Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Ridiculous Words Of Activists - Spoken At RecPark Commission Meeting

Finally getting to this.  Reaching back to Thursday a week ago, the RecPark Full Commission Meeting on July 18.

I'm sorry but I have to do this.  It's too irritating not to.  Every month, I'm going to rebutt things the two consistent Activists say and anyone else that makes ridiculous statements.  And I full well know there are possibly going to be people who think I make ridiculous statements. To that I say, at least I'm there at the Zoo seeing things for myself and talking to Staff, and have been an average of at least twice a week for the last sixteen years.  So yeah, I fancy myself someone who actually knows what I'm talking about, and when I do, I speak with the goal of bettering the Zoo.

These two came out of the woodwork in April, when the Chronicle posted it's first expose' style article on the Zoo, for the sole purpose of furthering their Close Zoo agenda.  I will not let their narrow-minded and irresponsible words go unchallenged.  The Media who gives them a forum without any question to what they are saying should be ashamed at their lack of integrity.  As well, in the case of this Commission Meeting, Public Comment should also be questioned, if necessary.  Unfortunately that would require the Commissioners to have knowledge about the Zoo, which they don't, because they can't be bothered to put any time and actual attention into a facility in their own department.  That is one of the factors in why the Zoo is in the state it is.

For those interested in the comments in full, follow this link and highlight item 6, SFZoo.  Public comment starts a couple minutes after the Staff Update, which is worth a listen, regarding the Zoo's Conservation effort reWilding Toads and Frogs.

These are my issues and take away points, in order of appearance for those who watch the proceedings.

Activist One:  Justin Barker, spoke about the Pandas sharing night quarters with Tigers and Lions.  If this guy wants to be taken seriously, he should at least learn what Animals live at Our Zoo. ... We haven't had Tigers for over two years. ...  Additionally he hopes the Zoo "can transition to what's happening with the Toads and Frogs" ???  Referring to the reWilding Conservation efforts. ... Is he saying he wants to reWild the Zoo Animals?

Activist Two:  The Fleur gal from IDA, is an exhausting repeat of the same things every time she opens her mouth.  Not only once again reaching back twenty plus years on some Animal notations, but also about Animals not even at Our Zoo. ... Why doesn't she just get to her point, which is, she hates Zoo's and wants them all closed.  Her issue is not about Pandas.  Pandas just gave her the opportunity to forward her Close the Zoo agenda.

There was a new guy speaking, Peter.  He's against Pandas because they are not endemic to this Country.  Ummm, pretty sure the majority of Zoo Animals in any Zoo are from Countries other than the US.   He repeatedly likens Pandas to Slaves, and states, "I strongly oppose bringing Pandas into the Zoo. Those are Free Animals, they should not be enslaved to make us money". ... I don't think the Pandas coming from China are Free Animals.  Pretty sure they have all been born in captivity.  

The only thing valid to me is the notation this guy makes about the revenue drop.  This is something I've written about myself.  It's highlighted in posts where I've suggested the Zoo initially only commit to hosting Pandas temporarily.  

Why don't these people concentrate on that and be vocal to try and get change in the Panda Residency duration, from long-term (ten+ years) to temporary (two, with financial evaluation after first year), which has been my focus on this subject.  It's more realistic.  

Everyone needs to understand, the Mayor is going to bring Pandas here no matter what anyone says.  Unless there's a snag in the process, two Pandas will be in Our Zoo next year.  

Additionally, I'm pretty sure bringing Pandas to Our Zoo, was the Mayor's brainchild.  Are these people being vocal in some way to the Mayor, or just to the Zoo?  The Zoo is owned by the City.  If the Mayor wants Pandas, as I understand it, the Zoo has no say in the matter.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My Thoughts And Reflections On The New Chronicle Article

Another Chronicle article dropped yesterday, Tuesday July 23.  I'm not posting it to this blog, as I had done with some others, but here is the link for those who haven't seen it.

link to full article

This article is written by the same Reporter who has written the previous expose' style articles that started with the one back in April.  The catalyst for the initial article was Staffers, allegedly supported by their Union, finally coming forward and talking about what goes on at the Zoo.  I don't know what the final straw was for them, as I had been trying to rally those I talk to to come forward for many years, saying, "She can't fire all of you".  She being Zoo Director Tanya Peterson.  

