Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Zoological Society Retains Confidence In Zoo Director

I've said this before, I should never look for Zoo stuff at the end of the day.  In an effort to control my inner Peace, I already don't view email after 7p.  Will do likewise on future Twitter searches.  

9p and I decided to see by chance if there was any recognition for our Ollie Orangutan's Birthday today.  Admittedly, it's been a busy week and I forgot to look at my Calendar for September Birthdays.  I was reminded by a friend who sent me the Orangutan SSP's post.  The Zoo has been lax in Birthday wishes, and even if there's a celebration, allegedly Director Peterson has veto'd any posting about such to Social Media. .. So, there was nothing, at least not from the Zoo about Ollie. 

Unfortunately, for me at this hour, when I planned to settle in and start a movie, there was this...

You all know there was an onslaught of all the Zoo Bullshit swirling in my mind.  Along with the disgust of the whole situation.  That said, I can't spend eight hours writing all my thoughts and full feelings about this.   Maybe not even in the coming days.  I got other things to do.  That said, *here is my initial offering, which I immediately posted to Twitter, @ the Chronicle, Zoo and RecPark.

*No Surprise!!! The Zoological Society, along with the SF Recreation and Park Dept, has been negligent in their responsibilities in every way to the management of the Zoo, to the Detriment of the Animal Residents (Ask the Orangutans), and the Zoo thriving optimally. All the claims by Officials & Director Peterson are delusional. I have well documented Tanya Peterson's mismanagement & fails, that have left our San Francisco Zoo in a dire position.  

I knew nothing would come of this.  You know my main concern is for the Animals, but I also know the struggle so many on Staff go through, having to deal with Director Peterson, and how her mismanagement affects every aspect of their jobs.  I know alot of the Staff was hoping the new Board Chair, Melinda Dunn, might be some sort of savior.  To that I said, I don't think she will.  Dunn has been on the Board for years, and like the rest, she took no interest in overseeing how Peterson was managing the Zoo.  The Society Board has no interest in the Zoo unless there's a cocktail party attached to it.  Even then it's seemingly straight to the party, by-passing all the issues that line the yellow brick road to the bar.  It's sad.

So yeah, the investigation was a joke.  I knew it would be. More importantly, a seemingly huge waste of money.  Five Months of Lawyers fees.  Did that come out of the Animal Care fund?

Related Post:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


1 comment:

  1. Disappointing and sad.
    These posers scratch each others’ backs. They have to see each other at all the cocktail parties after all.
    Again, animal welfare and zoo community well-being be damned.


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*If you have a problem commenting, don't see your comment (within 24 hours), or want to contact me for any other reason, please use the link on the sidebar.
*You can be a Voice for the SFZoo Animals by Contacting the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson at
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