Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Ridiculous Words Of Activists - Spoken At RecPark Commission Meeting

Finally getting to this.  Reaching back to Thursday a week ago, the RecPark Full Commission Meeting on July 18.

I'm sorry but I have to do this.  It's too irritating not to.  Every month, I'm going to rebutt things the two consistent Activists say and anyone else that makes ridiculous statements.  And I full well know there are possibly going to be people who think I make ridiculous statements. To that I say, at least I'm there at the Zoo seeing things for myself and talking to Staff, and have been an average of at least twice a week for the last sixteen years.  So yeah, I fancy myself someone who actually knows what I'm talking about, and when I do, I speak with the goal of bettering the Zoo.

These two came out of the woodwork in April, when the Chronicle posted it's first expose' style article on the Zoo, for the sole purpose of furthering their Close Zoo agenda.  I will not let their narrow-minded and irresponsible words go unchallenged.  The Media who gives them a forum without any question to what they are saying should be ashamed at their lack of integrity.  As well, in the case of this Commission Meeting, Public Comment should also be questioned, if necessary.  Unfortunately that would require the Commissioners to have knowledge about the Zoo, which they don't, because they can't be bothered to put any time and actual attention into a facility in their own department.  That is one of the factors in why the Zoo is in the state it is.

For those interested in the comments in full, follow this link and highlight item 6, SFZoo.  Public comment starts a couple minutes after the Staff Update, which is worth a listen, regarding the Zoo's Conservation effort reWilding Toads and Frogs.

These are my issues and take away points, in order of appearance for those who watch the proceedings.

Activist One:  Justin Barker, spoke about the Pandas sharing night quarters with Tigers and Lions.  If this guy wants to be taken seriously, he should at least learn what Animals live at Our Zoo. ... We haven't had Tigers for over two years. ...  Additionally he hopes the Zoo "can transition to what's happening with the Toads and Frogs" ???  Referring to the reWilding Conservation efforts. ... Is he saying he wants to reWild the Zoo Animals?

Activist Two:  The Fleur gal from IDA, is an exhausting repeat of the same things every time she opens her mouth.  Not only once again reaching back twenty plus years on some Animal notations, but also about Animals not even at Our Zoo. ... Why doesn't she just get to her point, which is, she hates Zoo's and wants them all closed.  Her issue is not about Pandas.  Pandas just gave her the opportunity to forward her Close the Zoo agenda.

There was a new guy speaking, Peter.  He's against Pandas because they are not endemic to this Country.  Ummm, pretty sure the majority of Zoo Animals in any Zoo are from Countries other than the US.   He repeatedly likens Pandas to Slaves, and states, "I strongly oppose bringing Pandas into the Zoo. Those are Free Animals, they should not be enslaved to make us money". ... I don't think the Pandas coming from China are Free Animals.  Pretty sure they have all been born in captivity.  

The only thing valid to me is the notation this guy makes about the revenue drop.  This is something I've written about myself.  It's highlighted in posts where I've suggested the Zoo initially only commit to hosting Pandas temporarily.  

Why don't these people concentrate on that and be vocal to try and get change in the Panda Residency duration, from long-term (ten+ years) to temporary (two, with financial evaluation after first year), which has been my focus on this subject.  It's more realistic.  

Everyone needs to understand, the Mayor is going to bring Pandas here no matter what anyone says.  Unless there's a snag in the process, two Pandas will be in Our Zoo next year.  

Additionally, I'm pretty sure bringing Pandas to Our Zoo, was the Mayor's brainchild.  Are these people being vocal in some way to the Mayor, or just to the Zoo?  The Zoo is owned by the City.  If the Mayor wants Pandas, as I understand it, the Zoo has no say in the matter.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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