I have been writing about the Zoo's issues and fails now for over thirteen years.  I kept all my questions and concerns in house and pretty low key for the three years prior to that, when I started monitoring the Zoo in 2008.  As a life-long Richmond District Native and Resident, the Zoo had always been a part of my life, but it was in 2008, after a devastating loss that I started visiting the Zoo multiple times a week, becoming deeply endeared to the Animal Residents as individuals.  As I endeavoured to learn more about the Animals, I ended up immersing myself in everything about the Zoo.  I fancy myself smart and empathetic, with the mind of a fixer, which put me in the position of being a constructive criticizer, something I learned was not welcome by the Zoo's Director.  I became her target, eventually becoming the first person in the history of the Zoo to have their Membership revoked.  That is when I stopped posting to my first ever blog, which I started in 2009 to share all the wonderful information I had learned about the Zoo Friends, in hopes that others would be endeared as I was.  It was at a time when the Zoo still has a dark cloud hovering over it after the Tiger tragedy a year and a half before.  The treatment I got from a high percentage of Staff, after I had my membership taken away, was outrageous, and stemmed from lies Director Tanya Peterson told about me.  So, the gloves were off and I started documenting, every instance of the eleven months it took get get my membership back, and eventually started this blog where most of my Zoo woes are documented. 

Geez, I didn't have this post layed out, so that last paragraph was not planned, and not meant to be a mini bio of myself. Apologies. I think, thinking about this whole series of Chronicle articles, including as I said, Staff finally speaking publicly about Zoo issues, has made me feel both a relief that I'm not the only one voice trying to help the Animals and the Zoo, and a bit of sadness that it took over a decade for the mismanagement situation to have a brighter light shined on it. If this would have happened, so many years ago, the Zoo would be in better shape than it is now.  Unfortunately, it didn't and Tanya Peterson is still the Director.  The Zoo has been circling the drain with her at the helm.  Her mismanagment, disrespect and disregard for Animal Needs has sadly resulted in severe Animal Cruelty and Welfare issues.  She has kept the Zoo's Needs, especially in Animal Care, hostage with her lack of fundraising.  Her abuse of power, not only with illegally taking away my membership, but with corrupt firings, threats and terrorizing of Staff, have caused really good long-time dedicated Animal Care Staff to leave. ... She's the one who needs to leave.

Allegedly the goal of Zoo Staff coming forward to this reporter, was in an effort to create public outrage, forcing the Board to replace Peterson as Director.  Is that goal being met?  So far, with the all too late attention and ridiculous shock about what has been published, the Board Chair Melinda Dunn and one Park Commissioner, Larry Mazzola, have been moving slowly with their respective investigations.  In my opinion, they have both been negligent (which I cover in earlier posts) in their responsibility to the Zoo for many years.  If they were paying attention, there would be no shock and also no Peterson.  With what Staff has provided, and I have documented, together with a vote of No Confidence by Staff, How Director Peterson is still employed is beyond me.  Keeping Orangutans in caged tubes, should be enough to prove she has no business running an Animal Care Facility. Her still holding that position is pure irresponsibility and laziness, when there are capable replacements (I count two, maybe three) on Staff right now. Oh, and Deputy Director Vitus Leung, is not on that capable list.

This new article presents a different angle than the previous.  I had heard the reporter initially had information that was deemed too litigious.  Maybe this was some of that, and needed further vetting, even though these "hirings" are well-known, even to me.  Although I was very surprised by the amounts of money paid to the relatives of Ignacio Hernandez.  Seems outrageous as I'd expect to see some great shakes of work produced for those numbers. I'd be interested in the breakdown of what projects that money paid out were for.

