donga loop around the Savannah to get to Gorillas so to get in some extra walking. Just short of the end, the loop was closed off and I had to circle back. Tired and short on time, I never got to Gorillas.
Two things I asked Security about yesterday on my way out, have just come to mind and I want to document it, as I wasn't satisfied with the answers I got. It's not on Security, but on the Zoo to just do better.
So, the Donga loop closure. I mentioned it to Security, noting there really should be a sign at the start of the loop, noting loop does not go through.
I asked if that's something Security could have done. I was told, it's (sign) on order. Needing signs in the moment has come up before and I've noted before that the Zoo has a Computer, Printer and Laminator. A sign can be made in a matter of minutes. There is no reason to let the need go or order something fancy for that. I was told people complain about signs not being nice? Who complains? And if they were worried about how such temporary signs look, they got a sign made as I've noted can be done, on the stupid $15,000 water station. I took this photo not for the sign, even though it lent to this issue, but because I still can't believe money was spent on this bullshit when people can get water for free in the cafe and $15,000 x 2! could have gone to Animal Needs.

In addition, by having no sign and just letting it go, someone with physical disabilities, intending to do the loop was forced to back-track around if they wanted to go to Gorillas, African Aviary and that side of the Savannah. This is a Fail, the Zoo needs to do better.
If you read my recent post about Wolves, you know this is a fresh issue. I will note that I probably wouldn't bring it up again, at least not now but considering that recent (?) sign, it's up to the Zoo to do better to try and make what their sign says happen. This is another Fail.
So, from Grizzlies I heard screaming. I see that a school group is gathered at and eventually fanned out along more than half the length of the Wolves window. When I got closer, I viewed and heard, not only screaming, but howling, banging in the window and chasing the Wolves (all of them were at the window) as they paced the perimeter.
Security should be giving more detailed Rule Talks to these groups and leaders. Additionally Rules should be mailed when reservation is made and given on entry to the leaders, teachers and chaperones. There is no reason the adults in this group should have allowed these kids to behave in this way at an Animal Enclosure.
There is a head of Security and a head of Safety. In my opinion it's up to these two people to provide Security with talking points that need to be covered. I'm not going to make a list here, because that's what they get paid for. They just need to do it.
I shared my experience with Security, noting the interaction at Wolves last week as well and that I had written a post suggesting they put roping up. I was told, an order has been put in. In previous experience years ago with orders having to be "put in", it took months to get barrier poles replaced at Chimpanzees and Lions. Hopefully things move quicker these days. That said, in my opinion, not good enough. This is happening on a daily, probably hourly+ basis. In my opinion, if the Zoo cared to "protect" the Wolves in the goal stated on their own sign, they would temporarily put up something. There has to be some rope some place in the Zoo, if not, I find no reason someone can't go to home depot and buy some. There is also the the yellow caution tape like seen in my photo above, "protecting" the mural. Depending on how it can be secured, and if there's no concern it could come loose ànd end up in the enclosure, otherwise there's always the movable metal barriers. Allowing this to go on repeatedly everyday, is a Fail.
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