Sunday, June 2, 2024

My Reactions To Chronicle Article - Friday May 10, 2024

Once again I've waited til the final hours of my weekend inside to tackle these dreaded posts in draft, when I'd rather be streaming something.  

I initially had my reactions to the article, that reported the San Francisco Zoological Society was conducting an investigation into allegations made public in recent Chronicle articles, split into two separate posts. I thought I would post my immediate reaction, and then a timely follow-up.  We all know that didn't happen.  Since it's been over three weeks, I'm just going to combine them.  

My first reaction to this is, was an outburst chuckle to myself, "the Society Board is the one who should BE investigated!"

While bright lights should be shined on Director Tanya Peterson, the Zoological Society Board should also be investigated. The biggest question regarding Zoo mismanagement is, Why has the San Francisco Zoological Society Board themselves been negligent in their management duties as outlined in the Lease Agreement?  

I've been monitoring the Zoo for sixteen years, BUT How long has the Zoological Society Board been ignoring their responsibility to, at the very least be an oversight entity in Zoo management?

Those  sixteen years coincidentally align with the start of when Tanya Peterson took over as Director.  I have witnessed her complete failure in that position.  I have witnessed the Zoological Society take no part in actually managing the Zoo.  The Society Board completely defers to whatever Peterson says or does, without question.  They have completely supported this woman.  This woman who has run the Zoo nearly into the ground.  Her actions, lack of care and compassion, have caused acts of Animal Cruelty.  Her lack of leadership skills and laziness, has left the Zoo with countless Needs because of no fundraising.  She has run the Zoo in a dictatorship, creating turmoil, divide, low morale, and fear among staff.  The list of offenses is long, and endless.  

Likewise I have witnessed the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department show no interest in the Zoo, which is in their department.  The Park Commission is supposed to also be an oversight entity, yet it has not.  Like the Board they defer to Director Peterson without question, poo-poo employee claims, and basically turn a blind eye, because they could care less about the Zoo.

I find it offensive that the San Francisco Zoological Society Board is calling for an investigation, when they too should be investigated.  They need to take responsibility for their negligence and ignorance.  Every Society Board Chair and Board Member over the last sixteen years, should be ashamed of themselves.  They allowed this all to happen. 

If the Society Board had actually cared about the Zoo, and not just Cocktail parties and back-patting, the Zoo wouldn't be in shambles and Director Peterson would not have gotten away with destroying our Zoo.  The lack of care and laziness by people entrusted by the City to manage the Zoo is disgraceful and unforgivable.  

The City of San Francisco needs to Investigate the San Francisco Zoological Society.  

The City of San Francisco also needs to reevalute the structure of management and oversight.  The City's Recreation and Park Department has also taken part in the disaster of Zoo management.  The Rec and Park's oversight is non-existent, and the Park Commission and it's Joint Zoo Committee Meetings are a paper-pushing joke.  

Wake-up people!!!  I'm sick of the feigning of ignorance.  Everyone's "shock" is disturbing.  All these entities have previously been alerted to mismanagement over the years.  I personally have contacted members of the Society, and Rec and Park, with no response.  I have seen with my own eye's, Animal Staff try to be heard by members of the Board and Commission, only to be met with eye rolling and reprimand.  

I do not believe any of these investigations will result in the main thing that is needed, and that is replacing Tanya Peterson as Director.  It is clear by statements made in this article, that the Board still supports Peterson.  I hope I'm wrong and that the new Board Chair Melinda Dunn will make some strong changes.  That said, she was a Board Member prior to becoming Chair, so in my opinion, was part of the negligence.

"... When asked for details, Dunn did not answer, but said, “The Zoological Society board is dedicated to collaborating with its leadership team and our labor partner to ensure a positive work environment for all our employees at the zoo. In alignment with this commitment and in cooperation with the union, we are utilizing several channels for gathering information.”

I'm sorry, but when I hear quotes in these articles from Zoo Officials, it makes my mind numb, trying to decipher the meat of it.  They always sound like slick, damage control words, that don't say anything. 

More odd words came from Director Peterson, “I fully endorse initiatives aimed at fostering positive dialogue and communication. I take immense pride in our dedicated employees and consider it an honor to collaborate with them in advancing the zoo’s mission.”  Good grief.  It's like bad comedy.  Sadly, the lives of living Beings are involved in all this.  I'm sorry but this is more untruths and damage control.  Peterson rarely, if ever listens to the Employees, certainly not the Animal Care Staff.  If Peterson ever cared about the Zoo, she would step-down.  It's been proven, No one wants her there.

Recreation and Park Commissioner Mazzola, "... said he is “investigating these issues” in preparation for the June meeting. ... “My goal is to have all of the facts out on the table with reasonable solutions so we can make the S.F. Zoo the best place to work for the employees, and the best place to live for the animals."

Again, the Rec and Park Commission needs to be responsible for the part they have played in their lack of participating in oversight of the Zoo.  In my opinion, his words do not reflect that.  That said, the June Meeting should be interesting, one way or another.

The article quotes Mayor Breed's spokesperson Parisa Safarzadeh, "...the Mayor is focused on construction preparation and fundraising for the panda’s arrival, which she called a multiagency effort. “The S.F. Zoo is one of the city’s most prized attractions. ... The mayor “supports the process actively in play for workers to report all concerns and raise issues. This process is happening as it should, and the mayor will continue to monitor all developments.”

Well, that was a mouthful of nothing.  Again, I find it hard to believe the Mayor cares about the Zoo in any aspect other than how it relates to getting her Pandas in there.

And "prized attraction"?  Why doesn't the Mayor have the Rec and Park replace the perimeter fence that is crumbling around their "prized attaction"?  I was told by that project manager, that the Zoo can pay for it themselves!  While the all other places in the department in need of a fence got one, even the Botanical Gardens that is also independently managed.  So, don't tell me the City cares about the Zoo.

I can't even with all these people's uneducated (lack of Zoo knowledge) statements.  It seriously makes my brain ache.  I can't expect all these people who are just now joining the party to understand all that's gone on in the sixteen years of Zoo Director Tanya Peterson's reign, but I also don't want to hear statements that portray they have any clue.  That may sound harsh, but what's harsh is that no one has cared for sixteen years.  It's frustrating and sad for those of us who have cared.

All these management entities, they can and will claim I don't know what I'm talking about.  I got one word for them all... Orangutans. ... Had everyone been doing their jobs, what happened to those poor Beings, would not have.  The Mental, Emotional and Physical detriment to them, is on every person in a management position (except Zoo Staff), who was tasked with the responsibility of caring about the Zoo and it's Residents.  They are not the only ones who have suffered, but they are the current poster children for why this place needs a real shake-up.

Investigate the negligence, by all involved in overseeing the management of the Zoo.

Put people in charge of the Zoo who care.  Who are invested in the place.  

Give the Community Board seats to actual community members.  People who are unbiased, not those already wearing rose colored glasses handed out by the Society.

It's too late for just damage control investigations.  I think the Mayor needs to step-in and do something, but I highly doubt she will. This is a City owned Zoo, and the Mayor has finally put her face on it, with the Panda news.  She should be making executive decisions to replace the Director, and set firm oversight guidelines to the Zoological Society Board and the Park Commission.  But, again I doubt that will happen.  In my opinion, choosing a new Director from a short list of capable past and present Staff, is the only way to show that putting someone in charge of a place they already care about, is the priority.  There are a few who know and care about our Zoo, who can do the job, invite them to apply.  Cleaning house, needs to start with removing the person who has caused this whole mess.  

Related Post (includes full article):


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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