As for what else, if anything, the reporter may still have in the works, I have no idea.  If the reporter reads this post, she should investigate travel expenses on the Zoo's tax returns, throughout Tanya Peterson's reign as Director.  Breakdown exactly what trips that money was used for.  Considering the Zoo's financial status and the Needs of the Animals and grounds that have gone unattended, Were these legitimate trips of necessity?  Including who else's travel expenses were paid unnecessarily.

The focus of these "hirings" is the favoritism and financial aspect.  Misuse of funds has been a disturbing factor during Director Peterson's tenure, and continues with the constant Art Installations and Gardens, over Animal Needs and general up-keep.  Fourteen years later, I'm still asking what happened to the $250,000 that was for a Squirrel Monkey enclosure?  The Squirrel Monkeys never saw that enclosure, infact a small group were kept in a concrete room with no outside access for over two years, possibly as long as four.  Maybe the reporter can uncover that mystery, that no one has the answer to.

So, to wrap this up, I thought the article did a good job of documenting these factors of management under Director Peterson, but, Will it do anything to further the goal of Peterson being replaced?   

My only worry is the reporters mentions of how these "hirings" could affect those who might want to donate to the Zoo.  In my opinion, that was irresponsible, considering the needs of the Zoo. 

Will all this media awareness end with Director Peterson being asked to Resign, or getting Fired?  I doubt it.  It seems Officials still try to refute all the claims by Staff, and support Peterson. 

I've heard Director Peterson has plans to retire, so she knows the jig is up.  That said, the time frame for that seems to hedge on the arrival of Pandas, as she allegedly wants to wait til after they get here.  I guess she considers them in the win column for her and wants them on her Resume.  I don't think Pandas can save her reputation, so she should just retire now and let the Zoo heal from the suffering she has caused.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


Sunday, July 21, 2024

No Animal Enrichment Fun Allowed On Social Media?

Laying here watching Animal videos on Instagram, when I should be working on a blog post in draft.  When I saw this delightful post and started sharing to my Facebook, the text got longer and longer, becoming this post.

The screencap doesn't do the fun justice, view the video!

This is too much cuteness!  I Miss Our Precious Polar Girls.  I was telling a friend who I went to the Zoo with last week, where I think Pandas should go, (south of Grizzly Gulch) and that came with the want of a new Polar Bear enclosure, with underwater viewing ❤ next to it.  All of course after, the Orangutans get the home they desperately Need and deserve.

Additionally, I'll note that I love Jolly Egg toys for these Friends!  And that everyone loves seeing Animals having fun enjoying all kinds of Enrichment, whether it's random daily toys, or fun celebrations, especially Birthdays!  

Why am I noting the above?  I've heard this rumor from many the last couple months,... Staff was told to tone down Birthday fun, and then Enrichment fun, and it's allegedly no longer allowed to be posted on social media?

Evidently truth to it.  I haven't seen any recent Birthdays, most recently Black Rhino Balozi's Birthday last Wednesday.  I'm sure his Keepers gave him special treats, but unless you're there, you probably won't be seeing it. 

The Zoo made an odd post to Twitter two days after his Birthday, noting he was 16, but not recognizing his Birthday.  Ugh.

Here's a link to one of my videos from Balozi's 14th Birthday celebration, July 17, 2022.

Good grief Director Peterson, can you alienate endearing the public to the Zoo and it's Animals any more?  When are you retiring?


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


Additional Curiosities Regarding The Botanical Garden Coyote Murders - Non-SFZoo

Immediately after writing my initial blog post dated July 5, I sent the first of many emails, looking for answers to specific questions.

I had planned to eventually document my info seeking correspondence and lack of replies, but was prompted to fast track that after a news article July 10.  I'm documenting in chronilogical order, so that is farther down.  I'll highlight the Begin and End of the quotes I used, for those who want to skip ahead. Also note my full Questions to the RecPark spokesperson are highlighted in the July 10 correspondence.

