Sunday, August 25, 2024

Seems There May Be More Disturbing Info About The Coyote Event - Non SFZoo

I'm about to start organizing notes for a series of posts related to Our Zoo Orangutans.  I wanted to finish that task last night, but then read more disturbing information regarding the Coyote event.  After I published my post yesterday, I read info that was noted as unconfirmed, but posted as fact.  The info aligns with my feeling that there was not only wrong doing by Officials, but untruths put forward by them to the public.  The whole thing has had me sickened since reading it.

It is not my intention to post a cryptic teaser, but since I thought the update I did yesterday was it on the subject, I wanted to document that it may not be.  

The unconfirmed information I read was coincidentally posted yesterday, hours after my post.  It's been over two months since the event, and near a month that I had that update in draft.  So, new information now is surprising.

I have already sent an inquiry to see if I can confirm what I read.  I don't want to post heresay.   

Last night I also saw this video, and thought it was a sweet interaction.  Natural behavior between two canines, showing that Coyotes are just wild Dogs.

Coyotes and other wild neighbors, are vilified for their natural behavior, which admittedly can be horrifying and heartbreaking, and even evoke anger, especially when it involves attacks on pets.  In regards to our Park Coyotes, Please follow leash laws and keep your fur family safe, even picking up your littles as you walk through known Coyote areas.  The other day I saw an older woman with a small Dog unleashed, and walking ahead of her.  This was in a known Coyote area.  I suggested she use the leash she was carrying in her hand, stating Coyotes could be watching and the size of her pup.  She mumbled something about knowing and called to her pup.  They rounded a bend, and I thought, I'm going to circle back and see if she leashed her babie.  She did not.  She wasn't even watching her pup, looking at her phone instead.

For the sake of this pup's future safety I tried again.  She just laughed and again called to her pup who was standing a few feet from where she was sitting and waved the leash.  I just don't get it.  I passed the pup and said, I hope you stay safe.  Not much more I could do.

Previous Related Post:


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"Personal Opinions and Facts presented publicly are Not against the law or any rules. ... Censorship and Retaliation Actions in an attempt at Suppression are frowned upon by Healthy Societies."

For Full Statement see this post:


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