I'll start by noting a follow-up to my previous post. The barrier at Grotto B is fixed! Good Grief, only took 4+ months. Why does it take so long to get stuff done at the Zoo?

I didn't make a notation on the previous post about those green things in the landscaping, but will do so now. Those are external speakers. They were put up probably six months or more ago and I've heard them in use once. I originally assumed they would be for emergency purposes, but when I heard them it was at Sea Lions and was for the Keeper talk. I filmed it and who knows where in my files that is, but all I can say is its really annoying used that way. Its loud and obnoxious and makes the Zoo seem like a theme park. They need a Keeper out at the barrier to do the talk, not do it while they are in the exhibit, when they should be paying attention to the Animals.
What they should do is put these speakers at the Gate House and take my years ago suggestion of allowing people to enter every ten minutes and while they are "holding", play an announcement regarding behavior. BUT that will never happen.
"Welcome to the San Francisco Zoo, home to many Wonderful Animals. Please be Respectful of their Home and view them with quiet voices. Do not yell out, knock on glass, or otherwise harass the Animals. Be mindful of your belongings and do not throw or drop them into enclosures. Please remember for everyone's safety do not climb, sit on or cross any enclosure barriers. Thank you for choosing the San Francisco Zoo."
Next issue. Poor Disrespected Elly. I have written about Elly many times (you can search this blog), and noted how she was banished to the rear section of the enclosure as soon as Belozi arrived. Over the two plus years since then, the Zoo has pretty much back-burnered her in favor of showing off Belozi. There was an issue where they rarely oiled her and gave multiple reasons why they can't or its not necessary. Likewise, to why she can't be rotated to the front, where she enjoyed herself most. You can see how she is standing in this photo. She stands like that in that same place every time I'm there. The Zoo says she's not as active as Belozi, who is sleeping every time I'm there. I have a folder full of photos showing her standing there or moving around, that I take every visit. Anytime there is Enrichment, Halloween or another one off treat, Elly usually gets hers last, having to watch Belozi while he gets his. It breaks my heart. At 44, this Lady gave the Zoo Fourteen Babies. The Zoo can say whatever it wants, but they don't respect her, and this sign about her proves that. This sign has been vandalized for months and still is on display at the exhibit.

Barrier Breaching continues. On the left at Black Rhinos and the right at Tucker the Hippo's home. I have blogged about barrier breaching for four years. Search my blog for additional efforts I've made to alert the Zoo to this dire issue. ... I will note in later posts you will see that there have been some added "deterrents"?
Below are two photos from my Sign folder, where I am putting together a size reference for a longer post. Below you can see the size of this sign, as it is meant to keep people from entering a landscaped area??? This same sign only appeared at one Animal enclosure. That's right, just one.
Here' are two signs in regard to barriers. On the left, at Black Rhino's the sign started coming loose six months ago, fading and falling apart to this final stage, still attached to the barrier. ... On the right, at Polar Bears, this worn out sign still there. I always hated this sign as well its too wordy and doesn't just plain say, stay off the barriers.
I'm going to post about this since I'm on signs, even though its not in the order I roamed. ... So, this was the first day I saw this new Food area. Its in the area where Monkey Island used to be and in recent years has held part of Events. ... A few years ago they did away with Corn Dogs. I now this exact as before I gave up Beef, I was a fan of Corn Dogs. The issue was that the Sea Gulls who were stealing them were ending up in the Hospital having choked on the stick. Same reason they don't offer straws. I asked about this and the workers didn't know. They referred me to talk to the Concessions Manager, which I later did. I explained my concern and said that they needed signs that said to make sure to dispose of the Sticks specifically. They can also be dire to other Animals if the Gulls drop them in flight into enclosures.

I was told that the Terrace Cafe was closed now and that was why they had the new area. Note how the size of this notice at the Cafe is even larger than the ones at Rhinos and Bears. WTF? ... Anyway, I flat out asked who was paying for the Cafe renovation, which is set to be a Pizza place. I was told by two different people that the Zoo and the outsourced Concession Co. were sharing the cost. Pretty pissed to hear that's how money was being spent. To revamp a Food area for Humans, while Animals were in need. ... Note there will be an update on this in a later post.
WTH? Can no one see that this bush has grown taller than the signage? I've seen this for a couple weeks now.
UG. Poor Sea Lions. SO, what's wrong with this picture? Well, the Sea Lions were moved off exhibit for many weeks, last year sometime. Sorry, I have lost track on some timelines. What I don't lose track on is the issues. They were moved for renovations, that included repainting the pool. Not long after returning, the paint started peeling away and over 50% of it is gone. Who painted this pool? Did they take short cuts? I don't think this should have happened and I'm concerned that its not good for the Sea Lions to have paint particles floating around for them to ingest. As well, their sun shades have shrunk. There used to be a shade over the pool and now there are just the two on shore and I rarely see them shading anything. From what I understand Marine Mammals are supposed to have an area at all times that is shaded.

Poor Crackle. This young Capybara who lives at the Puente came to the Zoo to be the companion for our now passed Female. They didn't get long so were always housed separate. He had free roam of the Puente yard, until the Guanaco's came and since then he has been held hostage in this corner. I have witnessed the Guanaco's chase him, and they get the Rhea's going to chase him as well. Poor thing runs to take refuge in this one area, and every time I visit that's where he is. Months now, huddled against this wall. .. Here's a video I took of poor Crackle making a run for it in September. After making it to the water, he went to his refuge place.
Another sign that's way past its prime and has been for sometime. Good Grief, what does the Graphic Department do to earn a paycheck? Pisses me off even more because the Zoo's Facebook Page recently posted about the Eagles. How dare they highlight an Animal that they can't even keep a decent sign for.

Another sign issue that's made me shake my head for months. Again WTH? Those photos are mixed up. So, either Graphics screwed up or the Curators who should know which Animal is which, doesn't and provided the wrong information. OR The Zoo listened to their volunteer photographers who barely know which Animal is which. In that case, facts should be checked. Regardless of it all, they know there are errors, yet they keep it up, because they don't care whether Visitors know anything about the Animals. In fact they prefer that, so they can tell you whatever they want and no one knows any different. That said, how are we to believe anything they say about anything? And if they can't even get something this small right, how do we trust them on the bigger things?