My first email inquiry was to the San Francisco Botanical Garden, the site of the "attack".  I wrote, "I am horrified to learn three Coyotes were killed. Last I knew there were three active dens. Were the ones killed Female Adults? What steps are being taken to make sure there are no Pups orphaned in Dens?"

Their response was, "Thank you for your questions. Regarding the recent coyote activity, please reach out to with all questions."

Saturday July 6 ... I emailed Tamara Aparton (RecPark) with the same questions.  No reply.  

I also contacted California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the ones who did the killing.  I posed the same questions to them.  No reply.

I gave it one business day for replies before continuing, as that would bring the murders to one week ago, making this an extremely time sensitive inquiry.  

Tuesday July 9 ... I emailed ACC (SF Animal Care and Control) who were reported to have been on scene. ... "I am inquiring whether you have any information on the three Coyotes that were killed.  I emailed the Botanical Garden, but they referred me to RecPark and I have not got an answer.  I am concerned a Den of Pups could be orphaned. ... Last time I was at BG an acquaintance on staff told me there were three active Dens.  This was a couple seasons ago at least.  There may even be more now.  *How many Dens? , was one of my questions.  I additionally asked and would like to know, *If the three killed were Adults? ,  and *What the Genders were?  As well, *What if any, assessment of Dens was done to determine if any Pups were left without one or both parents, after the kills?"

No reply from ACC.  With the possibility of an abandoned Den with Pups, I remembered a RecPark contact I could try.

Wed July 10 ... I emailed and he responded immediately, and said he was not the point person, and to re-try Tamara Aparton.  

I immediately re-sent her my questions, with the subject: Time Sensitive -SFBG Coyotes ?s 2nd Attempt ... "I am contacting you as too many days without a response from my first email has gone by. ... I am concerned a Den of Pups could be orphaned. ... Last time I was at BG an acquaintance on staff told me there were three active Dens.  This was a couple seasons ago at least.  There may even be more now.  *How many Dens? , was one of my questions.  I additionally asked and would like to know, *If the three killed were Adults? ,  and *What the Genders were?  As well, *What if any, assessment of Dens was done to determine if any Pups were left without one or both parents, after the kills? ... Also, *Why tranquilizers were not used? ... Please respond with information.  It's sad and I feel helpless thinking there could be babies alone and starving."

She sent a turnaround email that she had just replied to me.  So, I assume my contact, contacted her.  Her response was,... "Hi Kim, I don't have detailed information on the animals who were euthanized--only that there were three, and that an adult male was linked to the bite via DNA. This operation was conducted by USDA and California Fish and Wildlife.  The only den we were aware of was behind a fence and away from where the incident happened (and inaccessible to the children). We have not received any reports or sightings of orphaned pups. ... Tamara Barak Aparton, Deputy Director, Communications and Public Affairs"

This response was unsatisfactory.  First, I'm very clear in the way I word most everything I say, especially with inquiries.  So, I expect answers to reflect what I've asked.  That said, the foremost thing she said that bothered me in logic was, "We have not received any reports or sightings of orphaned pups."  In my opinion, if there were very young Pups, they would not be out of the Den and roaming about, waving hey I'm orphaned.  I also found it passive to say, "The only den we were aware of...".  In my opinion that is not a confirmation of how many dens there are.

