Saturday, August 24, 2024

My Findings Regarding Botanical Garden Coyote Event - Officials Either Negligent Or Untruthful - Non SFZoo

I had a long, exhausting week, so I'm not sure how far in my post goals for this weekend I'm going to get.  I had six, narrowed to five, then this am added in two.  So, let me get at least one done, cause I feel a nap coming on.

Going to wrap-up documenting the Coyote event in the Botanical Garden.  Last month, not to long after the incident and horror that proceeded it, I published these two posts:

After finishing the last one, I was still seeking answers.  I re-sent my inquiries that received no response, and still haven't.  Per usual, or at least most often,  Officials do not feel they have a responsibility, or rather owe any member of the public a response.  Pretty much like alot of society, rude and self-entitled.  The really disturbing issue in this case is, each of my correspondences expressed my concern for there being young Pups possibly abandoned, and starving.  What kind of people have no reaction to that?   I guess we all know, but damn, so unconscionable.  I don't give up until I'm satisfied.  So, I searched for answers elsewhere, and seemingly found them.

With a few clicks, I landed on the Instagram page of Janet Kessler (@coyoteyipps), a gal who monitors the City's Coyote population, as intensely as I monitor the Zoo.  Going through her posts, starting with the day of the Botanical Gardens incident, I read every post, including comments and her replies.

Her passion and dedication to the Coyotes, leads me to believe truth in her words, that document the lives of these Animals, as a pack and as individuals.

In her posts, I learned some things about Coyote behavior, in addition to having some of my questions answered.  But, with that, what I feared about the murder event, was seemingly confirmed, and with that my anger with the RecPark, and CA Fish/Wildlife Dept, grew deeper.   In my opinion, both departments have long made many choices that have disgusted me.  If all that has been alleged as fact is accurate (and I believe it is), these departments, especially CDFW who pulled the triggers, are irresponsible and barbaric.

The main questions I sought answers to were: 

*How many Dens?  

*If the three killed were Adults? 

*What the Genders were?  

*What if any, assessment of Dens was done to determine if any Pups were left without one or both parents, after the kills? 

The last one listed is in my opinion the most important, as to me, that would be essential information to have.  But, in hindsight if the goal is slaughter, then the killers wouldn't care.

I also asked *Why tranquilizers were not used?  And again, killing was their goal, nothing else.  If there was any compassion or empathy, tranquilizing, swabbing for DNA, tagging and releasing, would have been the right thing to do.  

Now, back to the alleged facts posted to Kessler's @coyoteyipps Instagram.  

In relation to my question, What assessment was done to determine if there was an active Den, that would 99.9% be a big fat NONE.  

From Kessler's posts, she noted that she had alerted RecPark with information and photos of a "lactating female", she had seen in the Botanical Garden this pupping season.  Yet, Patrick Foy, of the CDFW, is quoted in a news article saying, "None of the slain coyotes were rearing Pups at the time of the attack".  Which is now known to not be true.  This means, neither the CDFW, nor the RecPark did any assessment to confirm whether or not there was an active Den, with Pups.  

The RecPark allegedly had photo proof that a Mother Coyote had been seen in the Garden this pupping season.  So, Why did a slaughter of three Coyotes take place, knowing one or both parents caring for Pups, could be among their victims, leaving abandoned Pups in a Den to starve to death?

Additionally Kessler herself notes, after the murders, she watched from outside after dark, and saw who she believes is the Mother and a Yearling both entering the Garden.  Obviously, to tend to the Pups.  So, the question begs, why didn't RecPark or CDFW, or Animal Care and Control, sit their asses outside monitoring the comings and goings at night, before going on a killing spree?  Why didn't they use drones to watch the inside during dusk and dawn, when the Pups might have been out of the Den?  Again, the answer is clear, their goal was to kill, not handle the situation with any compassion or empathy.  

It's unclear how many Pups there are, but according to Kessler's documentation, the Family included, "the Parents, a three-year old yearling, and two one-year old yearlings".  So, that means with the murder of three out of five, if the first three in the CDFW's slaughter, had not been a DNA match, per their words, they would go back for more!!!  So, they could have wiped out an entire Family to find one perpetrater, leaving not one to care for the Pups.  As it is, two lost their lives for no reason.  Heartbreaking and Disgusting.

The lack of care for non-human Beings, by the California Dept of Fish and Wildlife, and the San Francisco Recreation and Park Dept, for how this situation played out, is Shameful.  They were Negligent in assessing the Coyote Family, Ruthless in seeking the one perpetrator, and seemingly Untruthful in reporting facts to the public.

There is nothing that can change for that Family of Coyotes who lost three members, but we should all be outraged and ask, How can this type of slaughter be avoided in the future?

Any outrage should be directed by Email ( to the San Francisco Rec and Park Commission.  All correspondence is forwarded to Commissioners, and included in the Documents for the monthly meeting.  They never answer, but at least they know people are watching.


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:



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