Saturday, May 11, 2024

Remembering Minnie - Chimpanzee Lady Passes Away

Collage of photos I made in 2017
View the accompanying video

I started this memorial post to My Precious Friend, on Thursday, the day after I heard the sad news.  I have been waiting for the Zoo to announce the passing of our beloved Minnie.  They have not. While they post about their gift shop, I will respect her, and no longer wait to acknowledge her life.  

As we head into Mother's Day, I want to share some words I expressed to some of my friends years ago.

Minnie was a Mother, but never allowed to be a Mom.  She had four babies with our Cobby.  Two males, one stillborn, one who didn't make it through the day, and two females who survived.  Both babie girls, were taken from her, hand raised and put on display in the Zoo's "nursery".  That's how they did it in those days.  No empathy, no compassion.  Actions all so people could pay extra to see them.  Minnie was taken from her Mother, and the same happened to her and her babies.  This horror has always been on my mind.  I hope it faded a bit from hers over the years.  

Yesterday started out a beautiful day.  It was warm by the early am, and not a cloud in the sky.  I headed to the Zoo for a peaceful walk and visit.  My first Friends to visit, are always the Chimps.  Seeing My Mins is priority every visit, and I didn't see her Monday.  The path around their yard was closed, and the dayroom was empty.  I asked the first person I saw, and was told they heard something was wrong with Minnie.  My insides sank, and I had a bad feeling about my Lady Friend.  My eyes were brimming with tears I held back, until I confirmed my fear.  My heart broke in that moment, and the flood of tears could not be stopped.  Full on sobbing, as I wandered about a bit aimlessly, until I just couldn't be there any longer.

It is the worst thing to get news that a dear Zoo Friend has passed, as you start your visit thinking about seeing them, then realizing, the last visit, was the last time.  

A couple weeks ago, I had what would be my last interaction with My Mins.  In the dayroom, I was alone with the Ladies.  They were on the top platform, Minnie was eating.  She made eye contact with me, giving me her knock wave greeting a few times, and I returned them.  It's how we'd say Hi.  While she ate, I stood and did some of my bend exercises.  She got up and gave me a couple head bobs, one of her ways of communicating, and started to sway her body a bit.  I said, "Oh Mins, you wanna dance with me Mama?"  I moved a bit flowy in dance motion and she swayed a bit more.  Precious girl was dancing with me! 

I have had so many wonderful moments with Minnie, that are cherished memories. So many Amazing gifts, like the one I shared above.  I could never express how much she means to me or how deeply the interactions we've shared have touched my soul.  I've known of her, as one of our Chimpanzees, since I was a little girl.  I've known her, as an individual for over fifteen years.  That's when my connection with her started.  Once you know these Beautiful Beings in a personal way, and they know you, it's an experience that warms you, and wows you.  

I Love this Lady so much. That may have been our last interaction on this physical plane, but I'll be talking to her spirit alot.  I talk to all the Friends who have passed.  Whether you believe or not, I know they are there and can hear me. 

I took a moment alone in the Dayroom after learning of her passing.  I said a few personal words to her, and finally I told her, now she is with her Cobby and their babies.  

As I was leaving the Zoo, a Priest was walking in.  I had never crossed paths with one at the Zoo.  I thought it serendipitous, and stopped him.  With tears streaming, I asked, "Can you do a special Blessing at Chimpanzees, for one of our ladies who just passed away."  He said, "Of course I can do that."  

Minnie turned 55 years old this year.  She was born in the wild, kidnapped from her Mother and Family, when she was a babie, and sold into the Exotic Pet Trade.  Soon she would meet another babie who suffered the same fate, our Maggie.  Within a year, they would come to the San Francisco Zoo.  My heart breaks for Maggie, her Sister for life.  She is in my thoughts, as I hope she will be ok.  

At the Zoo she met Cobby, Tallulah, and Candy. Along with Maggie they became a Family.  After Candy's passing in the early 80s, the four remaining, lived together over forty years.  I am so thankful they had eachother for so long.  

I have been watching the videos I have public on my YouTube channel, leo811sf.  Shedding many tears, through big smiles. 

If inclined, you can search my channel name + minnie (or chimps).  This is one of my favorites.  

San Francisco Zoo Chimpanzee Minnie Checking Her Look Before Her Date With Cobby!

RIP Beautiful Minnie, Bless Your Soul.

Thank You For Your Friendship. 

I Love You Lady.


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"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

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  1. Your words pay beautiful tribute to a tragic, yet beautiful life, made better by the friendships Minnie made with Mags, with her newer chimp friends, and with the humans who loved her. And few loved her more than you do.

    Sweet Mins, my heart aches. Go now, and be with Cobby and your babies. Please watch over the rest of your family down here.
    We miss you.

    1. @Anonymous - Thank you for your lovely and loving words for our Sweet Friend. They portray her life beautifully. Hoping the sad moments in her life, were overshadowed by all the love she was given by all who knew her. I think they were.

  2. I wish the SF Zoo would follow in Oakland Zoo’s social media footsteps. OZ really knows how to connect the public with their animals and it makes me want to visit more often.
    SF Zoo is falling apart and I shouldn’t have to hear about an animal’s passing from a random blog (no offense).

    1. @Anonymous - Thank you for your comment. I appreciate the time people take to comment, but on this post, I would have preferred to read some words about our precious Minnie. ... I write many posts about Zoo management fails. Your comment would have been better suited on one of those.


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*You can be a Voice for the SFZoo Animals by Contacting the San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson at
*Thank You for taking the time to read about things that matter to me.