I immediately replied, but received back an Out of Office notice, with a referral contact, Daniel Montes.  I then sent him an email... "Your contact info was on Tamara Aparton's Out of Office reply.  I had emailed her last weekend about my concerns regarding the killing of the three Coyotes.  She finally responded yesterday, and shared information she had.  It wasn't enough, and now she's unavailable.  This is time sensitive, as there could be Pups in Dens with no Parent having fed them for at least four days now. ... I originally asked... If the three were Adults, and what their genders were?  Also, if all Dens had been identified and if someone was monitoring the Dens to make sure at least one Adult was still tending to it.  The last season I was there, there were three active Dens.  ... She replied she only knew if the DNA matched one, a male, and was only aware of one Den.  That's not enough to determine whether there is now a Den thats unattended. ... As I said, I replied but she is gone now.  I asked of her this, as a Representative of the Park, is it possible for you to confirm with the Garden Staff how many Dens are currently suspected, and also how many last year, as it may give insight.  There was a Den in the Primitive Plant Garden for several years, as well as two others. ... With three (Adults?) killed, there most likely is more than one. ... If Pups are in Den alone, there most likely? would not be reports, unless the suspected Dens were being monitored for Parents coming and going.  If no Adult sightings in Den areas, Pups could be dying of starvation. ... The Botanical Gardens Staff would not answer questions and referred to Tamara, so the RecPark would have to inquire.  Could you please make a call and ask staff?   Time is ticking." ... No reply.

The curious thing was that evening I saw a new Chronicle article.  I say curious as it was published the same day I finally got a response, and responded to some of my questions.  I find the repeating of the "No Pups" notation three times very curious.  As well, I still find the "attack" details a bit hard to believe.

Begin quotes > "The coyote that attacked a 5-year-old girl in the San Francisco Botanical Garden late last month was not protecting young pups, wildlife officials said,..."

"None of the slain coyotes were rearing pups at the time of the attack, meaning the coyote likely acted out of aggression and was not protecting its young, said Patrick Foy, a captain in the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s law enforcement division." 

“At the time of the recent incident in the Botanical Gardens, there were five coyote alert signs in the Botanical Garden and the den was behind a fence and away from visitors,” San Francisco Recreation and Park Department spokesperson Tamara Aparton said Wednesday in a statement."

 "...the coyote approached the girl from behind and bit her, said her mother, Helen Sparrow. The girl tried to run away but tripped and the canine “bit her on the bum when she was down,” Sparrow said."  < End quotes

The next day, July 11, I made my final attempt to have my questions answered.  I emailed a USDA contact.  After a few communications, it came to light that a different department was involved.  On July 15, I used the general USDA contact form.  No reply.

Note I realize now, that my notation in one of the emails, I miscalculated and the actual days if there were abandoned Pups would be ten days.  That said, I find the lack of response to my very valid inquiry infuriating.  It leaves me feeling like no one has any concerns about the situation, which is completely irresponsible, considering vulnerable, innocent lives could be dying.  

I feel helpless, not having all the information that should be available.  Instead receiving, vague, half-ass notes, not facts.  Info seeking via email is really all I could do.  I can't go to the Gardens investigating on my own, it's obvious no one on Staff is going to be answering questions, and I certainly can't be traipsing about looking for Dens.  It's all very upsetting.

I will continue to investigate this, as I don't think the full story is being presented.  Unfortunately, today (it's now after 1a) marks two weeks since the killing spree took place, and therefore it's too late if there are any unattended Dens.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


Saturday, July 20, 2024

San Francisco Zoo Vulnerable Barrier Overview - Videos + Added Notes

Last weekend I posted about the experience I had at the Zoo Friday July 12.

Unfortunately, it was nothing new.  In my sixteen years of Zoo experiences, the outcome of Barrier Breaching Visitors being held responsible for their actions, is still nothing.  The list of offenses toward Our Zoo Friends is long, and unpunished.   

In my previous post, I note that I would be contacting the RecPark Commission about this ongoing issue.  I then realized after my post that there could be readers not familiar with the barriers I was referencing.  So, this past week I made short videos of each enclosure barrier that I think is vulnerable to getting Our Animals killed in the event of extreme breaching that could end with human/animal contact.

These are the videos.  Some I've added some notations regarding the length of barrier, and what kind of signage there is, or isn't.

*Black Rhino ... Approx 100 feet of barrier

my photo from 2016


my photo from 2016
with Nile Hippo

*Snow Leopard


Two on the barrier as I walked up to film it.

*Grizzly Bears ...  Approx 145 feet of barrier, One crappy sign.

