Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Attn: Zoological Society Board, ... Why Did You, ...?

I'm laying here scrolling Twitter reactions to last nights debate.  Preping myself for a nap before I try to sort information sent to me by a Supervisor and a Board of Supervisors Staffer, and not only respond to, investigate and document in this blog, but also get to issues I want to present to the RecPark Commission.  All of it weights that have been piling up since before last months Meeting, that I didn't have the energy to tackle in time for.

A quote from a Tweet:

"Kamala Harris's beatdown of Trump at the debate: "She kept looking at him the whole time like, 'Are you okay?'... He would not look at her... It was a total power play on him."

This reminded me the time I stood up at a Joint Zoo Committee Meeting not long after my crusade to Save Our SFZoo Chimpanzees from being kicked out of their near fifty year home at Our San Francisco Zoo, by Zoo Director Tanya Peterson.  As I addressed Peterson, looking straight at her, she refused to not only, not respond to my questions, but she refused to look at me, instead staring down with her face inches away from the table.  

Though I was not pulling a power play, I was simply asking someone to be responsible for their words and actions.  I was essentially presenting an adult conversation, which Director Peterson has too many times proven she does not have the ability to participate in.  

Being reminded of that moment, also brought the vision of the scene.  The Joint Zoo Panel (made up of three RecPark Commissioners, three Zoological Society Board Members, a non-Zoo Vet, and an Animal Welfare representative), were all seated at the same table.  Each member of that panel, tasked with the responsibility of being a checks and balances to what goes on at the Zoo under Tanya Peterson's management.  Each one of them sat in silence, and I guarantee never discussed the issues I brought up.

I bring this up now, as all the weights that I mentioned, that I have to sort through, are related to the current situation, which is bringing Pandas here, and building them a new home, when the Orangutans have been here five years and never got a new home.

I ask each member of the San Francisco Zoological Society Board, ...

Why did you allow Director Peterson to acquire Orangutans, when there was no appropriate home for them?  

Why did you allow the Orangutans to live exclusively in cage tubes for eight months?

Do you even know what I'm talking about?

And for that matter I ask the same to each  RecPark Commissioner, as well RecPark General Manager Phil Ginsburg, who along with the Zoological Society Board, are tasked with overseeing and managing the Zoo respectively.

Shame on all of you, for your negligence during the past sixteen years that I've been monitoring things.

Shame on Commissioner Larry Mazolla for his shock of Staff allegations, when his own negligence is to blame.  

Shame on Society Board Chair Melinda Dunn, who needed to hire an investigation firm to look into Staff allegations, when her own Board Member position (prior to becoming Chair) negligence is to blame for allowing Peterson to mismanage Our Zoo into the ground.  

The Zoological Society and RecPark's negligence in overseeing Zoo management, is what should be investigated.  Unfortunately, they all think they are doing a bang-up job, and that will never happen.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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