Thursday, June 6, 2024

Oliver Anaconda's Tribute Sign

On my visit last Monday I went to the Tropical Building specifically to see what was done to honor Oliver the Anaconda.

I had been told by a friend a few days before, that they had seen a Memorial for him at his home.  I felt bad I didn't know about this, and had already been to see Minnie's and brought flowers.  If there was a place for flowers, I wanted to bring some for Oliver as well. ... There wasn't.

There was a Tribute sign and I was happy to see that was done for him.

I noted Oliver's passing in a previous post (link at bottom).  He passed away on May 18th.  I heard about his passing a couple weeks later.  The Zoo didn't make a public announcement until April 12th.  I don't know when this Tribute sign went up, but I heard it was "soon after".  Soon after his actual passing or soon after the announcement?  No idea.  I'm just glad there was a visual recognition at his home.  Admittedly, I don't visit the Tropical Building very often.  So I'm glad I was alerted to it, so I could visit and pay my respects.  I should have thought to on my own.

I appreciate Oliver got a Tribute sign.  Not all Residents who have passed away do.  As I've said before, I think not recognizing every passing in this way is disrespectful.  Every Being deserves to be acknowledged.  Each one's life contributed something to the Zoo.  Not all are going to get containers for their friends/fans to leave flowers, but each one deserves a sign that gives tribute to their existence.

Related Post:

Note:  Tomorrow June 7, it will be one month since Minnie Chimpanzee passed away.  The Zoo still has not made a public announcement.  I just don't get it. 


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