*Black Bears ... Approx 152 feet of barrier, five signs of varying size and worth

my photo from 2016
with Polar Bear

*One Horned Rhino ... Approx 156 feet of barrier, No signs

They are listed in the order I filmed and uploaded them, not the order I consider most vulnerable, and in need of an addition to the current barrier.  I put Black Rhino at the top of the list, and Bears (both), right behind it.

In my previous post I mention a new fence that recently went up at Chimpanzees.  I didn't have a photo, now I do.  It's the spikes I like. Adding 2-3 feet of this style in a jagged position, to the tops of the existing vulnerable barriers, I think would put a stop for the most part, to the barrier issue.

Here's a rub for ya, ... 

This Approx 100 foot fence is a barrier for a friggin Garden!  

You can't walk in the gardens, but you can stand on animal enclosure barriers.

Help Me.

Please help preserve Our Animals Lives by remaining off and behind barriers.  

From the Zoo's Mission Statement...

From my blog, 2013

When searching for old related content, I watched one of my videos from 2016.  I noted my thought while observing and documenting the Hippo enclosure...

'Zoo's design enclosures to keep the Animals in, but apparently not to keep people out.  Animals see what's out there, they don't want to get out.  I'm out here and I wish I had a barrier between me and people.  Zoo's need to start designing enclosures to keep people out.'


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Barrier Breaching and Security Fails - Animals Lives At Constant Risk

I never intended to write about this subject again.  I've been writing about it literally for a dozen years, and the same hot spots have never been secured.  But hey, let's build another $50,000 Garden.  

I also do not, rather can not, write extensively yet again about this.  It causes me great anxiety, just thinking about it.  My ears started pulsating as I started, and just searching blog to find out when I first started posting about it the subject (2012), made my face tingle and feel numb.  So, I'm hoping I can stick to the abbreviated version I have planned, because I've said it all before.  If interested, search this blog for "barriers" and read all the past risky bullshit that's happened to make Our Zoo Friends lives vulnerable.  And those are just the offenses I've personally witnessed.  These incidents are a daily steady stream of risky misbehavior.

This is something I do not want to write about, especially with Close Zoo Zealots circling, but it has to be done.  Shining this light is not my fault.  Allowing this to go on over a decade is Zoo Director Tanya Peterson's fault.  This in no way is any reason for the Zoo to be highlighted as a deeply rooted dangerous place for Animals, a deterrent effort is an easy fix, when you care about the Animals lives, and that's solely on Director Peterson, who has shown in her sixteen year reign, that she doesn't care.

The catalyst for this post are incidents I witnessed at the Zoo on my visit this past Friday.  I wasn't going to rehash in writing, as I made videos, but I'm putting myself through the upset to illustrate for those who won't watch the videos.

I made two.  One while still in the heat of the moment at the Zoo, and one after, as I ran out of cell space and had to wait to upload the first one and delete to finish.  Anyway, they are lengthy, as I am wordy.

*At my first stop, a visitor was trying to attract the male Gorilla to the eye level window viewing area.  When the Gorilla started making it's way closer is when I arrived to see the visitor pounding his chest repeatedly.  I called for Security.  Security came, and talked to the guy, even though he was leaving the area.  

*Within ten minutes I'm approaching Black Rhino and a guy is holding his kid completely over the barrier.  My first instinct is to always say something, but that only serves to hype me up and get into it verbally with a jerk who it makes no impression on.  So, unless I see an abuse action towards an Animal, I just let it go.  I again called for Security.  The offense quickly passed, and by the time anyone got there the guy had left the area.  I will note response time by Keepers was exceptional and plentiful!  

*About twenty minutes later, I was at Black Bears and who walks up, same guy!  I knew exactly what would happen, so I took a photo of his kid standing on the barrier, and I called for Security again.  The guy left the area and I kept eyes on him roaming about the area by the train.  A Keeper came by, and I showed him the photo.  He went looking, and soon two Security showed up.  After a bit, they looked to be leaving, so I approached them as I had seen the guy on the train.  I told them, and said I could point him out.  The newer Security gal was set to go for ID, and the longer term Security guy, firmly told her No. Let it go.  Fuming I just walked away.  When they passed me I said to him, "So you're not going to talk to the guy?"  He said, "No, we didn't see anything" !!!

