Thursday, May 2, 2024

SFZoo Removes This Statement - Curiously The Day After My Reaction To It.

As I gear-up for my weekend posts, I'm wondering if the San Francisco Zoo or Zoo Director Tanya Peterson, has responded to the Chronicle reporter's request for their defense in what they think was specifically, "..misrepresented information and.. inaccurate facts", as reported in the Chronicle article dated April 17, 2024?  

In my previous post, I concentrated on reacting to words (in Chronicle article dated April 20, 2024), by an SF Rec and Park Commissioner, Joint Zoo Committee panelist, and the new Zoological Society Board Chair.  Yet, there was another mention in one paragraph that should be noted.  

The Zoo issued a Statement April 19, 2024, via their Social Media, reacting to the first Chronicle article dated April 17.  

Since I dont regularly look at the Zoo's Socials, I didn't see this until someone messaged me about it two days later.  On April 21, I reacted to it in a post, and Tweeted it to the Zoo.  Curiously, the Zoo removed this Statement the next day.

I will reiterate what I've written before... San Francisco Zoo Officials do not think they have to justify their words and actions.  The San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson, SF Zoological Society Board, SF Rec/Park Commissioners and SF Rec/Park General Manager Phil Ginsburg, have all deflected accusations by declining to comment or with non-related notations.  In this case, it's particularly ridiculous for the Zoo, assuming Director Peterson, to even call untrue, as she specifically declined to comment prior to the article being published.

So, Director Peterson, what exactly was written in any Chronicle articles, that was "misrepresented and/or inaccurate?"  

Related Post:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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