Sunday, July 21, 2024

Additional Curiosities Regarding The Botanical Garden Coyote Murders - Non-SFZoo

Immediately after writing my initial blog post dated July 5, I sent the first of many emails, looking for answers to specific questions.

I had planned to eventually document my info seeking correspondence and lack of replies, but was prompted to fast track that after a news article July 10.  I'm documenting in chronilogical order, so that is farther down.  I'll highlight the Begin and End of the quotes I used, for those who want to skip ahead. Also note my full Questions to the RecPark spokesperson are highlighted in the July 10 correspondence.

My first email inquiry was to the San Francisco Botanical Garden, the site of the "attack".  I wrote, "I am horrified to learn three Coyotes were killed. Last I knew there were three active dens. Were the ones killed Female Adults? What steps are being taken to make sure there are no Pups orphaned in Dens?"

Their response was, "Thank you for your questions. Regarding the recent coyote activity, please reach out to with all questions."

Saturday July 6 ... I emailed Tamara Aparton (RecPark) with the same questions.  No reply.  

I also contacted California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the ones who did the killing.  I posed the same questions to them.  No reply.

I gave it one business day for replies before continuing, as that would bring the murders to one week ago, making this an extremely time sensitive inquiry.  

Tuesday July 9 ... I emailed ACC (SF Animal Care and Control) who were reported to have been on scene. ... "I am inquiring whether you have any information on the three Coyotes that were killed.  I emailed the Botanical Garden, but they referred me to RecPark and I have not got an answer.  I am concerned a Den of Pups could be orphaned. ... Last time I was at BG an acquaintance on staff told me there were three active Dens.  This was a couple seasons ago at least.  There may even be more now.  *How many Dens? , was one of my questions.  I additionally asked and would like to know, *If the three killed were Adults? ,  and *What the Genders were?  As well, *What if any, assessment of Dens was done to determine if any Pups were left without one or both parents, after the kills?"

No reply from ACC.  With the possibility of an abandoned Den with Pups, I remembered a RecPark contact I could try.

Wed July 10 ... I emailed and he responded immediately, and said he was not the point person, and to re-try Tamara Aparton.  

I immediately re-sent her my questions, with the subject: Time Sensitive -SFBG Coyotes ?s 2nd Attempt ... "I am contacting you as too many days without a response from my first email has gone by. ... I am concerned a Den of Pups could be orphaned. ... Last time I was at BG an acquaintance on staff told me there were three active Dens.  This was a couple seasons ago at least.  There may even be more now.  *How many Dens? , was one of my questions.  I additionally asked and would like to know, *If the three killed were Adults? ,  and *What the Genders were?  As well, *What if any, assessment of Dens was done to determine if any Pups were left without one or both parents, after the kills? ... Also, *Why tranquilizers were not used? ... Please respond with information.  It's sad and I feel helpless thinking there could be babies alone and starving."

She sent a turnaround email that she had just replied to me.  So, I assume my contact, contacted her.  Her response was,... "Hi Kim, I don't have detailed information on the animals who were euthanized--only that there were three, and that an adult male was linked to the bite via DNA. This operation was conducted by USDA and California Fish and Wildlife.  The only den we were aware of was behind a fence and away from where the incident happened (and inaccessible to the children). We have not received any reports or sightings of orphaned pups. ... Tamara Barak Aparton, Deputy Director, Communications and Public Affairs"

This response was unsatisfactory.  First, I'm very clear in the way I word most everything I say, especially with inquiries.  So, I expect answers to reflect what I've asked.  That said, the foremost thing she said that bothered me in logic was, "We have not received any reports or sightings of orphaned pups."  In my opinion, if there were very young Pups, they would not be out of the Den and roaming about, waving hey I'm orphaned.  I also found it passive to say, "The only den we were aware of...".  In my opinion that is not a confirmation of how many dens there are.

I immediately replied, but received back an Out of Office notice, with a referral contact, Daniel Montes.  I then sent him an email... "Your contact info was on Tamara Aparton's Out of Office reply.  I had emailed her last weekend about my concerns regarding the killing of the three Coyotes.  She finally responded yesterday, and shared information she had.  It wasn't enough, and now she's unavailable.  This is time sensitive, as there could be Pups in Dens with no Parent having fed them for at least four days now. ... I originally asked... If the three were Adults, and what their genders were?  Also, if all Dens had been identified and if someone was monitoring the Dens to make sure at least one Adult was still tending to it.  The last season I was there, there were three active Dens.  ... She replied she only knew if the DNA matched one, a male, and was only aware of one Den.  That's not enough to determine whether there is now a Den thats unattended. ... As I said, I replied but she is gone now.  I asked of her this, as a Representative of the Park, is it possible for you to confirm with the Garden Staff how many Dens are currently suspected, and also how many last year, as it may give insight.  There was a Den in the Primitive Plant Garden for several years, as well as two others. ... With three (Adults?) killed, there most likely is more than one. ... If Pups are in Den alone, there most likely? would not be reports, unless the suspected Dens were being monitored for Parents coming and going.  If no Adult sightings in Den areas, Pups could be dying of starvation. ... The Botanical Gardens Staff would not answer questions and referred to Tamara, so the RecPark would have to inquire.  Could you please make a call and ask staff?   Time is ticking." ... No reply.

The curious thing was that evening I saw a new Chronicle article.  I say curious as it was published the same day I finally got a response, and responded to some of my questions.  I find the repeating of the "No Pups" notation three times very curious.  As well, I still find the "attack" details a bit hard to believe.

Begin quotes > "The coyote that attacked a 5-year-old girl in the San Francisco Botanical Garden late last month was not protecting young pups, wildlife officials said,..."

"None of the slain coyotes were rearing pups at the time of the attack, meaning the coyote likely acted out of aggression and was not protecting its young, said Patrick Foy, a captain in the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s law enforcement division." 

“At the time of the recent incident in the Botanical Gardens, there were five coyote alert signs in the Botanical Garden and the den was behind a fence and away from visitors,” San Francisco Recreation and Park Department spokesperson Tamara Aparton said Wednesday in a statement."

 "...the coyote approached the girl from behind and bit her, said her mother, Helen Sparrow. The girl tried to run away but tripped and the canine “bit her on the bum when she was down,” Sparrow said."  < End quotes

The next day, July 11, I made my final attempt to have my questions answered.  I emailed a USDA contact.  After a few communications, it came to light that a different department was involved.  On July 15, I used the general USDA contact form.  No reply.

Note I realize now, that my notation in one of the emails, I miscalculated and the actual days if there were abandoned Pups would be ten days.  That said, I find the lack of response to my very valid inquiry infuriating.  It leaves me feeling like no one has any concerns about the situation, which is completely irresponsible, considering vulnerable, innocent lives could be dying.  

I feel helpless, not having all the information that should be available.  Instead receiving, vague, half-ass notes, not facts.  Info seeking via email is really all I could do.  I can't go to the Gardens investigating on my own, it's obvious no one on Staff is going to be answering questions, and I certainly can't be traipsing about looking for Dens.  It's all very upsetting.

I will continue to investigate this, as I don't think the full story is being presented.  Unfortunately, today (it's now after 1a) marks two weeks since the killing spree took place, and therefore it's too late if there are any unattended Dens.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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