That passive attention to potentially life threatening situations for our Animals is UNACCEPTABLE!  Again, all protocols come from Director Peterson and her Security team.  I have heard of people being escorted out, but that has never been my experience.  The protocol I have experienced and continue to, is to not take action against these perptrators.  Something needs to seriously change.  If a Visitor has photo proof of the offense, that needs to count as an eye witness.  I think veral account is valid, but if we are going by the bullshit reasoning given by Security, that they didn't see anything, then at the very least, a photo should count.

This guy stopped at two Code Red Animal enclosures, and  his behavior at both put the lives of the Animals in danger.  ... For those unfamiliar, let me lay it out for you.  If a human accidentally, or voluntarily, comes in contact with a Code Red Animal, the Target team comes out, draws rifles, and our Animal is vulnerable to a bullet to the head.  

There is no room for allowing Offenders to continue roaming the grounds and endangering the Animals, because of bullshit protocols.  

I have not called for Security regarding Barriers in a very long time, at least a few years I think.  It's not that I don't see this offense, there has rarely been a visit when there wasn't someone breaching a barrier in someway (sitting, standing, dangling over)  I just gave up reporting it.  After the outcome Friday, I'm going back to that.   

If there is ever a tragedy involving a beloved Zoo Resident associated with Barrier Breaching that could have been deterred, my verbal wrath against Director Tanya Peterson will be unmatched to anything I have ever said before.  

Everything that happens or doesn't happen at the Zoo reportedly comes from Director Peterson.  So, she is to blame for these barrier offences.  

This, at the very least, is what needs to happen immediately.  Barrier deterrents and better, more plentiful signage, at the hot spots.  Hot spots = most barrier offenses & most dangerous.

1. Black Rhino

2. Black Bears

3. Grizzly Bears

4. One Horned Rhino

As well I think, and have always thought the signage is not only sparse, but badly worded.  Signs that simply say, Stay Off and Behind Barriers.

After the addition of the jagged fence line to the male Anteater barrier, I noted that type of addition to the above hot spots, which at the time also included Nile Hippo, would be a good option.  ... Instead in the years since money has been spent on Gardens and Art Installations, because that's how Director Peterson rolls.  Anything, except for what's best for the Animals.

The material used at Anteater was bamboo in varied heights.

That's fine, but last week I also saw new fencing around certain parts of the barrier at Chimps, which I think is even better.  I didn't get a photo, as I didn't think I'd need one, silly me.  Anyway, here's my drawing.  The spikes are what I like.  Little chance of any sitting, standing, or dangling over barrier with those.  

Whether it's straight across or jagged, something like this needs to be added to those barriers.  I think jagged looks better and would do the trick better, but I think that's a decision that requires Animal Staff input.  I also think adding from slightly below existing barrier to at least two/half feet above, is ideal.  Would allow for kids to look thru fencing below, and make it difficult for reaching over.    

I also think this needs to be added to Snow Leopards and Jaguar.  Kids always on those barriers, and Animals only a few feet away and accessible through mesh.

This is serious and will be put forth in writing to the Rec and Park Commission.  So, chop, chop Director Peterson, write a check for Barrier wood, before the next soil check for a Garden we don't need.

Related post:


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


Friday, July 5, 2024

Innocent Coyotes Murdered In Botanical Garden By State Officials - Non SFZoo

Last Friday (June 27), before it even hit the News, I read a neighborhood Facebook Group post that the Botanical Garden had been closed, due to an incident involving a Coyote.  It's now known there was an "attack" and a child was bitten.  I knew how this would play-out when I read the wound was swabbed for DNA.

