Sunday, August 18, 2024

Reader Reactions To Primate Curator's Comments About Beloved Chimpanzee

After my last post, I started getting confidential reactions to the conversation I documented.  If you haven't read it, here's a screencap and the link.  After the link, is another screencap of the conversation, and words by Primate Curator Robbie, that I found extremely disrespectful and disturbing.  I was not alone.

While still at the Zoo the day this happened, I ran into a couple people I know, who I relayed the conversation to.  When I repeated the awful words that Robbie had said, both had the same reaction.  Their faces froze in shock, with a look of disgust. That was not just a visual assumption on my part, as we proceeded to discuss how disrespectful it was.

I decided to post some of the reactions I've received.  If you have a reaction to how the Curator's horrible words made you feel, not only do I want to hear them, I think it's really important to have them documented.  Please share your feelings in the comments.  Remember you can choose to have your comment published as Anonymous.

Here are some of the comments, that were mixed in with many Sad and Angry faces...

"I didn’t know Minnie, but as an animal keeper, those comments really surprised/upset me because, in addition to that being insanely unprofessional, I would never say anything so disrespectful about any of my animals, even the most difficult/frustrating ones."

"On behalf of all of us who are deeply invested in the well-being of the animals at the SF Zoo, I would like to say, it will be a great day when Robbie’s career as a curator dies. It’s a very small human who voices such negative opinions of a beloved primate member in his care. And I’d gladly say it to his face."

"I’m sad that he said that, especially the fact that she gave her life to the zoo and was so beloved by so many."

"I am disgusted by this humans words and disrespect. 😢😤"

"Holy shit! 😠"

"Sorry to hear of that zoo employees' disrespect towards chimpanzees. It isn't OK for an employee to talk about an animal friend in that way"

"As a representative of the Zoo, he should have been more careful how he spoke of Minnie."

"I am sorry, that is terrible 😠"

"How long has that guy been there? He’s probably younger than Maggie and Minnie? So many deep dynamics among animals, and people too, that take a lifetime to understand. It’s like only reading a couple of random pages of a book and expecting to understand the plot."

"It makes me wonder what background this guy has.  Is this guy coming from a background knowledge of troop dynamics? What brings him to say these things?  If this guy is not liking his profession, why is he in it?"

"Terrible.... ugh.  Minnie probably did not like him."

I agree, Minnie probably didn't like him.  She probably sensed he was a horrible person.  Something we all know now. 


Blogger's Statement

"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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