Sunday, September 8, 2024

Confirmed - Botanical Gardens Coyote Murder Included A Pup! - Non SFZoo

I last posted about the Coyote Murders in the Botanical Gardens, two weeks ago.

While I did not go into specifics in the post above, I will now say, what I had read was that a Pup was allegedly among those murdered in that Coyote Family.  That has now been confirmed via official documents.

I have requested documents from California Department of Fish and Wildlife, San Francisco Recreation and Park, and San Francisco Animal Care and Control.  My request was not as timely as it should have been, so I am referring to documents received and posted by a longtime follower of the Coyotes in our Parks.  She requested documents immediately from USDA Wildlife Services, which I had not, as I was led to believe CDFW were the main agency involved.

Reporting on something second hand is usually not what I do, but my connection to our local Wildlife and Parks, deeply resonates with me personally.  Documenting wrong doings is what I do, and in my opinion, this is a huge wrong doing.

Documents received by Janet Kessler and posted to her website, Coyote Yipps, reveal and confirm, the Heartbreak, the Horror and the Lies.

I documented my correspondence to all official agencies, RecPark, CDFW, USDA Wildlife, and SFACC, in the post at this link:

Also included in this past post is the curious statements made by RecPark and CDFW, to media.

In my initial inquiry to all, including RecPark, I asked:  

*How many Dens? , was one of my questions.  I additionally asked and would like to know, *If the three killed were Adults? ,  and *What the Genders were?  As well, *What if any, assessment of Dens was done to determine if any Pups were left without one or both parents, after the kills? ... Also, *Why tranquilizers were not used?

The only reply came from RecPark:

Hi Kim, I don't have detailed information on the animals who were euthanized--only that there were three, and that an adult male was linked to the bite via DNA. This operation was conducted by USDA and California Fish and Wildlife.  The only den we were aware of was behind a fence and away from where the incident happened (and inaccessible to the children). We have not received any reports or sightings of orphaned pups. ... Tamara Barak Aparton, Deputy Director, Communications and Public Affairs"

In that post, I also quote from the article:

"None of the slain coyotes were rearing pups at the time of the attack, meaning the coyote likely acted out of aggression and was not protecting its young, said Patrick Foy, a captain in the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s law enforcement division." 

Flat-out LIES!  

The continuous mention of "Pup" in the text messages (above from the USDA documents), between what seems to be the Kill Team, made me Sick and Furious to read.  They KNEW.  They knew when they saw it, it was a Pup.  They knew when they shot it, it was a Pup. They knew when they lied, there were Pups present.  So, Disturbing. 

All the Officials involved knew they had shot four Coyotes (including one wounded and carelessly left for dead to suffer), not three, and they knew one was a Pup.  They knew at that moment, there was active denning going on.  They knew this was a family protecting its young.  They knew all of it, and lied.  Their statements to the press were crafted to suit the narrative they wanted out there, regardless of the truth.  

In my opinion their lies are to cover-up their Barbaric Murdering Protocol.  

Additional Related Posts:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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