Friday, May 17, 2024

HOT TOPIC - SF Board Of Supervisors Puts Mayors Panda Fundraising Plan On Hold - In The News

I really wish the Zoo could stay out of the News for a few days!  Last month on April 14, I published a post titled, Nearing the Finish Line! - Wrapping Up Posts!  I was nearing my goal of finishing up longtime posts in draft.  Then exactly a month ago, just three days later, the long awaited Chronicle article came out, and the remaining two posts I had in draft are still not done.  I wanted to be done, at least done to date and possibly just write a random post here and there moving forward.  Unfortunately, the ignorant and negligent words from members of the Zoological Society Board, as well as the Recreation and Park, sparked too much outrage. I had no choice to rebutt their statements, by continuing my exhausting but necessary documentation.  At the same exact time, the irresponsible plan to bring Pandas to our Zoo, came barreling off the plane from China with our Mayor.  

So, Pandas and Zoo Mismanagement continue to lead the headlines, with no stop in sight.  Once again, I'm under a pile of posts, and my mind is overwhelmed.  Thirteen years of documenting Zoo issues, is enough, but I honestly don't know how to stop.  I feel like I have to keep going until our Zoo is fixed.  I need to see it through til our Zoo has a Director that cares.  Will that ever happen?  Who knows.  What I do know is the mismanagement situation is a sixteen year nest of neglect and bullshit that will take a bit to sort out, and that's if the new Board Chair has the care and balls to tackle it.  The Panda situation, that's a fast moving train, that will be docking in one way or another, and in my opinion, in it's current form could mean the end for our Zoo.

So, here we are, here I am.  Last night after publishing six posts yesterday, easy ones, prepping to dive into my reaction posts to the last news articles, I made the mistake of checking email.  My usual rule is no email after 6p.  I need to set boundries for peace. I don't want irritating or upsetting stuff coming through email to me when I'm home and settled.  Likewise with phone.  I'm not attached to the phone.  When I walk in the door, the phone is muted for the duration of my stay at home, whether it's overnight or a four day stretch.  So, at 11p when a commercial was on during streaming a movie, I checked email, so stupid.  There I saw two news articles, one from KRON, the other from SF Standard, both reporting on what transpired at yesterday's Board of Supervisors meeting.  

The synopsis is, the BOS are questioning the Mayor's Plan to get private fundraising for the Panda costs, which would require approval from the BOS.  Several issues were brought up, but obviously since my care is regarding how the fundraising effects the Zoo, that is what my focus is on.  Brought up was of course the $25 million fundraising price tag, and how the money would be spent.  Thankfully there seems to be a couple of Supervisors that commented about fixing other Zoo Needs as well.  It was surface thoughts, but first thoughts of the like in all this Panda Talk.  

So, of course the three reaction posts in draft and at the top of my agenda for today have been back-burned with words and thoughts about reacting to this, and networking to capitalize on those Supervisors who seemingly care that $25 million should not go just to Pandas.  I believe my most recent ideas about the Panda Plan are logical and doable, and those I've gotten feedback from agree.  That said, will anyone with authority to re-envision the Panda Plan, actually make some compromises happen?

Those who follow this blog, have read my words.  I've written so many posts, with thoughts and ideas.  My brain never stops working trying to figure out how to make things work in the most ideal and with that, doable way.  Using that process in my care for the Zoo, is no different.  My initial thoughts about the Panda Plan have changed slightly, but have evolved into what could be a compromise that works.  I published a post on May 5, titled, Pandas - Here's What The Mayor Should Do!

It outlined what I think is a win-win for this situation.  Pandas are most likely coming, regardless of what the majority feel is the right thing at this time in our Zoo's current shape.  Foremost, the Mayor needs to scrap the initial plan to bring Pandas here for a permanent residency, and the $25 million price tag with it.  The Mayor needs to instead commit to hosting Pandas for two years.  During that two year time the Pandas would reside in the temporary enclosure.  After the first year, a financial evaluation needs to happen that will determine whether or not to proceed with keeping Pandas permanently, thus building an enclosure for them.  Financial factors would include, whether Panda focused attendance numbers are still up, and whether the Pandas have created a significant and continual influx in revenue, that would support having Pandas permanently. Note that would still mean the City would be responsible for all costs of construction, care and fees associated with having Pandas, including all extra staff it would require, with the Zoo financially benefiting from the influx of funds to use for long overdue Zoo Needs.  Money... While I understand having Pandas requires certain advice and guidelines that are closely monitored by China officials, I have researched other Panda enclosures and the temporary enclosure the Pandas will most likely be housed in, is already seemingly better than most.  There is no way it would cost the reported $3-5 million for upgrades.  That is outrageous, and frankly a slap in the face to our other Asian Conservation Species, our Orangutans.  

I have well documented the sad plight of our Orangutans life at our Zoo, starting before their arrival in 2019, through cruel containment in caged tubes, to their banishment in an ancient enclosure.  My idea would allow for Pandas, and for the Orangutans to be built a new home. I will be expanding on what their needs are and what should be done to their current living area to, "Make it the best habitat", because, the Orangutans want to be happy too.  Happiness and appropriate homes should not just be the goal for Pandas!

My idea would provide for the cost of Pandas for two years and their temporary housing in the assumed Cat Grotto.  It would give our Orangutans and future Primates an appropriate home in a redo of the current sixty year old Triple Grotto.  All for what has to be far less than half of $25 million.  It would see using the initial influx of Panda revenue, to make necessary upgrades and fixes to keep our Zoo thriving into the future.  Who doesn't want that?  Anyone who thinks spending $25 million on a permanent home for one species that is not even a current resident, that's who.

Related Posts:

April 14 - San Francisco - Still Chasing After Pandas - Why It's Irresponsible

April 19 - Pandas For SFZoo, Great!  But Fix The Place First!

April 24 - HOT TOPIC - Expanding On My Reason For Doing A Petition - Another Slap In The Orangutans Faces

April 25 - HOT TOPIC - The Mayor Wants Our "Pandas To Be Happy"


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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