Saturday, August 24, 2024

Roaring About The Brown Ass Bison Meadow Yet Again - Non SFZoo Issue

So, yeah back on the dried out, brown ass Bison Meadow.  How many years have I been at it?  Seems like an eternity when you have to roar about the same effing things over and over again, because lazy, negligent humans can't do their jobs.  Yes San Francisco Rec and Park, I'm talking about you.

On May 2, I spied what I thought might be a mirage, it wasn't at that moment in time, but has seemingly become an illusion.  The Sprinklers were on.  I have proof!

Well, that "fantasticness" was evidently an isolated event.  I never saw them on again, but what I have seen since then is the meadow getting browner and browner.  I've been watching it.  Although something a bit different this warm weather season, there is tall stick plants that are both brown and a dried green color, which gives the appearance that there might be edible vegetation in there, but don't be fooled, there is none.  The Bison do not eat those plants.  

I took a video of the ladies close-up the other day.  The video shows the entire front area completely dried down to the ground.  It shows the extra food in bowls and piles that the Zoo Keepers have to put out in addition to the Bison's regular diet, to supplement their intake which is not being met by being able to graze.

Again, like a broken record, Bison are grazing Animals.  Their natural behavior is to roam and graze most of their waking hours.  There is no edible vegetation for them to graze on.  These are facts.  Another thing that is fact, is that it is the responsibility of the RecPark to maintain the Bison Meadow.  Which means they need a working sprinkler system, that goes on DAILY, especially during non-rainy season.  

I noted in another post over a year ago, probably two, that the meadow needs to be re-seeded.  Of course that seemingly never happened either.  Now that most of the meadow is covered in those tall sticks that they don't eat, it's more than a necessity at this point.  The RecPark needs to rototill or whatever, the entire meadow, removing all the current crap growing in there that is not Bison edible or friendly, and the whole meadow re-seeded with appropriate vegetation. Ask the Zoo's Animal Care Department what to plant.  

This neglect of the Bison Paddock Meadow has to stop.  It's been going on over a decade.  The Zoo Keepers do their job taking care of the Bison.  The RecPark needs to stop shirking their responsibilities and tend to the sprinkler and vegetation issues.  

Any outrage should be directed by Email ( to the San Francisco Rec and Park Commission.  All correspondence is forwarded to Commissioners, and included in the Documents for the monthly meeting.  They never answer, but at least they know people are watching.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



  1. There is a beautiful, multi-million new lake and landscaping across JFK drive!!! For all of the environmental groups in California, you’d think officials would find a way to take care of the animals in a reasonable and respectful way!!! If you care about the environment, shouldn’t you take care of the environment!!??
    Are we again looking at officials who just want good PR - actual stewardship be damned!?

    1. @Anonymous - Thank you for your comment. This is exactly a main issue in this. Most everywhere else in the Park is lush and green, FOR HUMANS! Yes, PR! The RecPark showed the Bison love when they thought there was going to be a huge summer of visitors in 2020 for the 150th anniversary of the Park. Then Covid hit and they went back to neglecting the Meadow. Blame is on Phil Ginsburg, top shit in charge.


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