Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My Thoughts And Reflections On The New Chronicle Article

Another Chronicle article dropped yesterday, Tuesday July 23.  I'm not posting it to this blog, as I had done with some others, but here is the link for those who haven't seen it.

link to full article

This article is written by the same Reporter who has written the previous expose' style articles that started with the one back in April.  The catalyst for the initial article was Staffers, allegedly supported by their Union, finally coming forward and talking about what goes on at the Zoo.  I don't know what the final straw was for them, as I had been trying to rally those I talk to to come forward for many years, saying, "She can't fire all of you".  She being Zoo Director Tanya Peterson.  

I have been writing about the Zoo's issues and fails now for over thirteen years.  I kept all my questions and concerns in house and pretty low key for the three years prior to that, when I started monitoring the Zoo in 2008.  As a life-long Richmond District Native and Resident, the Zoo had always been a part of my life, but it was in 2008, after a devastating loss that I started visiting the Zoo multiple times a week, becoming deeply endeared to the Animal Residents as individuals.  As I endeavoured to learn more about the Animals, I ended up immersing myself in everything about the Zoo.  I fancy myself smart and empathetic, with the mind of a fixer, which put me in the position of being a constructive criticizer, something I learned was not welcome by the Zoo's Director.  I became her target, eventually becoming the first person in the history of the Zoo to have their Membership revoked.  That is when I stopped posting to my first ever blog, which I started in 2009 to share all the wonderful information I had learned about the Zoo Friends, in hopes that others would be endeared as I was.  It was at a time when the Zoo still has a dark cloud hovering over it after the Tiger tragedy a year and a half before.  The treatment I got from a high percentage of Staff, after I had my membership taken away, was outrageous, and stemmed from lies Director Tanya Peterson told about me.  So, the gloves were off and I started documenting, every instance of the eleven months it took get get my membership back, and eventually started this blog where most of my Zoo woes are documented. 

Geez, I didn't have this post layed out, so that last paragraph was not planned, and not meant to be a mini bio of myself. Apologies. I think, thinking about this whole series of Chronicle articles, including as I said, Staff finally speaking publicly about Zoo issues, has made me feel both a relief that I'm not the only one voice trying to help the Animals and the Zoo, and a bit of sadness that it took over a decade for the mismanagement situation to have a brighter light shined on it. If this would have happened, so many years ago, the Zoo would be in better shape than it is now.  Unfortunately, it didn't and Tanya Peterson is still the Director.  The Zoo has been circling the drain with her at the helm.  Her mismanagment, disrespect and disregard for Animal Needs has sadly resulted in severe Animal Cruelty and Welfare issues.  She has kept the Zoo's Needs, especially in Animal Care, hostage with her lack of fundraising.  Her abuse of power, not only with illegally taking away my membership, but with corrupt firings, threats and terrorizing of Staff, have caused really good long-time dedicated Animal Care Staff to leave. ... She's the one who needs to leave.

Allegedly the goal of Zoo Staff coming forward to this reporter, was in an effort to create public outrage, forcing the Board to replace Peterson as Director.  Is that goal being met?  So far, with the all too late attention and ridiculous shock about what has been published, the Board Chair Melinda Dunn and one Park Commissioner, Larry Mazzola, have been moving slowly with their respective investigations.  In my opinion, they have both been negligent (which I cover in earlier posts) in their responsibility to the Zoo for many years.  If they were paying attention, there would be no shock and also no Peterson.  With what Staff has provided, and I have documented, together with a vote of No Confidence by Staff, How Director Peterson is still employed is beyond me.  Keeping Orangutans in caged tubes, should be enough to prove she has no business running an Animal Care Facility. Her still holding that position is pure irresponsibility and laziness, when there are capable replacements (I count two, maybe three) on Staff right now. Oh, and Deputy Director Vitus Leung, is not on that capable list.

This new article presents a different angle than the previous.  I had heard the reporter initially had information that was deemed too litigious.  Maybe this was some of that, and needed further vetting, even though these "hirings" are well-known, even to me.  Although I was very surprised by the amounts of money paid to the relatives of Ignacio Hernandez.  Seems outrageous as I'd expect to see some great shakes of work produced for those numbers. I'd be interested in the breakdown of what projects that money paid out were for.

As for what else, if anything, the reporter may still have in the works, I have no idea.  If the reporter reads this post, she should investigate travel expenses on the Zoo's tax returns, throughout Tanya Peterson's reign as Director.  Breakdown exactly what trips that money was used for.  Considering the Zoo's financial status and the Needs of the Animals and grounds that have gone unattended, Were these legitimate trips of necessity?  Including who else's travel expenses were paid unnecessarily.

The focus of these "hirings" is the favoritism and financial aspect.  Misuse of funds has been a disturbing factor during Director Peterson's tenure, and continues with the constant Art Installations and Gardens, over Animal Needs and general up-keep.  Fourteen years later, I'm still asking what happened to the $250,000 that was for a Squirrel Monkey enclosure?  The Squirrel Monkeys never saw that enclosure, infact a small group were kept in a concrete room with no outside access for over two years, possibly as long as four.  Maybe the reporter can uncover that mystery, that no one has the answer to.

So, to wrap this up, I thought the article did a good job of documenting these factors of management under Director Peterson, but, Will it do anything to further the goal of Peterson being replaced?   

My only worry is the reporters mentions of how these "hirings" could affect those who might want to donate to the Zoo.  In my opinion, that was irresponsible, considering the needs of the Zoo. 

Will all this media awareness end with Director Peterson being asked to Resign, or getting Fired?  I doubt it.  It seems Officials still try to refute all the claims by Staff, and support Peterson. 

I've heard Director Peterson has plans to retire, so she knows the jig is up.  That said, the time frame for that seems to hedge on the arrival of Pandas, as she allegedly wants to wait til after they get here.  I guess she considers them in the win column for her and wants them on her Resume.  I don't think Pandas can save her reputation, so she should just retire now and let the Zoo heal from the suffering she has caused.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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