Thursday, September 19, 2024

The San Francisco Zoological Society Is UnFit and Ill-Equipped To Manage Our Zoo

While I prep for other weekend projects (non-animal upset related), I am making notes for an expanded post on the Society Board's decision to keep Director Tanya Peterson at the helm.  

This decision is a complete disrespect to the Animal Residents and the Staff.  

The Zoo is doomed, and it's very sad.

Not sure when I will allow my emotional, mental and physical state to be fully affected by reliving all the upset sixteen years of Peterson has caused the Zoo and it's Animal Residents, enough to write a more complete post about how disgusting and disturbing, allowing Peterson to keep sucking payroll while destroying Our Zoo will be, but I didn't want weeks to pass without anything more than what I posted yesterday.  So, here's a sneak peek at what my current outline is for the expanded post.  

Along with notating the negligence of Officials to properly oversee Peterson's management, my main points will focus on listing some of the stand-out fails during Director Peterson's reign, that the Zoological Society Board evidently SUPPORTS:


You had to know this cruelty would be at the top of my list.

As well as other Animal Welfare Offenses, Lack of Fundraising, Society Member Locked Donations, and Ground/Maintenance Needs, such as letting the outside of the Zoo remain in shambles for at least the last twenty years.

These listed topics are not the categorical extent of Peterson's mismanagement, just the ones that have so far come to mind, without letting myself get too hyped up with heavy thoughts.  

If anyone has specific issues they want included, use the comment option to either add them yourself, or as a contact for me to add to my post (note not a comment).  Remember, Anonymous is always an option.

Related Post:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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*You can be a Voice for the SFZoo Animals by Contacting the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson at
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