Thursday, May 16, 2024

Today's Joint Zoo Meeting Cancelled - Curious Indeed!

I saw this Notice last weekend, and immediately thought, huh, that's curious!   

I don't remember ever seeing a Meeting Cancellation Notice with a reason attached.  "Due to an anticipated lack of quorum", what? My thoughts were, wow, so the Recreation and Park Commissioner Larry Mazzola goes on record calling for a full investigation of issues brought up in the April 17 Chronicle article, and all of a sudden there are not three members from the Commission and/or the Zoological Society available to make this meeting?  In my opinion it raises alot of suspicion, about the willingness of Committee Members to participate in truth finding and transparency.

Considering anticipated no-shows for today, I wonder what's going to happen for the June Meeting, since in the Chronicle follow-up article from April 20, where Mazzola makes his investigation statement, he also said, "he would invite Tanya Peterson, CEO and Executive Director of the Zoo, and Melinda Dunn, the Zoological Society’s new board chair, to attend the committee’s June meeting to answer questions about the article’s findings."

On Monday, I emailed the Rec and Park Commission regarding two things. First asking for follow-up on my previous email, and also asking about this Meeting curiosity.  No response about the Meeting, but it was noted that there was no additional information about my suggestion since our last correspondence.

I sent this email on April 29, ... 

>"I have long thought the Joint Zoo Committee Meeting should be streamed.  The Minutes never cover enough.

As someone who can not make it downtown, I am requesting the Joint Zoo Meeting be included in the Full Commission Meeting.

Streaming of the later starts at 10am, Joint Zoo is at 9am.  Starting an hour early should not be a hard task.

With the Zoo recently in the News, there are even more interested parties.  It is important that the Meetings are accessible to everyone and that means viewable online either by streaming or archived video or audio."<

The Rec and Park responded that my email/suggestion was forwarded to the Zoo and to the Rec and Park Committee Members.  

I think my suggestion is valid and doable.  It would be a valuable resource to those of us who care about the Zoo, and lend to the public's right to hear in full what is said at the Meetings.  So, let's see if this happens.  


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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