My initial reaction had questions running through my mind, based on my personal experience.  As a Sixty year lifelong Resident and Native of the Richmond District, I have spent much of my life, especially in the last near twenty years, in the Park.  I have seen more awful behavior by Humans towards Animals, than I want to revisit to list.  Behavior both horrific and disrespectful.  The highest in the tally, but not limited to, probably goes to Humans who allow their Dogs off leash, specifically in areas where other Animals live.  Dogs allowed to terrorize after Waterfowl, Birds, Squirrels, Gophers, Raccoons and reportedly Coyotes.  I do also consider that there is Wildlife who are not shy and approach Humans because of those who have been irresponsibly hand-feeding them.  So, I always wonder, what were the specifics of these interactions.  In this case, there was no reported interaction that precipitated the "attack".  

In my experience, I've never seen a Coyote want to even be near Humans. So, unless there was a den nearby, and visitors allowed in close proximity to it, I don't understand this.  That said, I'm not saying an unprovoked attack didn't or couldn't happen, I'm just stating my experience, since I'm putting forth my opinion on this tragic outcome. 

I almost wrote about this last weekend, but didn't.  By Monday the News had reported, three Coyotes had been killed in the Botanical Garden, by State Fish and Wildlife Dept.  I was horrified and extremely sad for the innocent lives that were taken.  And the killing may not be over.  State Officials are quoted, if no DNA match is made, "additional Coyotes will be killed".

As someone who cares about all non-Human life, especially beloved Waterfowl who have fallen prey to the Coyotes, I am heartbroken and upset when that happens, but also have to understand in nature, there are those who are prey and those who are predators.  I don't have to like it, and I don't want to see it, but it's reality.  I can't hate on any species for their natural behavior.  So, I dont want to see any lives lost.  That said, in this situation, rounding up a group of presumed innocent to find the guilty, is outrageous and barbaric.  It makes me sick.

Since I referred earlier to a den, I'll note that I was told a few years ago by SFBG Staff that there were, "now, three active dens", in the Botanical Garden.  That said, with pupping season currently in full swing, what if the three that were murdered, were the Mother's of litters that are now orphaned?  Shedding tears for those babies just imagining it.

As I set out to write this post, I thought I'd write a Letter to the Editor for submission to the SF Chronicle, as they reported on this.  So, my first words were in the form of that.  No surprise, even abbreviated thoughts, my words were too lengthy.  This is what I wrote.  What I submitted was severely reduced.

> After reading about the Coyote attack in the Botanical Garden, and the subsequent DNA swabbing of the child's wound, I knew where that was leading.  Officials were going to start killing Coyotes in SFBG until they find a match.  I was horrified when I read three were murdered in an initial hunt.  My thoughts are not meant to be unsympathetic to the victim, but empathetic to the Animals.  In my opinion, it is outrageous and morally wrong to kill all on sight.  Even if one of the three was the perpetrator, two lost their lives for no reason.  I'm sorry, but this City can't even properly prosecute actual criminals, yet it can hunt innocents it has let live here.  The aforementioned, specifically the man who broke into the  San Francisco Zoo, tresspassed, and kidnapped the Lemur named Maki.  This innocent Animal was taken from the safety of his home and family.  He had a traumatizing experience, and the perpetrator was released and told not to go to the Zoo again.  There is seemingly no regard for non-Human life in this town.  I have seen it over and over.  I have noted, The City has let the Coyotes live here.  In 2013, I had email correspondence with Rec and Park's Manager Eric Anderson and Intergrated Pest Management Coordinator Kevin Wollen.  After many years of predator attacks on beloved longtime Waterfowl, I questioned them, What the management plan was?  At the time Gardeners I knew put the population well under twenty.  I relayed that I thought before the population grew, as they were breeding successfully every year, they should either be relocated or a birth control plan be put in place using dosed meat.  Wollen replied that, the State Fish and Game, and The City's Animal Care and Control's policy is, the Coyotes are here to stay and the public must learn to coexist.  There was a moment in time where managing the population was probably possible.  Now, the policy is to Cull innocents of the species they welcomed. <

RIP Innocents Whose Lives Were Taken