Thursday, June 6, 2024

Will The Zoo's 95th Year, Be The Year Of Change?

Yesterday at the Zoo, Staff was busy putting up signage in celebration of the Zoo's 95th Anniversary.  

As I was taking my photo, a Security Guard came over and spoke out loud, "Why doing 95? (They did 90, and 80,...)". I said, he cause "Because this is the year shit will happen!  and by the 100th, the Zoo will be in good shape!"  

Crossing my fingers!

Every time I visit the Zoo, there is some conversation about stuff "happening", in the wake of the recent media attention on the Zoo.  Everyone is hoping there will be change as a result.  If there isn't, that just confirms how messed up the whole management structure is, and that no one really cares.  And sadly, I fear Our Zoo may not make it 2029. 

The last paragraph of my post before last, started with the sentence, " Good grief, I have to stop here."  Those of you who have been following along, may have understood that not only meant that post, but in general.  I have been saying for some time that I was working towards "being done".  That was not isolated to the posts I had in draft, but to Zoo blogging as I've known it.  I really feel at this moment in time, and the foreseeable future, there isn't much more, or rather much different things I can say.  I've been saying a whole lot for thirteen years, and much of it in repetition.  That said, you all know I will never be silent!  

So, those two reaction posts and that damn Madagascar one I've been talking about for six years, were all that was left.  I decided to keep the MAD post on hold til the pit is done.  Then  I'm sure I'll have alot to say!  As well, with things being shook-up, Pandas, and whatever other craziness presents itself, I'm sure I'll have some thoughts to share.  But, for now, I am going to try and take a break, in the sense that, I no longer feel like it's up to me to document everything.  I'll still post, but with no pressure on myself to do so. 


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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