Saturday, June 22, 2024

If The Zoo Builds New For Pandas, They Must First Build New For Orangutans!

I ended my last post with this paragraph:

If the City of San Francisco, Mayor Breed, the San Francisco Zoological Society, Board Chair Melinda Dunn and Director Tanya Peterson, are all in on the Panda Plan, they need to build the Orangutans a new home on the site of Triple Grotto.  They should not be allowed to build a new enclosure for Animals who do not live at the Zoo, when Animals who do have been neglected.  The Mayor is fundraising for Pandas, the Zoological Society needs to pony up funds for the Orangutans.  Director Peterson and the Society wanted Orangutans, and did nothing to house them appropriately from day one, five years ago.  

There's alot of money in the Society, specifically the Board, and Peterson who is paid more than the Mayor and barely works.  Peterson and each Board Member need to write a check to the Orangutans.

It is no ones fault but Director Peterson's that there are apparently no funds for Zoo Needs.  The lack of fundraising by her is well-known, which is curious as before she was inserted into position as Director, she has been reported as a fundraising leader for the Zoological Society.  So, Why has she seemingly not done any fundraising since becoming Director?  And if she says she has, where is all the money?  There should then be sixteen years of money, that should have been going to upkeep and upgrade to the Zoo.  As someone who has closely watched over as much as I can, the only fundraising I see is the annual ZooFest specifically geared toward the deep pockets of Society Board and Members.  Which I will add never had helping the Chimpanzees or Orangutans as a theme any year respective to their needs. I have been keeping a notebook of fundraising ideas for over a decade, where are Peterson's?  During the Covid shutdowns, while Zoos all over were doing everything they could to keep funds coming in, in lieu of no gate sales, SFZoo did nothing, except ask for donations on social media, one time.  And Keepers, who's hours were cut, donated, while upper management took no pay cuts.  Either Peterson is void of creating ideas to raise funds, is lazy, just doesn't care, sees no value in the dollars of the little people, or in my opinion, all of the above.  If she did she would have started creating a caring and endeared Community when I suggested it directly to her in 2009.  So, she has no business to cry poor when Needs arise, because the lack of funds to provide and fix are solely on her.  

Also, Where is the $250,000 that was locked for Squirrel Monkeys, but never used for them?  

Oh and I won't rehash the funds continuously spent on Gardens and Art Installations.  

That new Canopy BS across from Orangutans, should be suspended immediately. It is not too far progressed to halt it. Increased revenue in the future from Pandas should go to recreate Bird string in this location.  I've heard space for Birds that have needed to be off exhibit for various reasons, including waves of Avian Flu, is tight and needed.

And it was so important to spend funds, reported to be $15,000, on yet another water station.  I don't even remember this thing ever working.

Additionally, this has been a wonder since a former employee spoke with me about it many years ago.... Why hasn't the Zoological Society ever renegotiated the annual Management Fee the City pays the Zoo?  It was set at $4 million a year in 1993, pretty sure there should have been some cost of living increases in the last thirty years?  Guess no one has been paying attention.  No surprise there.

So yeah, Director Peterson, and the Zoological Society Chair and Members, and even the City, for some back pay in what should have been fee increases, need to get out their checkbooks.  The kitty for Orangutans is still at empty. 

Time will tell whether the San Francisco Zoological Society will fulfill their moral obligation to the Orangutans, or if they will choose to continue to let them live in an inappropriate and ancient "habitat", while they build the "best habitat" for Pandas.  ... And Director Peterson, et al, better not even think of kicking the Orangutans out, like she tried to do to the Chimpanzees, rather than give them the home they deserve.  Dig deep people we are all watching.

Their decision will speak volumes to how much they actually care, and to the validity of accusations made, regardless of the slick statements they make.  As the saying goes, ACTIONS speak louder than words.  

Related post:


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