Sunday, May 19, 2024

Commentary Videos - Highlighting Orangutans/Triple Grotto

Well, I thought I might finish the My Reaction posts to last weeks Chronicle articles, by tonight, but realistically, yesterday's post wore me out.  So, since I probably won't get that far, I'm going to post this, which is a good follow-up to the last two posts.  

I took two new Commentary Videos last week, one about the Francois Langur area, and one about the South Grotto area.  Since I now have South Grotto, I'm going to first re-post the North Grotto one, then the two new ones.

*Orangutan Overview  (North and Middle Grotto)

My video synopsis from when I first posted this video. ... A complain rehash about Triple Grotto and the poor Orangutans.  It's important, as their journey here completely illustrates the lack of care by Director Peterson.  Her "want" to have them, took priority over what their "needs" would be, and she brought them here anyway, without having an appropriate enclosure for them.  Their housing situation the first eight months here, in my opinion really messed them up. 

Only thing I'll add is, for some reason, probably because all this stuff makes me crazy overwhelmed, I call the Orangutans, Gorillas, and I don't even catch myself lol!  And this gives a good look at the front side of area, since the next video is the back side.

*South Grotto Overview and Ideas

Notation of what I think should happen in that whole area for Orangutans and at least one additional Primate species.  What will eventually be detailed with aerial visuals in a near future post. ... Aerial below shows area in video.  The yellow line is the current fence, the blue line is where the fence could be moved to.

*Francois Langur Overview and adjacent area ideas for them and additional Monkeys.

Aerial photo shows area (Red) in video.  Area outlined in blue are Gardens shown here for comparison to the four small cages the Langurs live in, yellow shows how the road out to path between Monkeys and Garden could stay in tact, as well the yellow arrow is that behind the scenes road I reference in video.  Even before looking at the map, I realized while there, that the space I show in the video behind the fence is not usable, but in front and part of concrete seemingly could be.

Commentary Videos from previous posts...

March 2024

Eight Area Overviews, including the "Asian Conservation" Illusion, Old Black Rhino (Maybe a good place for Pandas?), Old Sea Lion Pool, and the Crumbling Perimeter Fence.

February 2024

Four Area Overviews, including Madagascar, and the new Art Installation.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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