Saturday, June 8, 2024

So Called "SFZoo Activists" - How Often Do They Visit Our Zoo?

Well, I guess being as invested in the Zoo as I am, and for as long as I have, letting go even a bit, is going to be a tough task in the current climate our Zoo is in. 

I was set-off this morning when this Tweet came up in my feed...

Before even clicking to expand the content, which includes a petition of sorts, I was quickly thumb typing a reply to In Defense of Animals, but ran out of characters, prompting this post.

We all know, I'm the first person to be critical of the San Francisco Zoo.  That said, when I am, I make sure to know what I'm talking about.  I write about issues that I've seen with my own eyes.  I do my own information seeking outreach, research, and investigation.  I don't speak out about something I've just heard about, unless I can confirm it on my own.

When the Zoo was in the news again on Thursday,  one of the articles contained quotes from Fleur Dawes, a representative for the local chapter of In Defense of Animals.  I do not claim to know everything about IDA, but I have checked them out a bit on two occasions.  My first experience of them was at least a dozen years ago.  I had started attending the Joint Zoo Committee Meetings, and I remember one of their people standing up and making a statement about our Lions, that contained errors.  I was bothered that someone would insert themselves into a proceeding, acting like they knew something, and then getting facts wrong.  These were not people who knew anything about our Zoo or the Animals that lived there.  They were clearly not people who have been to the Zoo and took the time to even learn about the Animals they were referring to.

The next time was this week.  My scan through their Social Media showed that they seem to have not posted anything in recent times other than this past week, or have seemingly said anything in reference to the San Francisco Zoo publicly since 2008, yet they are publicly speaking like they have been active activists for our Zoo non-stop.  So both times, it was obvious to me that the representatives speaking out against our Zoo, clearly know nothing about our Zoo, that they didn't glean from news reports, maybe even this blog. 

I'm all for constructive awareness for the issues that plague our Zoo, but not for sensationalism, which is how I think that Tweet reads.

While over twenty years ago, In Defense of Animals seemed to be a force in helping gain awareness for the Zoo's Elephants to be rehomed, and were active in trying to get the Zoo turned into a rescue only facility in 2008, they have seemingly been silent.  I don't think people coming out of the woodwork, on the occasion when the Zoo gets media attention, is constructive to helping the issues that brew at our Zoo every day. 

Where were these people when the Orangutans were living in caged tubes?   No where.  If they wanted to be outraged about something as it was happening, that would have been it.  But, they obviously don't come to the Zoo.  I'm sorry if this is judgemental, but as someone who has been deeply invested in everything that goes on at our Zoo, consistently for sixteen years, and to the point of physical distress, I'm offended by their intermittent outbursts and part-time activism for our Zoo.

I'm not trying to throw the efforts of others under the bus, but geez I've been standing alone, yelling from the mountain top, for over a decade, help would have been welcomed.  I'm just saying how random appearances on the Zoo issue band-wagon, make me feel.  If there are others who want to help the Zoo with change, be present more often, because as I see it, or rather hear it now, your voices are just echos.

The issues presented on their Socials for situations nationally seem valid, and hopefully doing some good, but their involvement in the current Zoo situation, is bothersome to me.  They are noting long lists of stuff, that include incidents that date back seventeen years, as well as lumping in references from other Zoos.  While the older incidents, such as the Tiger tragedy, are valid issues, for the specific situation of bringing Pandas to San Francisco, I think it's off course and doesn't lend to the real reasons, in my opinion, of why now is not the time for our Zoo to host Pandas.

Yes, there have been horrific avoidable deaths, including the most recent one, involving the young Penguin. I will never diminish those tragedies, or forget how they could have been avoided.  While I can not predict every situation, I highly doubt Pandas are going to die here.  I think saying such a thing, is a tabloid tactic, and hurtful to the Animal Care Staff.  I have never had one Keeper say to me that they fear for the lives of Pandas if they come here.  So, indeed there are reasons Pandas should not come to our Zoo at this time.  Them heading to their death, is not one of them.

Another curious player in the SFZoo Activist sport, is Justin Barker, who was quoted in a news article a few weeks ago, as "the head of a watchdog group called SF Zoo Watch".  Barker first appeared on my radar a few years ago when I came across his email interactions with the Rec and Park and Zoo Officials while seeking Zoo documents.  I have never heard him speak publicly about any Zoo issues, until now.  A bit of googling shows he was also involved in the effort to turn the Zoo into a rescue facility in 2008.  

Eleven years later, Barker's next "activist" efforts seemingly were the document seeking in 2019, which he referenced in a recent interview.  He is quoted, “I've been in this very, very long, slow, arduous fight with the San Francisco zoo, ... In an effort to better understand what's happening there … I have requested tons of documents”.  What did he ever do with the information?  Did he ever disclose his findings any where?  His interest seemed to stall, until recently, when he started SFZoo Watch in April, after the first Chronicle article was published.  If he's known there were problems for years, where has he been?  Certainly not at the Zoo, otherwise why wasn't he speaking up for the Orangutans (who arrived in 2019) when the were living in caged tubes?  Seems like that would have been energy better spent, than chasing the Zoo for documents.

I scanned his SFZoo Watch site, which consists of five short posts, mostly cointaining information from other sources, and photos of non-SFZoo Animals.  I'm not overly impressed, but appreciate any effort of awareness, as long as it's legitimate and not sensational.  I hope to see it at some point have some original content, and that it attracts people who actually know our Zoo and are serious about the issues there.

Someone back in 2011, suggested I connect with the In Defence of Animals people, as well more recently with Justin Barker.  As I told both the person thirteen years ago, and the one last month, I have no interest in aligning myself with those who I feel have different agendas than myself, and definitely less commitment.  Additionally, both parties seem to fall into my self coined category of "Close Zoo Zealots". 

They can do them and I'll do me, like I have been for sixteen years.  Good luck to us all, because the Zoo needs all the voices it can get.

While I do have an issue with some of the wording being used, as I did with that Tweet by In Defense of Animals, and the post it lead to, everyone is going to have their own agenda, which I may personally think is not in the Zoo's best interest.  As I wrap this up, what seems to be irking me most, is them trying to create the illusion that they have been active Activists for the San Francisco Zoo for decades.  A couple times with too many years in between, does not show any real care or passion.  It's not too late to help, but don't act like you've been helping all along.

I'm not going to rehash all my past thoughts and arguments as to why Pandas shouldn't come here at this time.  I truly believe there are only two reasons the Panda Plan should be put on hold or downsized from permanent to temporary hosting.  Both are money related.  The cost is outrageous.  The Zoo has long-standing and current Needs for the Animals who already live there.  Not making the later, THE priority, is irresponsible morally and financially. 

In my opinion, that is what everyone should be focusing on, regarding the acquisition of Giant Pandas.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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